SCEC Project Details
SCEC Award Number | 12026 | View PDF | |||||||||
Proposal Category | Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products) | ||||||||||
Proposal Title | Collaborative Research: High resolution seismic profiling (CHIRP) of Holocene folding deformation associated with large uplift events on the Ventura Avenue Anticline at Pitas Point | ||||||||||
Investigator(s) |
Other Participants | Gulcen Ucarkus (post-doc at SIO) plus two students, one from SDSU and one from UNR | ||||||||||
SCEC Priorities | 2a, 4a, 1d | SCEC Groups | Geology, USR, Seismology | ||||||||
Report Due Date | 03/15/2013 | Date Report Submitted | N/A |
Project Abstract |
The purpose of this project is to image (with CHIRP) the deformations associated with coseismic folding of the Ventura Avenue anticline that are the result of large earthquakes on the Pitas Point fault. During sea trials with Driscoll's Chirp system, the topside computer failed, resulting in the need to rebuild the system. The survey is pending final permit approval by the State Lands Commission, and we will provide an updated report as soon as the survey is completed. |
Intellectual Merit | This is the first project to attempt to seismically image discrete, event by event folding associated with large blind-thrust earthquakes in southern California. If successful, we will core the deformed sediments and date them to confirm their temporal correlation to the uplift Holocene marine terraces |
Broader Impacts | The results of this project have broad implications to seismic hazard and tsunami inundation along the southern California coast between Santa Monica and Point Conception. Further, the seismic surveying is being conducted by Gulsen Ukarcus, a young Turkish woman post-doctoral student at SIO. |
Exemplary Figure | Figure 1. SAS CHIRP is shown with cowling removed. The nine tonpilz transducers are mounted in the bow of the vehicle. The two retractable yellow wings with the receiving arrays are controlled by the cylindrical motors near the aft of the vehicle. |