
Recent Earthquake Information and Other Resources

If you just felt an earthquake, please help earthquake scientists by immediately reporting what you felt through the U.S. Geological Survey's "Did You Feel It?" form. Additionally, you can view the most authoritative and updated information about a recent earthquake through the U.S. Geological Survey's "Latest Earthquakes" map too.

If you are researching recent earthquakes for an article, paper, or other entry, please see the information below regarding catalogs and other archival information. Note: the links below are to external websites and thus are not actively maintained by SCEC.



Southern California

Recent Los Angeles area earthquakes

Southern California Earthquake Data Center

USGS Pasadena (Southern California)

Did you feel it?






Southern California Seismic Network

Earthquake Research Affiliates

Historical Earthquakes in Southern California

Clickable Fault Map of Southern California

Northern California

Recent Bay Area earthquakes

Recent Long Valley earthquakes

UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory




USGS Menlo Park (Northern Califonia)

Did you feel it?



Recent California earthquakes



Worldwide Earthquake Information

USGS Earthquake Information by State/Territory
(Earthquake history, maps, and notable earthquakes)

USGS Worldwide Recent Earthquake Map and List
(Global list and links to maps of larger recent earthquakes)

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program