
2016 SCEC Ventura Special Fault Study Area Workshop

Applications Due: August 8, 2016
Participants: 60 maximum

Date: September 10, 2016
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort

SCEC Award: 16027

First Workshop: August 15, 2013

CONVENERS: Scott Marshall, James Dolan, Thomas Rockwell, and John Shaw

OVERVIEW: With the Ventura Special Fault Study Area winding down in the next year, the time has come to bring together the most up to date and significant results and attempt to form a consensus view of the Ventura fault system and its associated hazards. To this end, we will host a 1-day workshop on the Saturday before the 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, CA. Workshop presentations will focus on recent findings for the Ventura SFSA in the areas of near-surface and offshore geophysics, crustal structure, geodesy, fault modeling, paleoseismology, tectonic geomorphology, seismology, and dynamic rupture and tsunami modeling. Each topical session will have invited oral presentations followed by significant time for constructive discussions.

Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title of the presentation. PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2016

08:00-09:00 Continental Breakfast & Check-In  
09:00-09:15 Opening Remarks and Introduction to the Ventura fault system (PDF, 21.2MB) Dolan, Rockwell, or Shaw
Session 1: Crustal Structure, Near Surface Geophysics, Seismology  
09:15-09:30 Subsurface Structure of the Western Transverse Ranges and Potential for Large Earthquakes (PDF, 37.4MB) Yuval Levy
09:30-09:45 3D Fault Geometry and Slip History of the North Channel-Pitas Point-Red Mountain Fault System (PDF, 51.5MB) Craig Nicholson
09:45-10:00 Constraints on the Geometry of the Ventura-Pitas Point Fault System at Depth & Implications for Hazards (PDF, 38.3MB) John Shaw
10:00-10:30 Moderated Discussion  
10:30-10:45 Break  
Session 2: Geology, Paleoseismology, Tectonic Geomorphology  
10:45-11:00 Evidence for Large (~M8.0) Multi-Segment Ruptures in the Ventura Pitas Point Fault System (PDF, 3.6MB) Tom Rockwell
11:00-11:15 Urban Paleoseismology of the Ventura Fault and Evidence for Large Coseismic Uplift Events (PDF, 28.8MB) James Dolan
11:15-11:30 Geomorphic Evidence for Recent Deformation along the Southern San Cayetano Fault (PDF, 38.8MB) Dylan Rood
11:30-11:45 Stress Drop Variations and Seismicity Characteristics in San Gorgonio and Ventura (PDF, 36.1MB) Thomas Goebel
11:45-12:15 Moderated Discussion  
12:15-13:00 Lunch  
Session 3: Geodesy and Fault Modeling  
13:00-13:15 Regional Geodetic Fault Slip Rates and Interseismic Deformation (PDF, 79.8MB) Scott Marshall
13:15-13:30 Uplift Across the Western Transverse Ranges from Integrated Analysis of GPS, InSAR, Leveling and Tide Gauge Data (PDF, 26.4MB) Bill Hammond
13:30-13:45 Kinematic Models of Fault Slip Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges PDF, 16.1MB) Kaj Johnson
13:45-14:15 Moderated Discussion  
14:15-14:30 Break  
Session 4: Dynamic Rupture and Tsunamis  
14:30-14:45 Searching for Tsunami Deposits in the Santa Barbara Channel (PDF, 12.1MB) Alex Simms
14:45-15:00 Dynamic Rupture and Tsunami Models Offshore Ventura (PDF, 25.8MB) Kenny Ryan
15:00-15:15 Tsunamis from Earthquakes on the Ventura-Pitas Point Fault System Hong Kie Thio
15:15-15:45 Moderated Discussion  
15:45-16:00 Break  
Session 5: What's Next? Future Research Directions  
16:00-16:15 Overview of Final Report to SCEC  
16:15-16:45 Final Discussion: Plans for Future Work and/or Special Publication  
16:45-17:00 Final Remarks Scott Marshall
17:00 Adjourn  



Reed Burgette (NMSU)
Duane DeVecchio (ASU)
James Dolan (USC)
Andrea Donnellan (JPL)
Paula Figueiredo (U of Cincinnati)
Gareth Funning (UC Riverside)
Thomas Goebel (UCSC - KIT)
William Hammond (NGL)
Phillip Hogan (Fugro Consultants)
Daniel Hollis (Consultant)
John Hossain (Wesleyan University)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana University)
Erol Kalkan (USGS)
Marc Kamerling (Consultant)
Scott Lindvall (LCI Inc)
Scott Marshall (App State)
Devin McPhillips (USGS Pasadena)
Kevin Miller (Cal OES)
Zachary Nelson (UCSB)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
David Oglesby (UC Riverside)
Brian Olson (CGS Menlo Park)
Jay Parker (JPL)
Hector Perea (SIO-UCSD)
Hoby Razafindrakoto (U of Canterbury)
Phillip Resor (Wesleyan Univ)
Laura Reynolds (UCSB)
Thomas Rockwell (SDSU)
Chris Rollins (Caltech)
Dylan Rood (Imperial College London)
Kenny Ryan (UC Riverside)
Leah Sabbeth (Caltech)
John Shaw (Harvard University)
Alexander Simms (UCSB)
Paul Somerville (AECOM)
Christopher Sorlien (UCSB)
Ollie Stephenson (Caltech)
Brian Swanson (CGS)
Wayne Thatcher (USGS)
Hong Kie Thio (AECOM)
Rick Wilson (CGS)
Levy Yuval (SDSU/UCSD)
Julie Zurbuchen (UCSB)

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