
2009 Annual Meeting: Palm Springs, CA

Palm Springs Hilton

Hilton Palm Springs Resort
400 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA   92262-6605
760-320-6868, 760-320-2126 (fax)
Toll free: 1-800-HILTONS

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a comprehensive understanding of earthquakes in Southern California and elsewhere, and to communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk. SCEC coordinates a broad collaboration that builds across disciplines and enables a deeper understanding of system behavior than would be accessible by individual researchers or institutions working alone. At the SCEC Annual Meeting, members of the community gather to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year.

Meeting Program. The 2009 SCEC Annual Meeting will be held September 12-16 in Palm Springs, California at the Hilton Palm Springs resort. This year the meeting will focus on developing the long-term research agenda for the SCEC collaboration, in preparation for the next Center proposal (due early in 2010). It is an opportunity for the SCEC community to provide input on SCEC research priorities for the coming years. Towards this end, the Annual Meeting will be divided into thematic sessions to focus discussions to define Center research priorities. Each session will begin with an invited talk to kick off and stimulate discussions on the theme.

Download the Meeting Proceedings Volume (8 MB PDF).

As always, the SCEC Annual Meeting is an opportunity for the community to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year. A total of 270 poster abstracts were submitted to the 2009 SCEC Annual Meeting!

Because of space restrictions, the posters were divided into two groups for viewing. The results in the abstract search below will provide the location of each abstract and link to a map guide for either Group 1 or Group 2, as well as the time of the poster set-up, removal, and viewing for each session.

Saturday, September 12th

10:00-17:00 Workshop on Dynamic Weakening Mechanisms - Session I
13:00-17:00 Workshop on Transient Anomalous Strain Detection - Session I

Earthquake EPIcenters Meeting (Rancho Mirage Public Library) download flyer (88 KB PDF)

Sunday, September 13th

08:00-12:00 Workshop on Dynamic Weakening Mechanisms - Session II
08:00-12:00 Workshop on Transient Anomalous Strain Detection - Session II
08:00-17:00 Source Inversion Validation Workshop
08:00-15:00 Student Field Trip to the San Gorgonio Pass
13:00-17:30 Southern San Andreas Fault Evaluation Workshop, Project Summary, and the Way Forward

Science Educator Workshop

16:30-18:30 Poster Session Set-Up
18:00 SCEC Annual Meeting Ice-Breaker/Welcome Reception
18:30 SCEC Advisory Council Meeting (Working Dinner)
20:00-22:30 Poster Session I (Group 1 Posters)

Monday, September 14th

07:00-08:00 Continental Breakfast
08:00 Welcome and State of the Center (Tom Jordan)
08:30 Report from NSF (Greg Anderson)
08:40 Report from USGS (Mike Blanpied, Elizabeth Lemersal)
08:50 Communication, Education, and Outreach 2008-2009 Highlights (Mark Benthien)
09:10 SCEC Science Accomplishments (Greg Beroza)
10:10 Break
10:40 Introduction to the SCEC4 Proposal Process (Tom Jordan, Nadia Lapusta, Greg Beroza)
11:00 Plenary Talk: Deciphering tectonic tremor beneath the San Andreas fault near Parkfield: Repeating events, migration, and possible deep slip preceding the 2004 M 6.0 earthquake (David Shelly)
11:30 Science Discussion: What data are most needed to understand the processes of active faulting, and which are the most promising for discovering new earthquake phenomena? (Moderator: Greg Beroza | Reporter: Mike Oskin)
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Poster Session II (Group 1 Posters)
16:00 Plenary Talk: Bridging the gap between seismology and engineering: avenues for collaborative research (Christine Goulet)
16:30 Science Discussion: How can earthquake scientists most effectively work with earthquake engineers to reduce earthquake risk? (Moderator: Swami Krishnan | Reporter: Rob Graves)
19:15 SCEC Recognition Banquet
20:30 Poster Session III (Group 1 Posters)

Tuesday, September 15th

07:00-08:00 Poster Turn-Over
07:00-08:00 Continental Breakfast
08:00 Plenary Talk: Fault lubrication during earthquakes (Giulio di Toro)
08:30 Science Discussion: What field and laboratory observations are most crucial for validating models of stress evolution and rupture dynamics? (Moderator: Judi Chester | Reporter: Nadia Lapusta)
10:00 Break
10:30 Plenary Talk: Magnitude-frequency statistics on a single fault: Does Gutenberg-Richter scaling apply? (Morgan Page)
11:00 Science Discussion: How can progress best be made in understanding the predictability of earthquake ruptures? (Moderator: Ned Field | Reporter: Jeanne Hardebeck)
12:30 Lunch
12:30 SCEC Advisory Council Meeting, Executive Session (Working Lunch)
14:00-15:30 Poster Session IV (Group 2 Posters)
15:30 Plenary Talk: Seismic tomography and imaging of the southern California crust (Carl Tape)
16:00 Science Discussion: What innovations in theoretical and numerical modeling are needed to understand fault-system dynamics, forecast earthquake occurrence, and predict earthquake effects? (Moderator: Brad Aagaard | Reporter: Thorsten Becker)
17:30 2010 Science Collaboration and Planning
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Poster Session V (Group 2 Posters)
20:00 SCEC Advisory Council Meeting (Executive Session)

Wednesday, September 16th

07:00-08:00 Remove posters
07:00-08:00 Continental Breakfast
08:00 Plenary Talk: Long- and short-term operational earthquake forecasting in Italy: the case of the April 6, 2009, L'Aquila earthquake (Warner Marzocchi)
08:30 Science Discussion: How should SCEC participate in national and international partnerships to promote earthquake system science? (Moderator: Rowena Lohman | Reporter: John Shaw)
10:00 Report from the Advisory Council (Mary Lou Zoback)
10:30-12:00 SCEC4 Planning and Wrap-Up Session (including reports from Session Themes Discussion, input from the SCEC Board Committee on Fundamental Problems in Earthquake Science, and forward planning for SCEC4 Proposal)
12:00-14:00 SCEC Board Meeting (Working Lunch)
12:00-14:00 SCEC Planning Committee Meeting (Working Lunch)

Meeting Abstracts and Presentations. SCEC’s long-term goal is to understand how seismic hazards change across all time scales of scientific and societal interest, from millennia to second. The collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. The breadth of SCEC research and activities can best be seen in the meeting presentations, which include 286 posters and 7 invited talks. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.

Abstract Text:

Participants. The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees were comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in a SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities. The following people attended in 2009:

Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Erin Abbey (Northrop Grumman)
Duncan Agnew (UCSD)
Ana Aguiar (Stanford)
Victor Aguilar (UCLA)
Sinan Akciz (UCI)
Amir Allam (USC)
Sara Alsbury (Oregon State)
Melva Alvarez (PCC)
Celso Alvizuri (UCSB)
William Alward (University of Missouri)
Jean Paul Ampuero (Caltech)
Greg Anderson (NSF)
John Anderson (UNR)
Katie Anderson (SDSU)
Judy Andrews
Joe Andrews (USGS)
Rasool Anooshehpoor (UNR)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Jason Armstrong (ASU)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Dominic Asimaki (Georgia Tech)
Aris Aspiotes (USGS)
Gail Atkinson (Western Ontario)
Julia Avila (UCSC)
Dafna Avraham (UCLA)
Iain Bailey (USC)
Daniel Balick
Natalie Ballew (USC)
Annemarie Baltay (Stanford)
Magali Barba (Berkeley)
Sylvain Barbot (UCSD)
Andy Barbour (IGPP at SIO)
William Barnhart (Cornell)
Sean Baxter (JPL)
Farhad Bazargani (UCLA)
Thorsten Becker (USC)
Nick Beeler (USGS)
Whitney Behr (USC)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Sharona Benami
Rick Bennett (Arizona)
Scott Bennett (UC Davis)
Mark Benthien (SCEC / USC)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Ryan Berti (USC)
Harsha Bhat (USC / Caltech)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Peter Bird (UCLA)
Mike Blanpied (USGS EQH Program)
Freddy Blume (UNAVCO)
Yehuda Bock (UCSD)
Maren Boese (Caltech)
Wendy Bohon (ASU)
Dave Boore (USGS)
Mark Boryta (Mt. SAC / NAGT)
Christiann Boutwell (USC)
Christopher Bowles (UC Davis)
David Bowman (CSU Fullerton)
Elena Boyd (UT Austin)
Christina Boyes
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Emily Brodsky (UCSC)
Danny Brothers (UCSD)
Jordan Brown (USC)
Justin Brown (Stanford)
Kevin Brown (UCSD)
Jim Brune (UNR)
Roland Bürgmann (Berkeley)
Scott Callaghan (USC)
Brian Campbell (UM at Columbia)
Ken Campbell (UC Davis)
Rufus Catchings (USGS)
Mehmet Celebi (USGS)
Jefferson Chang (Oklahoma)
Jiangzhi Chen (Univ of Oregon)
Kate Huihsuan Chen (NTNU)
Po Chen (Wyoming)
Rui Chen (CGS)
Shang-Lin Chen (Caltech)
Ting Chen (Caltech)
Xiaowei Chen (UCSD)
Linda Chernak (Brown)
Jean Chéry (CNRS)
Judith Chester (Texas A&M)
Kuo-En Ching (Indiana)
Amit Chourasia (SDSC)
Risheng Chu (Caltech)
Ray Chuang (Indiana)
Angela Chung (Stanford)
Rob Clayton (Caltech)
Elizabeth Cochran (UCR)
Harmony Colella (UCR)
Ethan Coon (Columbia)
Chris Crosby (SDSC, UCSD)
Brendan Crowell (UCSD)
Emerzon Cruz-Guandique (CSU)
Yifeng Cui (SDSC)
Karin Dahmen (Illinois)
Eric Daub (LLNL)
Paul Davis (UCLA)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Steve Day (SDSU)
Robert de Groot (SCEC / USC)
Greg De Hoogh (CSULB)
Nora DeDontney (Harvard)
Cecilia Del Pardo (UTEP)
Marine Denolle (Stanford)
Mahesh Dhar (UNR)
Giulio Di Toro (INGV)
Jim Dieterich (UCR)
Jennifer Dischler (ASU)
Renata Dmowska (Harvard)
James Dolan (USC)
Luis Dominguez Ramirez (UCLA)
Danan Dong (JPL)
Jessica Donovan (USC)
Danica Dralus (Stanford)
Neal Driscoll (UNR)
Ben Duan (Texas A&M)
Eric Dunham (Stanford)
Ahmed Elbanna (Caltech)
Austin Elliott (UC Davis)
Rob Ellis (UCR)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Kimberly Ely
Geoffrey Ely (USC)
Brittany Erickson (UCSB)
Fabian Euchner (ETH Zürich)
Jim Evans (Utah State)
Amanda Fabian (South Carolina)
Sandy Falcon
Zijun Fang (UCR)
Yongxin Fei (UCLA)
Kurt Feigl (UW-Madison)
Yuri Fialko (SIO / UCSD)
Ned Field (USGS)
John Filson (USGS)
Jennifer FitzGerald (SDSU)
Mike Floyd (UCR)
Kurt Frankel (Georgia Tech)
Erik Frost (USC)
Jingqiao Fu (USC)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Gareth Funning (UCR)
Alice Gabriel (ETH Zürich)
Vahe Gabuchian (Caltech)
Plamen Ganev (USC)
Saul Garcia (ELAC)
Olga Gaydalenok (Moscow State U)
Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science)
Jacqui Gilchrist (UCR)
Thomas Goebel (USC)
David Goldsby (Brown)
Jim Goltz (CA EMA)
Alejandro Gonzalez-Garcia (CICESE)
Javier Gonzàlez-Garcìa (CICESE)
Deborah Gormley (SCEC / USC)
Christine Goulet (URS)
Lisa Grant Ludwig (UCI)
Jessica Graves
Jordan Graves
Bailey Graves
Rob Graves (URS)
Patti Guatteri (Swiss Re Cap Mkts)
David E. Haddad (ASU)
Hamid Haddadi (CGS)
Kathy Haller (USGS)
Tom Hanks (USGS)
Alex Hanna (CSUN)
Ben Haravitch (USC)
Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS)
Alistair Harding (UCSD)
Jill Hardy (USC)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Curt Haselton (CSU Chico)
Youssef Hashash (Illinois)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Tom Heaton (Caltech)
Dick Heermance (CSUN)
Don Helmberger (Caltech)
Ann Hermundstad (UCSB)
Tom Herring (MIT)
Gregor Hillers (Caltech)
Greg Hirth (Brown)
Renee Hoffman-Tratt
Phil Hogan (Fugro West, Inc.)
Austin Holland (Arizona)
James Holliday (UCD)
Bill Holt (SUNY-Stony Brook)
Martha House (PCC)
D'Nita Howard (Wilberforce)
Jyr-Ching Hu (NTU)
Ken Hudnut (USGS)
Gene Humphreys (Oregon)
Tran Huynh (SCEC / USC)
Michael Ihrig (PCC)
Walter Imperatori (ETH Zürich)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Ravi Jakka (UCR)
Paul Jamason (UCSD)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State)
Chen Ji (UCSB)
Kang Ji (MIT)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Lizhen Jin (UCR)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana)
Leonard Johnson (NSF)
Marilyn Johnson (USC)
Lucy Jones (USGS)
Margaret Jordan (Polytechnic School)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Frank Jordan, Jr. (John R. Byerly, Inc.)
Seungmi Jung (UCSD)
Olga Kagan
Yan Kagan (UCLA)
Erol Kalkan (USGS)
Taka Kanaya (Hess Corporation)
Deborah Kane (SIO / UCSD)
Yoshihiro Kaneko (Caltech)
Jingqian Kang (Texas A&M)
Yasuyuki Kano (Kyoto University)
Chinaemerem Kanu (Indiana)
Haydar Karaoglu (CMU)
Ichiro Kawasaki (Kyoto University)
Sharon Kedar (JPL)
Kell-Hills (UNR)
Louise Kellogg (UC Davis)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Graham Kent (UNR)
Mehdi Khan
Debi Kilb (UCSD)
Caroline Kim (PCC)
Nancy King (USGS)
Hiroko Kitajima (Texas A&M)
Jared Kluesner (UCSD)
Monica Kohler (UCLA)
Arjun Kohli (Brown)
A Ozgun Konca (Caltech)
Jeremy Kozdon (Stanford)
Oliver Kreylos (UC Davis)
Swami Krishnan (Caltech)
John Langbein (USGS )
Vicki Langenheim (USGS)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Daniel Lavallee (UCSB)
Kim Le (UC Davis)
Jenny Lee
Joonseo Lee
En-Jui Lee (Wyoming)
Kwangyoon Lee (UCSD)
Joyce Legg (Legg Geophysical)
Mark Legg (Legg Geophysical)
Elizabeth Lemersal (USGS)
Michael Lewis (USC)
Wei Li (Georgia Tech)
Xiangyu Li (UCSB)
Yong-Gang Li (USC)
Abbie Liel (Colorado)
Brad Lipovsky (UCR)
Li Liu (Enova Systems)
Qiming Liu (UCSB)
Qinya Liu (Toronto)
Zaifeng Liu (Texas A&M)
Maria Liukis (USC)
Andrea Llenos (MIT/WHOI)
David Lockner (USGS)
John Logan (Oregon)
Rowena Lohman (Cornell)
Hellen Lopez (PCC)
John Louie (UNR)
Jack Loveless (Harvard)
Julian Lozos (UCR)
Jiangning Lu (MIT)
Ray Ludwig (UCI)
Rachel Ludwig (UCI)
Yan Luo (Caltech)
Scott Lydeen (USGS)
Dave Lynch (Caltech)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Betsy Madden (Stanford)
Nady Maechling (CSUN)
Philip Maechling (Loyola HS)
Phil Maechling (USC)
Michael Mafonde (UCI)
Martin Mai (KAUST)
John McGill
Gayatri Marliyani (SDSU)
Christina Marquis (Weston Solutions)
Gavin Marquis (Dinosaur Expert)
John Marquis (SCEC / USC)
Scott Marshall (App State)
Lauren Martinez (USC)
Warner Marzocchi (INGV)
Eulalia Masana (SDSU)
John Mayhew (SDSU)
Lee McAuliffe (USC)
Paul McBurnett (CSUN)
Jill McCarthy (USGS)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
Jeff McGuire (WHOI)
Kathleen McGuire (CSUN)
Hannah McKay (CSUN)
Emmett McQuinn (UCSD)
John McRaney (SCEC / USC)
Brendan Meade (Harvard)
Lorena Medina Luna (CSUN)
Gaurang Mehta (USC/ISI)
Tim Melbourne (CWU)
Michael Mello (Caltech)
Aron Meltzner (Caltech)
Chris Menges (USGS)
Dennis Mileti
Kate Miller (TAMU)
Meghan S. Miller (USC)
Kevin Milner (SCEC / USC)
Sarah Minson (Caltech)
Bernard Minster (UCSD)
Elena Miranda
Erica Mitchell (UCSD)
Damiano Monelli (ETH Zürich)
John Montes de Oca (USC)
Sarah Moreland (CSUSB)
Nissa Morton (SDSU)
Alicia Muirhead (UCSC)
Rebecca Mulligan (UC Davis)
Janice Murphy (USGS)
Jessica Murray-Moraleda (USGS)
Manami Muto (ORI)
Farzad Naeim (JAM & Assc.)
Kazuyoshi Nanjo (Tokyo)
Philip Nee (UCR)
Corrie Neighbors (UCR)
Hieu Nguyen (UCSD)
Sidao Ni (URS)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
Hiro Noda (Caltech)
Gabriela Noriega (UCI)
David Oglesby (UCR)
Summer Ohlendorf (UW-Madison)
Fumio Ohya (Kyoto University)
Lujendra Ojha (Georgia Tech)
Brian Oliver (Cal Poly Pomona)
Kim Olsen (SDSU)
Nate Onderdonk (CSULB)
Gustavo Ortega (CALTRANS-LA)
Mike Oskin (UC Davis)
Susan Owen (JPL)
Yaman Ozakin (USC)
Alan Pace
Morgan Page (USGS)
Young Sun Park (URS)
Jay Parker (JPL)
Alec Patino (USC)
Thanakij Pechprasarn (USC)
Maria Pellegrini (Keck Foundation)
Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech)
David Phillips (UNAVCO)
John Platt (USC)
Andreas Plesch (Harvard)
Fred Pollitz (USGS)
Dan Ponti (USGS)
Ryan Porter (Arizona)
Erik Pounders (USGS)
Bob Powell (USGS)
Peter Powers (USGS)
Vikas Prakash (CWRU)
Rhea Presiado (PCC)
Aaron Pruitt (Appalachian State)
Rupa Purasinghe (CalState LA)
Ruwanka Purasinghe (UC Davis)
Matt Purvance (UNR)
Roque Quiroz
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman (USGS)
Shahid Ramzan (CSUN)
Ze'ev Reches (Oklahoma)
Jolene Redvale (SB County Museum)
Alan Rempel (Oregon)
Evan Reynolds (UNC Chapel Hill)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Keith Richards-Dinger (UCR)
Armando Rivera (ELAC)
Michelle Robbins (PCC)
Sarah Robinson (ASU)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Ethan Rodriguez
Vanessa Rodriguez (LMU)
Otilio Rojas (SDSU)
Chris Rollins (USC)
Ricardo Romero (PCC)
Dylan Rood (LLNL)
Daniel Roten (SDSU)
Nick Rousseau (CSUN)
Justin Rubinstein (USGS)
John Rudnicki (Northwestern)
John Rundle (UCD)
Kenny Ryan (UCR)
Michael Rymer (USGS)
Joseph Salazar (CSUSB)
Barrett Salisbury (SDSU)
Charlie Sammis (USC)
David Sandwell (UCSD)
Heather Savage (UCSC)
Kate Scharer (Appalachian State)
Tyanna Schlom (UCI)
Brandon Schmandt (Oregon)
Jan Schmedes (UCSB)
Stuart Schmitt (Stanford)
Danijel Schorlemmer (USC)
David Schwartz (USGS)
Eric Scott (SB County Museum)
Paul Segall (Stanford )
Hope Seligson (MMI Engineering)
Guangfu Shao (UCSB)
Warren Sharp (Berkeley Geochron Ctr)
Bruce Shaw (Columbia)
John Shaw (Harvard)
David Shelly (USGS)
Zheqiang Shi (SDSU)
Natsumi Shintaku (CSUN)
Gerry Simila (CSUN)
Isabel Simons (Caltech)
Mark Simons (Caltech)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Patrick Small (SCEC / USC)
Deborah Elaine Smith (UCR)
Bridget Smith-Konter (UTEP)
Teira Solis (UTEP)
Surendra Nadh Somala (Caltech)
Paul Somerville (URS)
Seok Goo Song (URS)
Chris Sorlien (UCSB)
Kathleen Springer (SB County Museum)
Paul Spudich (USGS)
Keith Stark (USGS)
Jamie Steidl (UCSB)
Ross Stein (USGS)
Jonathan Stewart (UCLA)
Mark Stirling (GNS Science)
Joann Stock (Caltech)
Igor Stubailo (UCLA)
Ricardo Taborda (CMU)
Mercedes Talley (Keck Foundation)
Tetsuo Tanimoto
Toshiro Tanimoto (UCSB)
Carl Tape (Harvard)
Wayne Thatcher (USGS)
Mayo Thompson (UNR)
Cliff Thurber (UW-Madison)
John Tinsley (USGS)
Nathan Toke (ASU)
Haruhiko Torita (ORI)
Matthew Totten (Oklahoma)
David Tratt (The Aerospace Corp)
Jerry Treiman (CGS)
Rebecca Tsang (SDSU)
Kenichi Tsuda (ORI)
Terry Tullis (Brown)
Donald Turcotte (UC Davis)
Don Turcotte (UC Davis)
Takahiko Uchide (UCSD)
Nicholas van der Elst (UCSC)
Christina Velasquez (CSUSB)
Rob Viesca-Falguières
Margaret Vinci (Caltech)
Chris Walls (UNAVCO)
Feng Wang (USC)
Qi Wang (UCLA)
Tien Wang (UCR)
Wei Wang (USC)
Steve Ward (UCSC)
Shimon Wdowinski (University of Miami)
Stephanie Weaver (Oregon)
Neta Wechsler (USC)
Dayanthie Weeraratne (CSUN)
Meng "Matt" Wei (UCSD)
Debbie Weiser (USGS / UCLA)
Kaitlin Welch (University of Cincinnati)
LiLi Weldon (Oregon)
Ray Weldon (Oregon)
Max Werner (ETH Zürich)
Rob Wesson (USGS)
Jim Whitcomb (NSF)
Andrew Whitesides (USC)
Rachel Williams (GNS Science)
Clark Williams (GNS Science)
Bryce Williams (GNS Science)
Charles Williams (GNS Science)
Pat Williams (SDSU)
Chris Wills (CGS)
Chunquan Wu (Georgia Tech)
Frank Wyatt (UCSD)
Guanshui Xu (UCR)
Shiqing Xu (USC)
Warren Yamashita (USC)
Wenzheng Yang (Caltech)
Tomoko Yano (UCSB)
M. Burak Yikilmaz (UC Davis)
Mark Yoder (UC Davis)
Alan Yong (USGS)
Karen Young (USC)
Ellen Yu (Caltech)
John Yu (USC)
Doug Yule (CSUN)
Ilya Zaliapin (UNR)
George Zandt (Arizona)
Eva Zanzerkia (NSF)
Farzin Zareian (UCI)
Jeremy Zechar (Columbia)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Zhongwen Zhan (Caltech)
Dongming Zhang (Google)
Ying Zhang
Dongzhou Zhang (Caltech)
Wenbo Zhang (GUCAS)
Ziran Zhang (PCC)
Peng Zhao (Georgia Tech)
Jinquan Zhong (Texas A&M)
Jun Zhou (UCSD)
Olaf Zielke (ASU)
Mary Lou Zoback (RMS)

Group 1 Posters:
Group 1 Posters

Group 2 Posters:
Group 2 Posters