Intellectual Merit
Our main progress thus far has been on two fronts. First, we have been using fault geometries from our collaborators at UMass Amherst to construct faulting models; these will be implemented in CUBIT meshing software over the next few months and will form the basis of our dynamic modeling efforts. We will experiment with different geometrical parameterizations of the intersection of the SAF and SGP systems.
Such fault parameterizations will be incorporated into the CUBIT meshing software from Sandia National Laboratory and used in our dynamic faulting models to determine the circumstances (if any) under which rupture may propagate through the geometrical knot in the SGP region.
Based on the body of research on discontinuous fault systems [e.g., Harris et al., 1991; Kase and Kuge, 1998; Duan and Oglesby, 2006; Lozos et al., 2012], a key issue in these models will be the connectivity of the fault system. If the faults come close to each other or directly connect, the likelihood of throughgoing rupture is far greater than if the faults are separated by significant distance (i.e., over 2-3 km). Surface fault mapping does not necessarily answer the question of fault connectivity at depth. Toward this goal, we have been using local UCR funds to set up a passive-source seismic array on the western SGP thrust fault to search for fault zone trapped waves. If trapped waves can be shown to propagate across the SAF-SGP fault intersection, then a strong argument can be made for the continuity of the fault system, and thus the relatively high likelihood of throughgoing rupture.
We had the instruments in the ground for approximately 3 months, and ended the deployment at the end of February 2014. We are now sorting through and analyzing the data for earthquakes and trapped waves; we hope to have this analysis completed by the beginning of the summer. The results of this experiment will help us in accurately parameterizing the continuity of the fault system in the SGP region, and will improve the accuracy of our dynamic rupture models. Furthermore, our work is part of the SCEC San Gorgonio Pass SFSA, and will directly dovetail with paleoseismic and seismological work in the area. |
Broader Impacts
As noted above, the results of this seismic experiment and numerical modeling will have significant impact beyond the seismic hazard of the SGP region. As seen in the TeraShake2 numerical modeling exercise [Olsen et al., 2008], through-going rupture on the SAF in SGP leads to strong seismic waves that are funneled directly into the Los Angeles Basin, leading to strong resonance and other amplification effects that greatly endanger lives and structures in the nation’s second largest city. A better characterization of the risk of such an event will be extremely valuable for engineers and emergency responders, and could affect factors from zoning and construction to insurance rates. |