
SCEC 2005 Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, CA

Palm Springs Riviera Resort

Palm Springs Riviera Resort and Racquet Club
1600 N. Indian Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, CA   92262
760-327-8311, 760-325-8572 (fax)
Toll free: 800-444-8311

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a comprehensive understanding of earthquakes in Southern California and elsewhere, and to communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk. SCEC coordinates a broad collaboration that builds across disciplines and enables a deeper understanding of system behavior than would be accessible by individual researchers or institutions working alone. At the Annual Meeting members of the community gather to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year.

Meeting Program. The 2005 SCEC Annual Meeting was held on September 11-14 at the Riviera Resort and Racquet Club in Palm Springs, California.

The meeting was organized by the SCEC Planning Committee, chaired by Ralph Archuleta. In addition to the normal work of planning future activities, we again had several science talks during the meeting, and evenings were set aside for poster sessions/viewing. Posters were put up on Sunday night and viewed through Tuesday night.

The annual meeting formally started on Monday morning and concluded late Wednesday morning. Prior to the meeting there was a one-day (Sunday, September 11) 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Validation workshop, organized by Ruth Harris and Ralph Archuleta. Also on Sunday, a teacher training workshop was held and a viewing of the Salt Creek trench was organized. A USGS/CGS meeting on fault parameters to be used in seismic shaking hazard evaluation was held Sunday night. On Monday night there was a SCEDC Town Hall meeting.

Following the meeting, there was a FARM/ESP workshop. This workshop was a 2-day field-based trip to several classic localities of exhumed faults in southern California. Examination of the Punchbowl fault in the Devil's Punchbowl and above Wrightwood was the highlight, along with examination of the San Andreas fault near Wrightwood and the complex region along the Bluecut on Highway 66. Field trip leaders were Jim Evans and Judith Chester. Download the meeting volume as a Word document

Download the meeting volume as a Word document (8 MB) Download all abstracts as a Word document (512 KB)

2005 SCEC Annual Meeting -- Current Agenda
last updated August 10, 2005

Sunday, September 11

07:00 Continental Breakfast Desert Conference Center
08:30 Rupture Dynamics Workshop Harris/Archuleta
09:00 Teacher Training Workshop deGroot/Cooper
15:00 Salt Creek Trench Viewing
Gordon Seitz, Pat Williams
15:00 Poster Session Set-Up Mesquite/Oleander
18:00 Icebreaker Reception Mediterranean
20:00 SCEC Advisory Council Executive Session Solomon
20:00 WGCEP/National Seismic Hazard Map Chris Wills
20:00 Poster Session Mesquite/Oleander

Monday, September 12

07:00 Continental Breakfast Desert Conference Center
  Session I: Chair: Tom Jordan Grand Ballroom
08:00 Welcome Tom Jordan
08:10 "Report from NSF Earth Sciences" Kaye Shedlock
08:30 "The USGS/SCEC Partnership" David Applegate
Michael Blanpied
08:50 State of the Center
(Including SCEC3 proposal submission/review)
Tom Jordan
09:20 State of the CEO Program Mark Benthien
09:40 Break  
10:00 "Recent Discoveries from the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Program" Kuo-Fong Ma
10:30 "Physical properties and multi-scale seismic anisotropy in the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth" Naomi Boness
11:05 "The Parkfield/Landers Reference Earthquakes Digital Library" Brad Aagaard,
Alexei Czeskis,
Jessica Murray,
Anupama Venkataraman,
Greg Beroza
11:25 Introduction to 2006 Planning Process Ralph Archuleta
11:40 Lunch Mediterranean Room
  Session II: Chair: Ralph Archuleta Grand Ballroom
13:00 Earthquake Source Physics Plenary Ruth Harris
David Oglesby
14:00 Seismology Plenary John Vidale
Peter Shearer
15:00 FARM Plenary Terry Tullis
Judi Chester
16:00 Geology Plenary Tom Rockwell
Mike Oskin
17:00 Seismic Hazard Analysis Plenary
(to include discussion on CSEP)
Ned Field
David Jackson
18:30 Cocktails Mediterranean Room
19:00 Dinner
(including tribute to Kei Aki)
Mediterranean Room
20:00 Poster Session Mesquite/Oleander
20:00 SCEDC Users Meeting Rob Clayton, Vikki Appel

Tuesday, September 13

07:00 Continental Breakfast Desert Conference Center
  Session III: Chair: Tom Jordan Grand Ballroom
08:00 "Overturning of Slender Blocks: Numerical Investigation and Application to Precariously Balanced Rocks in Southern California" Matt Purvance
08:30 "Constraining Extreme Ground Motions in Seismic Hazard Analyses" Norm Abrahamson
09:00 Ground Motion Plenary Paul Davis
Rob Graves
10:00 Structural Representation Plenary John Shaw
Jeroen Tromp
11:00 Fault Systems Plenary Brad Hager
Sally McGill
Jim Dieterich
12:00 Lunch by the Main Pool
  Session IV: Chair: Ralph Archuleta Grand Ballroom
13:30 "Imaging of active seismogenic faults with space geodesy" Yuri Fialko
14:00 "Structural versus Nonstructural Seismic Response to Ground Motion Ensemble" Tara Hutchinson
14:30 Geodesy Plenary Duncan Agnew
Mark Simons
15:30 Implementation Interface Plenary Paul Somerville
Rob Wesson
16:30 SCEC/CME Plenary
Note: Phil Maechling to provide schedule
Phil Maechling
18:30 Cocktails Mediterranean Room
19:00 Dinner Mediterranean Room
20:00 Poster Session Mesquite/Oleander
20:00 SCEC AC Meeting Sean Solomon, Tom Jordan

Wednesday, September 14

07:00 Continental Breakfast Desert Conference Center
  Session V: Chair: Tom Jordan Grand Ballroom
08:00 CEO/College Earthquake Course Workgroup Mark Benthien
09:15 Advisory Council Report Sean Solomon
09:30 Meeting Summary
Focus and Disciplinary Group Reports and Discussion
(10 minutes each)
Group Leaders
11:00 Wrap-Up and Planning for 2006 Tom Jordan
12:00 SCEC Board Meeting
SCEC PC Meeting
VIP Room
13:00 FARM Workshop and Field Trip Jim Evans
Judi Chester
Fred Chester

Meeting Abstracts and Presentations. SCEC’s long-term goal is to understand how seismic hazards change across all time scales of scientific and societal interest, from millennia to second. The collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.

Abstract Text:

Participants. The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees were comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in a SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities. The following people attended in 2005:   

Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Norman Abrahamson (PG&E)
David Bowman (CSUF)
Harmony Colella (CSUF)
Jeff Reissman (CSUF)
Kristy Akullian (USC)
Marsha Sohn (CSUF)
John Anderson (UNR)
Ryosuke Ando (Columbia U)
Dudley Joe Andrews (USGS)
Rasool Anooshehpoor (UNR)
Vikki Appel (Caltech)
David Applegate (USGS)
Kristin Weaver Bowman (CSUF)
Donald Argus (JPL)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Aris Aspiotes (Honeywell/USGS)
Dominic Assimaki (Georgia IT)
Iain Bailey (USC)
William Bakun (USGS)
Derik Barseghian (USGS)
Paolo Bazzurro (AIR Worldwide)
N. M. Beeler (USGS)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (SCEC / USC)
Nathan Benesh (Harvard University)
Gerry Simila (CSUN)
Greg Beroza (Stanford University)
Addie Beseda (University of Oregon)
Harsha Bhat (Harvard University)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Ronald Biegel (USC)
Amanda Lopez (CSUSB)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
Karen Blake (PE&P)
Michael Blanpied (USGS)
Frederick Blume (UNAVCO)
Timothy Ahern (IRIS)
Wendy Bohon (Ohio State University)
Naomi Boness (Stanford University)
Joanna Muench (IRIS)
Sarah Needy (IU-PUI)
Oliver Boyd (USGS)
Mark Benthien (SCEC / USC)
Dave Branum (CA Geological Survey)
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Deborah Kane (SIO)
James Brune (UNR)
William Bryant (CA Geological Survey)
Daniel Ragona (SIO)
Ana Cadena (Central Washington U)
Scott Callaghan (SCEC / USC)
Cameron Campbell (SDSU)
Kenneth Campbell (EQECAT, Inc.)
Tianqing Cao (CA Geological Survey)
John Casteel (Central Washington U)
Rufus Catchings (USGS)
Hans Chalupsky (USC)
Chung-Han Chan (USGS)
Diana Chang (U of Pennsylvania)
Po Chen (USC)
Fred Chester (TAMU)
Judith Chester (TAMU)
Julia Clark (SDSU)
Robert Clayton (Caltech)
Lloyd Cluff (PG&E)
Yousef Bozorgnia (UC Berkeley)
Amy Coddington (Macalester College)
Ingrid Johanson (UC Berkeley)
James Conrad (USGS)
Michele Cooke (U of Massachusetts)
Ilene Cooper (USC)
Dana Coyle (USC)
Christopher Crosby (ASU)
Yifeng Cui (SDSC)
Mark Murray (UC Berkeley)
Alexei Czeskis (Purdue University)
Luis Dalguer (SDSU)
Christian Goltz (UC Davis)
Steven Day (SDSU)
Bob de Groot (SCEC / USC)
Dain Delisimunovic (SCIGN / USC)
James Holliday (UC Davis)
Renata Dmowska (Harvard University)
James Dolan (USC)
Ory Dor (USC)
John Rundle (UC Davis)
Eric Dunham (Harvard University)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Donald Turcotte (UC Davis)
Edgar Evangelista (USC)
James Evans (Utah State University)
Marcio Faerman (SDSC)
Sinan Akciz (UC Irvine)
Noah Fay (University of Oregon)
Karen Felzer (USGS)
Lisa Grant (UC Irvine)
Edward Field (USGS)
Yaron Finzi (U of British Columbia)
Adam Fischer (USC)
Rachel Fonstad (Winona State U)
Hunter Francoeur (USC)
Kurt Frankel (USC)
Jeffrey Freymueller (U of Alaska)
Erik Frost (USC)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Thomas Fumal (USGS)
Joshua Garcia (USC)
Matt Gerstenberger (IGNS)
Yolanda Gil (USC)
David Goldsby (Brown University)
Tara Hutchinson (UC Irvine)
Joan Gomberg (USGS)
Vladimir Graizer (CA Geological Survey)
James Dieterich (UC Riverside)
Robert Graves (URS Corporation)
Sridhar Gullapalli (USC)
Nitin Gupta (USC)
Vipin Gupta (USC)
Hamid Haddadi (CA Geological Survey)
Bradford Hager (MIT)
Kathleen Haller (USGS)
Benchun Duan (UC Riverside)
Tom Hanks (USGS)
Ifraz Haqque (USC)
Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS)
Zijun Fang (UC Riverside)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Tyler Hayes (U of Western Ontario)
Elizabeth Hearn (U of British Columbia)
Thomas Heaton (Caltech)
Agnes Helmstetter (U of Grenoble)
Sally Henyey (USC)
Thomas Henyey (USC)
David Oglesby (UC Riverside)
Thomas Herring (MIT)
Michael Vredevoogd (UC Riverside)
Susan Hough (USGS)
Daniela Herrera (UC Riverside)
Yuanfang Hu (SDSC)
Kenneth Hudnut (USGS)
Eugene Humphreys (U of Oregon)
German Prieto (UC San Diego)
Duncan Agnew (UC San Diego)
Gene Ichinose (URS Corporation)
Bettina Allmann (UC San Diego)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State Univ)
Jadd Jennings (Temple University)
Yehuda Bock (UC San Diego)
Rosa Jimenez (SDSU)
Adrian Borsa (UC San Diego)
Leonard Johnson (NSF)
Thomas Jordan (USC)
Geoffrey Ely (UC San Diego)
Yoshihiro Kaneko (Caltech)
Sharon Kedar (PL)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Yuri Fialko (UC San Diego)
Nancy King (USGS)
Robert King (MIT)
Hiroko Kitajima (TAMU)
Susan Klein
William Klein (Boston University)
Christian Klose (LDO)
Aaron Kositsky (USC)
Albert Kottke (UT Austin)
Swaminathan Krishnan (Caltech)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Yariv Hamiel (UC San Diego)
Michael Lee (NCSU)
Mark Legg (Legg Geophysical)
Lorraine Leon (USC)
Shoshana Levin (U of Western Ontario)
Michael Lewis (USC)
Yong-Gang Li (USC)
Debi Kilb (UC San Diego)
Scott Lindvall (WL & Assc, Inc.)
Caitlin Lippincott (SDSU)
Guoqing Lin (UC San Diego)
Yajing Liu (Harvard University)
Yi Liu (Caltech)
Zhen Liu (Stanford University)
David Lockner (USGS)
Bernard Minster (UC San Diego)
Julio Lopez (CMU)
Nicolas Luco (USGS)
Gregory Lyzenga (Harvey Mudd)
Kuo-Fong Ma (NCU, Taiwan)
Kristin Phillips (UC San Diego)
Christopher Madden (ECI)
Philip Maechling (USC)
Harold Magistrale (SDSU)
John Marquis (USC)
Scott Marshall (U of Massachusetts)
Stephen Martel (U of Hawaii)
Lia Martinez (CSM)
Susan McDonald (USGS)
Peter Shearer (UC San Diego)
Kris Walker (UC San Diego)
John McRaney (SCEC / USC)
Brendan Meade (Harvard University)
John Mehringer (USC)
Andrew Meigs (Oregon State University)
Rob Mellors (SDSU)
Martha Merriam (CA DOT)
Tim Middleton (SDSU)
David Miller (USGS)
Ralph Archuleta (UC Santa Barbara)
Carol Jean Minster
Diane Moore (USGS)
Julia Morgan (Rice University)
Joachim Mueller (Harvard University)
Douglas Burbank (UC Santa Barbara)
Janice Murphy (USGS)
Jessica Murray (USGS)
Susana Custodio (UC Santa Barbara)
Chen Ji (UC Santa Barbara)
Daniel Lavallee (UC Santa Barbara)
Pengcheng Liu (UC Santa Barbara)
William Normark (USGS)
David O'Hallaron (CMU)
Shuo Ma (UC Santa Barbara)
David Okaya (USC)
Anna Olsen (Caltech)
Kim Olsen (San Diego State University)
Ee Ling Ooi (USC)
Mark Petersen (USGS)
Susan Owen (USC)
Mehmet Ozbey (UT Austin)
Craig Nicholson (UC Santa Barbara)
Morgan Page (UC Santa Barbara)
Justin Perez (USC)
Sue Perry (USC)
Fred Pollitz (USGS)
David Phillips (UNAVCO)
Kenton Prindle (UC Santa Barbara)
Arben Pitarka (URS Corporation)
Katrin Plenkers (USC)
Andreas Plesch (Harvard University)
Joel Podgorski (U British Columbia)
Daniel Ponti (USGS)
Holly Ryan (USGS)
Keith Porter (Caltech)
Peter Powers (USC)
Vikas Prakash (CWRU)
William Prescott (UNAVCO)
Jan Schmedes (UC Santa Barbara)
Christopher Sorlien (UC Santa Barbara)
Matthew Purvance (UNR)
Melinda Squibb (UC Santa Barbara)
David Raleigh (Ohio State University)
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman (CMU)
Charles Real (CA Geological Survey)
Jamison Steidl (UC Santa Barbara)
James Rice (Harvard University)
Randy Robertson (USC)
Thomas Robinson (USC)
Thomas Rockwell (SDSU)
Garry Rogers (GSC)
Otilio Rojas (SDSU)
Nick Rousseau (PCC)
Badie Rowshandel (CA Geological Survey)
Justin Rubinstein (Stanford University)
Kenichi Tsuda (UC Santa Barbara)
Paul Rundle (Harvey Mudd College)
Thomas Russ (UUSC)
Michael Rymer (USGS)
Paul Spudich (USGS)
Emily Brodsky (UC Santa Cruz)
Charles Sammis (USC)
David Schaff (Columbia University)
Katherine Scharer (App State)
Celia Schiffman (Oregon State University)
Lewis Nerenberg (UC Santa Cruz)
Emily Schultz (Oregon State U)
James Scott (UNR)
Gordon Seitz (SDSU)
Hope Seligson (ABS Consulting)
Bruce Shaw (Columbia University)
John Shaw (Harvard University)
Steven Ward (UC Santa Cruz)
Kaye Shedlock (NSF)
Peter Bird (UCLA)
Lori Shepherd (Canisius College)
Zheqiang Shi (USC)
Natanya Black (UCLA)
Mark Simons (Caltech)
Matthew Sisk (SDSU)
Adam Skalenakis (Harvey Mudd)
Norman Sleep (Stanford University)
Deborah Smith (Caaltech)
Jeremie Smith (USC)
Elizabeth Cochran (UCLA)
James Solomon (PCC)
Sean Solomon (CIW)
Paul Somerville (URS Corporation)
Paul Davis (UCLA)
Ross Stein (USGS)
Rebecca Harrington (UCLA)
Keith Stark (Stark Consulting, LLC)
Emily Starke (University of Tulsa)
Heidi Houston (UCLA)
Rob Wesson (USGS)
Mark Stirling (IGNS)
Matthew Stone (DePauw University)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Michael Peter Suess (Harvard)
Jennifer Swift (USC)
Ricardo Taborda (CMU)
Elizabeth Templeton (Harvard)
Ta-liang Teng (USC)
Hong Kie Thio (URS Corporation)
James Tiampo
Kristy Tiampo (U of Western Ontario)
Tim Tierney (CartoGraph.com)
Nathan Toké (ASU)
Allen Husker (UCLA)
Jerry Treiman (CA Geological Survey)
Jeroen Tromp (Caltech)
David Jackson (UCLA)
Tiankai Tu (CMU)
Terry Tullis (Brown University)
Zhigang Peng (UCLA)
Jason Van Buren (SMC)
Afton Van Zandt (SDSU)
Danielle Verdugo (SDSU)
Zheng-Kang Shen (UCLA)
Jelena Tomic (UCLA)
John Vidale (UCLA)
Christian Walls (UNAVCO)
Maximilian Werner (UCLA)
Ilya Zaliapin (UCLA)
Frank Webb (JPL)
Neta Wechsler (USC)
Ray Weldon (University of Oregon)
Amir Sagy (UCLA)
Shelly Werner (USC)
Steven Wesnousky (UNR)
Michael Oskin (U of NC, Chapel Hill)
Charles Williams (RPI)
Patrick Williams (P. Williams Assoc.)
Chris Wills (CA Geological Survey)
Edward Wimmer (City of La Habra)
Loren Wimmer (SDSU)
Hung-Yu Wu (NCU, Taiwan)
Masumi Yamada (Caltech)
Zhimei Yan (Caltech)
Wenzheng Yang (USC)
Robert Yeats (OSU)
Alan Yong (USGS)
William Young (CSRC)
Jeff McGuire (WHOI)
Eva Zanzerkia (NSF)
Howard Zebker (Stanford University)
Jeremy Zechar (USC)
Michael Strane (UNC, Chapel Hill)
Jing Zhu (SDSC)
Olaf Zielke (Arizona State University)