
SCEC SoSAFE Geochronology Workshop

New geochronologic methods and results from southern California fault studies
Conveners: Kate Scharer and Ramon Arrowsmith
Date: October 28, 2014
Location: Kellogg West Conference Center, Pomona, CA (Auditorium)
SCEC Award and Report: 14169

OVERVIEW: The adage “no dates, no rates” remains valid: understanding earthquake processes requires that the rates of fault slip and the ages of past earthquakes are determined by dating geomorphic markers and bounding sedimentary surfaces. Over the last five years, SCEC’s SoSAFE and earthquake geology research has advanced dating methods; the work includes basic research on sample collection and laboratory analysis, application and comparison of multiple dating methods at single sites, and better understanding of the integrated history of Quaternary features whose formation is modulated by tectonic and climatic forcing. The purpose of this one-day workshop is to communicate details of these advances in order to improve field plans, sampling strategies, laboratory techniques, and date interpretation. We anticipate that the workshop will promote improved future studies, a better understanding of the uncertainties in the new dates, and further innovations in geochronology.

The workshop will focus on luminescence dating, exposure and burial dating of alluvial fans with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN), and uranium series dating of pedogenic carbonate. The agenda will focus on (1) sampling and analytical strategies, (2) discussion of assumptions, and (3) interpretation and comparison of results. These subjects will form the body of a workshop report, which will include sampling and analysis guidelines for each method, and also summarize our concluding discussion on future needs and approaches for SCEC geochronology.

PARTICIPANTS (45 total): Sinan Akciz (UCLA), Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU), Kim Blisniuk (BGC), Jose Cardona (CSUN), John Conrad (UCR), Michele Cooke (UMass Amherst), Jillian Daniels (UCLA), Duane Devecchio (ASU), Brent Goehring (Purdue), Peter Gold (UT Austin), Lisa Grant Ludwig (UCI), Jessica Grenader (USC), Alex Hatem (USC), Richard Heermance (CSUN), Janis Hernandez (CGS), Alan Hidy (LLNL), Tran Huynh (USC), Kaitlyn Jones (CSUN), Katherine Kendrick (USGS), Emily Kleber (ASU), Mike Lawson (UCLA), Robert Leeper (USGS), Chris Madugo (PG&E), Shannon Mahan (USGS), Gayatri Marilyani (ASU), Sally McGill (CSUSB), Chris McGuire (UCLA), Chris Milliner (USC), Brian Olson (CGS), Nate Onderdonk (CSULB), Mike Oskin (UC Davis), Lewis Owen (U Cinicnnati), Veronica Prush (UC Davis), Ani Pytlewski (CSULB), Ed Rhodes (UCLA), Tom Rockwell (SDSU), Barrett Salisbury (ASU), Kate Scharer (USGS), Warren Sharp (BGC), Ashley Strieg (Oregon), Nathan Toke (UVU), Josh West (USC), Doug Yule (CSUN), Susan Zimmerman (LLNL), and Robert Zinke


Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the pdf links following the title. PLEASE NOTE: Slides are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.

TUESDAY, October 28, 2014

08:30-08:45 Introductions and overview of the workshop  
  Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides (TCN)  
08:45-09:15 Introduction to technique Susan Zimmerman and Alan Hidy
09:15-09:35 Developing chronostratigraphies for alluvial fans in Sn California using TCNs: examples from Mission Creek, Whitewater, Mecca Hills and Death Valley Lewis Owen
09:35-09:50 TCN results from San Gorgonio Pass: terrace ages and inheritance issues in Millard Canyon Dick Heermance
09:50-10:00 Statistics of cosmogenic inheritance: The long tail Veronica Prush
10:00-10:15 14C and 10Be: new opportunities Brent Goehring
10:15-10:45 Discussion  
10:45-11:00 Intro to U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate Warren Sharp
11:00-11:15 U-series results from southern California Warren Sharp
11:15-11:30 U-series and 10Be dating techniques on offset alluvial deposits: a case study from the San Andreas Fault System, California Kim Blisniuk
11:30-12:00 Discussion  
12:00-13:00 Lunch  
13:00-14:15 Pop Ups! Presentations by students and other investigators from SoCal studies. Bring a ppt with no more than 3 slides and introduce your study, results, successes and challenges!
(Presentations by Ramon Arrowsmith, Duane DeVecchio, Jessica Grenader, Brent Goehring, Peter Gold, Emily Kleber, Shannon Mahan, Nate Onderdonk, Barrett Salisbury, Ed Rhodes, Kate Scharer,  and Nathan Toke)
14:15-14:30 Break  
  Luminescence Dating  
14:30-14:35 Brief introduction to luminescence dating Lewis Owen
14:35-14:45 Introduction to assessing measured luminescence data Shannon Mahan
14:45-14:55 Single grain analysis for quartz, Kspar, and Bayesian approaches Ed Rhodes
14:55-15:10 Applications I Lewis Owen
15:10-15:25 Applications II Shannon Mahan
15:25-15:45 Applications III Ed Rhodes
15:45-16:00 Discussion, Q and A  
16:00-17:00 Discussion: Geochron and SCEC5
  • We encourage participants to come with ideas about future applications and needs for geochronology in SCEC5.
  • What science questions can we address to understand tectonic processes with linked effects on earthquakes?
  • What techniques do we need for these problems?
  • Does the geochronology approach of SCEC4 need modification in the future? Think big, and think creatively.
17:00 Adjourn