
2014 SCEC Source Inversion Validation Workshop

Conveners: P. Martin Mai (KAUST), Pablo Ampuero (Caltech), Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ), and Morgan Page (USGS)
Dates: September 7, 2014 (09:00 – 17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
SCEC Workshop Report: 14059

OVERVIEW: In the 2014 Source Inversion Validation (SIV) workshop we review the existing benchmark results and discuss their quantitative analysis. We present and discuss the current benchmark, which is based on a large synthetic rupture in Southern California for which teleseismic synthetics are computed. This forward-modeling step required internal validation by the SIV team. Inversion results for this benchmark do not yet exist, but the workshop addresses "expected" problems, challenges, pitfalls in retrieving the input model from the data. We also discuss future benchmarks, based on the experience from past SIV-exercises, but also from recently published work on new inversion methods (e.g. using Bayesian approaches).

Aside from the particular scientific questions related to the SIV project, the workshop includes very important logistical aspects: generate more enthusiasm for the project, increase participation, seek financial support, and develop a better long-term strategy in order to achieve our goal of quantitatively understanding the limitations and uncertainties in earthquake source inversion.

PARTICIPANTS: Mareike Adams (UCSB), Pablo Ampuero (Caltech), Ralph Archuleta (UCSB), Marine Denolle (IGPP, Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Bill Ellsworth (USGS), Wenyuan Fan (SIO/UCSD), Frantisek Gallovic (Charles University in Prague), Ruth Harris (USGS), Chen Ji (UCSB), Thorne Lay (UCSC), Martin Mai (KAUST), Lingsen Meng (UCLA), Sarah Minson (Caltech), Morgan Page (USGS Pasadena), Peter Shearer (UCSD), Cedric Twardzik (UCSB), Shengji Wei (Caltech), Olaf Zielke (KAUST)

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