SCEC CSEP/USGS/GEM Workshop: Epistemic Uncertainties in Earthquake and Ground Motion Forecasts
Conveners: Max Werner (Bristol), Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ), Tom Jordan (USC), Andy Michael (USGS), Morgan Page (USGS), Marco Pagani (GEM)
Dates: September 12, 2015 (09:00 – 17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
Attendance: If interested in attending, please contact conveners
SCEC Award: 15166
OVERVIEW: This 1-day workshop is organized jointly by the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP) and representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation. The goals of the workshop are to strengthen collaborations on the evaluation of earthquake and ground-motion forecasting methods, to assess new CSEP results and to continue reshaping CSEP’s modus operandi to better address the evolving needs of the community. Several major themes will be covered. First, Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF) and its evaluation will be a major focus in light of on-going efforts in the US, in New Zealand, and in Italy. Second, the implications of epistemic uncertainty for forecasting (including automated ensemble modeling) and CSEP testing methods will be addressed. A third theme will be the predictability of fluid injection-induced seismicity. Finally, we will focus on recent research on hazard models testing and evaluation.
The workshop will bring together CSEP personnel, agency representatives, and scientists interested in the scientific and operational aspects of earthquake and ground motion forecasting and testing. This one-day workshop will include sessions on the following topics:
- Overview of CSEP, OEF and hazard models:
- Overview of CSEP and recent results
- USGS perspectives on OEF, hazard and CSEP
- GEM overview and perspectives on earthquake and ground motion forecasting and evaluating
- CSEP and OEF in New Zealand, Japan, Italy and China
- Evaluating earthquake forecast models:
- Evaluating USGS models: UCERF2/3, the NSHMP and U3-ETAS
- Evaluating GEM’s GEAR1 models and other global experiments
- Evaluating physics-based and statistical OEF candidate models: the retrospective Canterbury, New Zealand, experiment
- Status of prototype External Earthquake Forecast and Prediction (EFP) experiments: M8 and QuakeFinder algorithms
- Seismic hazard models testing:
- Methods for testing and evaluating hazard models
- Ground-motion forecasts of USGS and GEM models
- Results from GEM testing of GMPEs and IPEs
- Injection-induced seismicity
- USGS perspectives on induced hazard estimation
- Overview of statistical and geomechanical forecast models of induced seismicity
- The Salton Sea CSEP experiment prototype
- Developing new experiments to evaluate induced seismicity forecasts
PARTICIPANTS: Celine Beauval (Grenoble), Greg Beroza (Stanford), Thomas Beutin (GFZ Potsdam), Mike Blanpied (USGS), Annemarie Christophersen (GNS New Zealand), Harmony Colella (ASU), Bill Ellsworth (USGS), Edward (Ned) Field (USGS), Naoshi Hirata (ERI), Dave Jackson (UCLA), Changsheng Jiang (CEA), Thomas Jordan (USC), Yan Kagan (UCLA), Masha Liukis (USC), Andrea Llenos (USGS), Philip Maechling (USC), Sam Mak (GFZ), Warner Marzocchi (INGV), Andy Michael (USGS), Kevin Milner (USC), Morgan Moschetti (USGS), Yosi Ogata (ISM), Takahiro Omi (ISM), Marco Pagani (GEM), Morgan Page (USGS), David Rhoades (GNS), Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ Potsdam), Bruce Shaw (Columbia), Mark Stirling (GNS), Anne Strader (UCLA), Matteo Taroni (INGV), Nicholas van der Elst (USGS), Debbie Weiser (USGS/UCLA), Max Werner (Bristol University), Yongxian Zhang (CEA China)
SEPTEMBER 12, 2015
Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title of the presentation.
PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.
09:00 | Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Objectives (PDF, 81.2kB) | M. Werner and D.Schorlemmer |
CSEP & OEF: Overview and Status Moderator: D. Schorlemmer Reporter: M. Liukis |
09:10 | CSEP Overview and Status (PDF, 2.7MB) | M. Werner |
09:35 | Current CSEP & OEF Activities in New Zealand (PDF, 2.0MB) | D. Rhoades |
09:50 | Five-year Japanese earthquake predictability experiment with multiple runs since 2009 including the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and the 2014 Northern Nagano earthquake | N. Hirata |
10:05 | Status and Challenges for Implementing CSEP in China | C. Jiang |
10:20 | Operational Earthquake (and Loss) Forecast in Italy: The CSEP Legacy and Future Perspectives | W. Marzocchi |
10:35 | Status of OEF Development at the USGS (PDF, 2.9MB) | M. Blanpied |
10:45 | Testing UCERF2 (and UCERF3?) | D. Schorlemmer |
10:50 | Break | |
OEF, Aftershocks and Retrospective Experiments Moderator: P. Maechling Reporter: A. Llenos |
11:05 | Testing UCERF3-ETAS (PDF, 8.0MB) | N. Field |
11:15 | Retrospective Canterbury Experiment | M. Werner |
11:25 | Ensemble Model Earthquake Forecasts during the 2010-2012 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence (PDF, 171.6kB) | M. Taroni |
11:35 | Organization of teh Collaboratory for Interseismic Simulation and Modeling (CISM) | T. Jordan |
11:40 | Dynamic Ensemble Model Testing and Global Earthquake Forecast Evaluation (PDF, 195.9kB) | A. Strader |
11:50 | Panel Discussion: Epistemic Uncertainties in CSEP
W. Marzocchi and D. Rhoades |
13:00 | Lunch | |
Evaluating Hazard Models Moderator: W. Marzocchi Reporter: N. van der Elst |
14:00 | Testing PSHA against accelerometric data and intensities (PDF, 1.1MB) | C. Beauval |
14:15 | GEM Hazard Modelling and Testing (PDF, 3.2MB) | M. Pagani |
14:30 | Testing IPEs and Seismic Hazard Maps | S. Mak |
14:45 | Discussion
15:30 | Break | |
Induced Seismicity Moderator: M. Page Reporter: M. Taroni |
15:45 | Earthquake Rate Models for Evolving Induced Seismicity Hazard in the Central and Eastern U.S. | A. Llenos |
15:55 | Forecasting Next Year's Earthquakes in Oklahoma: Scientific and Public Policy Challenges | B. Ellsworth |
16:05 | Discussion
16:45 | Wrap-Up and Next Steps | M. Werner and D. Schorlemmer |
17:00 | Adjourn |