Project Abstract
This project is to continue collecting all the campaign GPS data observed in southern California, and process/reprocess the data to produce the station position time series. The result will be combined with the continuous GPS and InSAR data to produce the joint crustal displacement time series for the SCEC CGM project. We have collected all the campaign GPS data from the UNAVCO and USGS data archives collected up to the end of 2019, and processed the data to produce the station position time series. We have also modeled the data to solve for site velocities and coseismic and postseismic displacements. The campaign GPS time series and the crustal motion solutions are deposited at the website, to be freely accessed and used by the community.
In addition to working on updating the campaign GPS time series, this year we have also developed a 3-D GPS/InSAR integration algorithm and applied that to a compilation of GPS and InSAR data in southern California. In the algorithm discrete GPS data points were interpolated to obtain a 3-dimensional continuous velocity field, which was then combined with the InSAR line-of-sight (LOS) velocity data pixel by pixel using the least-squares method. This method has been applied to recover the 3-D deformation field in southern California, and produced some promising results, particularly for hydrologic activity related vertical deformation. |