Intellectual Merit
The Community Geodetic Model Working Group contains many scientists at the forefront of maintaining and developing methods and products in both GNSS and InSAR. Bringing these leaders together to focus their efforts and expertise on the southern California region. The CGM has, to date, produced consensus on the combination of GNSS time series from multiple publicly-available sources and, in doing so, shown how errors in the individual products may be identified and corrected or mitigated. The combination with InSAR and, more recently, the transition from line-of-sight displacement or velocity fields to InSAR time series. New frontiers in the accuracy of geodetic products, such as the implementation of tidal loading effects on InSAR and non-tidal (e.g. hydrological) loading effects on GNSS are also being investigated to allow the SCEC CGM products to be the most rigorous and well-tested geodetic products available. In producing such highly accurate and precise products, the details of processes beyond secular tectonics and motions associated with major events such as earthquakes may be separated and tested. The more we understand about the content of geodetic time series and velocities, the better our opportunity to provide any given researcher the fundamental geodetic product they desire, having had other processes that one might consider "noise" removed, leaving only their desired signal to study. |
Broader Impacts
The Community Geodetic Model is one of the core Community Models, which SCEC have prioritized to develop and provide for the scientific community and public at large. This CGM Workshop encouraged and supported students, postdocs, researchers, faculty members and others in the wider SCEC community to attend via an open invitation email. Indeed, at least one graduate student and one postdoc presented research on behalf of their labs regarding input for the CGM. Ultimately, we are working towards not only the best and most rigorous products available but to make these easily understood, accessed and potentially used by the public at large, including potential civil policy makers. We expect the products to form the fundamental data basis, and starting point, of many researchers who use geodetic data to study directly or constrain their models. This efficiency of data product generation and accessibility facilitates the advancement of science and hazard assessment alike. |