SCEC Award Number 20067 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title A Technical Activity Group (TAG) for the coordination of SCEC5 research activities on nonlinear effects in the shallow crust: Progress and Future Plans
Name Organization
Domniki Asimaki California Institute of Technology Ricardo Taborda Universidad EAFIT (Colombia)
Other Participants Approximately 20 SCEC researchers, graduate students and postdocs involved in various aspects of the TAGs activities.
SCEC Priorities 4a, 4c, 4b SCEC Groups GM, EEII, Seismology
Report Due Date 03/15/2021 Date Report Submitted 03/15/2021
Project Abstract
We report the progress and future plans of the TAG for the coordination of SCEC5research activities on nonlinear effects in the shallow crust. Our TAG’s mission isto develop, verify and validate a robust family of computational tools that will ad-vance the capabilities of SCEC ground motion simulation frameworks to captureanelastic effects in the shallow crust. To achieve these goals, our TAG coordinatesefforts in: (i) constitutive modeling and simulation of nonlinear effects; (ii) develop-ment and validation of semi-empirical and synthetic nonlinear site factors; and (iii)physics-based modeling of crustal heterogeneity and scattering attenuation. Morespecifically, our efforts focus on extending the capabilities of the SCEC BroadbandPlatform and of the 3D physics-based ground motion simulation codes. This report summarizes ongoing research efforts pertinent to the TAG’s mission, and outlines target milestones for the next fiscal cycle.
Intellectual Merit The intellectual merit of the TAG is to coordinate research aimed at developing, verifying and validating a robust family of computational tools that will advance the capabilities of SCEC ground motion simulation framework to capture anelastic (nonlinear, scattering, attenuation) effects in the shallow crust.
Broader Impacts Improving the capabilities of shallow crustal nonlinear models to capture strong motion site response and ground deformation can improve risk assessment methodologies for distributed infrastructure systems.
Exemplary Figure N/A