
2011 Annual Meeting: SoSAFE Workshop

Convener: Kate Scharer, Ramon Arrowsmith
Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011 (13:00 - 17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort

The primary goal of the Southern San Andreas Fault Evaluation (SoSAFE) project is to understand the timing of and slip due to earthquakes that occurred along the southern San Andreas and San Jacinto faults over the last 2000 years. This workshop will combine both individual presentations summarizing major SoSAFE research results and group discussion about the implications and use of these results. Discussions are designed to address field- and technology-related challenges in paleoseismology and slip rate studies, as well as wider discussion on the scope and priorities of SoSAFE in future years.


13:00 Introduction  
Talk 1: Evidence from Parkfield Study: Implication of Extreme Events
Group Discussion
N. Toke
Talk 2: New Work on the San Jacinto
Group Discussion
N. Onderdonk
Talk 3: Long-Term Slip Rates on the San Jacinto
Group Discussion
K. Blisniuk
Talk 4: Short-Term Slip Rates on the San Jacinto
Group Discussion
J. Spinler
14:55 Break  


Talk 5: Slip/Event Data Compilation: What Do We Know About the Slip History of the SAF System?
R. Arrowsmith and R. Weldon
Group Discussion
  • Is the SAF/SJF system generally characteristic in slip at a point?
  • Are these faults really segmented?
  • What is the largest earthquake that can occur along the system based on the paleoseismic record?
  • What do geomorphic offsets represent, or more importantly, how we can use such data to develop rupture histories when it can be shown that not all earthquakes are clearly recorded as separate offsets.
R. Arrowsmith
R. Weldon
15:45 Talk 6: Earthquake Response Given Large Southern California Event – Background and Existing Plans: USGS, CGS Plans, CalEMA - 15 minutes each K. Hudnut
J. Treiman
16:30 Group Discussion
  • Given experience in recent earthquakes, what technologies should be adopted?
  • Should we assign areas or other coordination given likely limitations to internet access?
  • Coordination with other groups/agencies?
16:45 Discussion and Feedback
  • What are the priorities for SoSAFE for the next several years?
  • How shall we coordinate field review?
17:00 Adjourn  


Sinan Akciz (UCI)
Sean Allen (UNR)
Bob Anderson (CEA)
John Anderson (UNR)
Joe Andrews (USGS-retired)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Aris G. Aspiotes (USGS)
Magali Barba (UC Berkeley)
Whitney Behr (Brown)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Mike Blanpied (USGS)
Kim Blisniuk (UC Davis)
Stephanie Boss (LMU)
Peter Bridges (U Mass)
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Justin Brown (Stanford)
Jim Brune (UNR)
Mike Buga (SDSU)
Bill Bull (U of Arizona)
Amber Butcher (Cal Poly Pomona)
Alexander Bykovtsev (RANS)
Ana Cadena (CWU)
Kerry Cato (Cato Geoscience)
Tao Chen (CEA/USGS)
Raymond Chen (UCLA)
Judith Chester (TAMU)
Ray Chiou (NAVFAC)
Tracy Compton (UC Davis)
Michele Cooke (U Mass)
Eric Cowgill (UC Davis)
Paul Cox (UCLA)
Jorge Crempien (UCSB)
Chris Crosby (SDSC/UCSD)
Hugo Cruz Jimenez (KAUST)
Trevor Currie (Caltech)
Lindsey Davidge (USC)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Jason De Cristofaro (USGS)
Cecilia Del Pardo (UTEP)
Dan Determan (USGS)
Renata Dmowska (Harvard)
James Dolan (USC)
Neal Driscoll (SIO)
Ben Duan (TAMU)
Ahmed Elbanna (UCSB)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Eileen Evans (Harvard)
Tarana Farhat (Hampton)
Ned Field (USGS)
John Fletcher (CICESE)
Tom Freeman (GeoPentech)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Frantisek Gallovic (Charles U, Prague)
Yann Gavillot (OSU)
Ewa Glowacka (CICESE)
Jim Goltz (CalEMA)
Margaret Gooding (LSA Associates)
Lisa Grant Ludwig (UCI)
Rebecca Greenwood (CPP)
David Haddad (ASU)
Tomohiro Hakamata (UCSB)
Kathy Haller (USGS)
Audra Hanks (Cal Poly Pomona)
Bob Harris (QuakeSafeKits)
Sharon Harris (QuakeSafeKits)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Dick Heermance (CSUN)
Pamela Henry (Fault Line)
Justin Herbert (U Mass)
Evan Hirakawa (SDSU)
Phil Hogan (Fugro Consultants)
Dan Hollis (NodalSeismic)
Yihe Huang (Caltech)
Ken Hudnut (USGS)
Heather Humpleman (USC)
Tran Huynh (SCEC/USC)
Kazutoshi Imanishi (GS Japan)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Andrea Jones (USC)
Tom Jordan (SCEC/USC)
Frank Jordan, Jr. (JRB, Inc)
Annie Kell (UNR)
Ed Keller (UCSB)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Graham Kent (UNR)
Tyler Kent (UNR)
Hyun-Tae Kim (ASU)
Nancy King (USGS)
Mike Knowlton
Keith Knudsen (USGS)
Swami Krishnan (Caltech)
Kayla Kroll (UCR)
Ittai Kurzon (UCSD)
Valère Lambert (Caltech)
Vicki Langenheim (USGS)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Daniel Lavallee (UCSB)
Mike Lawson (UCLA)
En-Jui Lee (U of Wyoming)
Anne Lemnitzer (UCI)
Xiangyu Li (UCSB)
Amy Lim (PCC)
Fan-Chi Lin (Caltech)
Eric Lindsey (SIO/IGPP)
Scott Lindvall (Fugro Consultants)
Susana Lino (Cal Poly Pomona)
Rachel Lippoldt (Oregon)
Zaifeng Liu (TAMU)
Qiming Liu (UCSB)
John Logan (Oregon)
Julian Lozos (UCR)
Semechah Lui (Caltech)
Yingdi Luo (Caltech)
Amy Luther (New Mexico Tech)
Scott Lydeen (USGS)
Dave Lynch (USGS)
Pat Lynett (USC)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Betsy Madden (Stanford)
Chris Madden Madugo (OSU)
Lance Mak (PCC)
Roman Manjarrez (CICESE)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
Robert F. Mason (PCC)
Jon Matti (USGS)
Silvia Mazzoni (Degenkolb)
Paul McBurnett (CSUN)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
Kathleen McGuire (CSUN)
John McRaney (SCEC/USC)
Aron Meltzner (NTU)
Laura Mendes (UFR Rio de Janeiro)
Xiaofeng Meng (Georgia Tech)
Chris Menges (USGS)
Chris Milliner (USC)
Bernard Minster (UCSD)
Erica Mitchell (UCSD)
Ramses Mourhatch (Caltech)
Kaliymah Muhammad (CSUSB)
Janice Murphy (USGS)
Farzad Naeim (JAM & Assoc)
Corrie Neighbors (UCR)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
Ed Nissen (ASU)
Nate Onderdonk (CSULB)
Mike Oskin (UC Davis)
Alan Pace (Petra Geotechnical)
Sulaimon Paseda (Howard)
Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech)
Mark Petersen (USGS)
Dana Peterson (UW Madison)
Moises Ponce-Zepeda (ELAC)
Bob Powell (USGS)
Rupa Purasinghe (CSULA)
Ruwanka Purasinghe (UC Davis)
Shahid Ramzan (CSUN)
Ed Rhodes (UCLA)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Belinda Roder (UCLA)
David Rodriguez-Castro (PRM)
Chris Rollins (USC)
Dylan Rood (LLNL)
Sari Rosove (UBC)
Zachary Ross (USC)
Nick Rousseau (SCEC/USC)
Baptiste Rousset (Caltech)
Kristen Rowe (U of Colorado)
Vito Rubino (Caltech)
John Rundle (UC Davis)
Kenny Ryan (UCR)
Valeria Sahakian (UCSD)
Barrett Salisbury (ASU)
Tsu Sato (ASU)
Kate Scharer (USGS)
Ziad Sedki (CSULB)
Margarita Segou (USGS)
Chad Severson (UCR)
Nilesh Shome (RMS)
Hemanth Siriki (Caltech)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Teira Solis (UTEP)
Surendra Somala (Caltech)
Ronald Spelz (UABC)
Joshua Spinler (U of Arizona)
Kathleen Springer (SBCM)
Aviel Stern (UCSC)
Joann Stock (Caltech)
Anne Strader (UCLA)
Ashley Streig (Oregon)
Danielle Sumy (USGS)
Carl Symcox (Dartmouth)
Hillary Tahtinen (UCSD)
Jennifer Tarnowski (UCR)
Orlando Teran (CICESE)
Nate Toke (Utah Valley U)
Angel Torrens-Bonano (PRM)
Jerry Treiman (CGS)
Joseph Trudeau (UCSB)
Katharine Turkle (USGS)
Nicholas van der Elst (UCSC)
Swetha Veeraraghavan (Caltech)
Danielle Verdugo Madugo (ECI)
Brendon Walker (SDSU)
Ray Weldon (Oregon)
Maximilian Werner (Princeton)
Steve Wesnousky (UNR)
Pat Williams (SDSU)
Chris Wills (CGS)
Kyle Withers (SDSU)
Victor Manuel Wong-Ortega (CICESE)
Eric Xu (UCLA)
Shiqing Xu (USC)
Wenzheng Yang (Caltech)
Tomoko Yano (UCSB)
Huajian Yao (Scripps/UCSD)
Doug Yule (CSUN)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Panxu Zhang (USC)

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