
Workshop: “I Want to Tell You”—Media Interview Theory and Practice, Through War and Peace


Participation: Open to all SCEC2018 participants

Date: Sept 9, 2018 (1:00-5:00pm)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Canyon Room

CONVENERS: Jason Ballmann, Mark Benthien, and Zachary Hall

SUMMARY: Learn how you can sail through any media experience so that you deliver the best possible interview, time and time again. We’ll start off with a bit of theory, then pursue rounds of practicing 1-on-1 media interviews for radio, tv, and print, within small, private groups (and having a lot of fun doing it!). There will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to cycle through various trainers, try "this and that" again and again, and ultimately improve in a safe, supportive environment. 

Ahead of the workshop, please consider what topics you would like to simulate being interviewed on, by thinking about what you are most likely to encounter (or feeling most uncomfortable about). You should choose realistic scenarios, or scenarios that are as close to being real as possible. Also be ready to identify if you want any of these topics to be applied as a crisis (war) or general inquiry (peace) in your practice session, to help the trainer best support you:

  • Post-Earthquake Information
  • Forecasting and Prediction
  • Earthquake Early Warning
  • Basic Earthquake Science Principles
  • Your Research
  • Someone Else’s Research
  • Public Policy
  • Preparedness and Mitigation
  • Hot-Button Issues

Flexibility in Attendance: While being present for the whole workshop is highly recommended, we know many people are coming from many different places on this day. You are welcome to come and go as you need to, but when arriving or leaving please keep help preserve the focus and integrity of the group.


13:00 - 13:30 Workshop Check-In  
13:30 - 14:00 Presentation: Media Interview Theory Jason Ballmann (SCEC),
Zachary Hall (Cuesta College/CSTI)
  Break and Split Up in Small Groups (15 minutes)  
14:15 - 15:00 Breakout Session 1: One-on-One Interview Practice (Small Groups) All (Small Groups; Led by Trainers)
  Small Groups Rotate (5 minutes)  
15:05 - 15:50 Breakout Session 2: One-on-One Interview Practice (Small Groups) All (Small Groups; Led by Trainers)
  Small Groups Rotate (5 minutes)  
15:55 - 16:40 Breakout Session 2: One-on-One Interview Practice (Small Groups) All (Small Groups; Led by Trainers)
  Break and Come Back Together (10 minutes)  

16:50 - 17:00

Group Discussion

All (Led by Trainers)

17:00 Adjourn  

This workshop is held prior to the 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting.