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Five Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 05/08/2024

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Engineering Geology opportunity at the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
  • Seismic Hazards Mapping and Modeling Geoscientist opportunity at the California Geological Survey
  • 2024 Photonic Seismology Session: Exploring the Frontier of Environmental Processes using Fiber-optic Sensing
  • CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Photonic Seismology SSA Topical Meeting 
  • Seismica Editorial Board is Recruiting New Members


On behalf of Sean L. Dunbar, California Department of Water Resources

Engineering Geology opportunity at the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is looking for a candidate that has a strong background in engineering geology and prior experience performing fault investigations and seismic hazard assessments. 

The candidate will work in the Division of Engineering, within the Project Geology Section (West Sacramento, Yolo County).  Project Geology provides engineering geologic services for design, construction, repair, operations, and maintenance of the State Water Project (SWP), which intersects much of the diverse geology of California.  Our challenging projects include work at SWP dams, canals, pipelines, reservoirs, power plants, pumping plants, bridges, aqueducts, tunnels, and levees.  Services provided by our engineering geologists ensure public safety and longevity of the critical SWP infrastructure.

Project Geology has a variety of work assignments, including foundation investigations, geologic mapping, fault trenching, and geologic hazards assessments (subsidence, landslides, and faulting and seismicity studies).  Project Geology makes decisions affecting the safety, durability, and performance of SWP facilities based on sound engineering geology practice.

At DWR there are numerous resources to support your career and professional growth, including training, organizational memberships, and experienced and professional colleagues who collaborate for project success.  Please consider this fantastic opportunity to join the SWP team, to help deliver water to over 27 million Californians, and to contribute to species conservation and environmental protection!  Possession of a California professional geology (PG) license is desirable, but not required.

For more information, please see the links below:


Listing: https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=430322
Department of Water Resources Website: https://water.ca.gov
$6,175 - $11,626 per Month
Final Filing Date: 5/17/2024



On behalf of Timothy Dawson, California Geological Survey

Seismic Hazards Mapping and Modeling Geoscientist opportunity at the California Geological Survey

The Seismic Hazards Program at the California Geological Survey is recruiting a Seismic Hazards Mapping and Modeling Geoscientist. This role will involve using advanced technologies to test and evaluate landslide and liquefaction hazard models. Desired skills also include the ability to use machine learning and other emerging technologies to develop and maintain computer programs that automatically detect evidence of surface deformation in remote sensing data for many types of natural hazard events, including but not limited to, earthquakes, fault rupture, landslides, tsunami, and volcanic eruption. For more information about applying for this opportunity, see the link below. Deadline for applying is May 20, 2024.


JC-430606 - Seismic Hazards Mapping and Modeling Geoscientist
$6,175.00 - $11,626.00 per month
Location:  Los Angeles



On behalf of Yan Yang, Caltech

2024 Photonic Seismology Session: Exploring the Frontier of Environmental Processes using Fiber-optic Sensing

Dear Colleagues,

The 2024 SSA Photonic Seismology Fall Meeting will take place 7-10 October in Vancouver, Canada (https://www.seismosoc.org/photonic/).

The abstract submission deadline is Monday, May 20th, 2024. You can submit your abstracts here: https://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/fall-meeting-submissions/.

We would like to invite you to consider submitting an abstract to the session "Exploring the Frontier of Environmental Processes using Fiber-optic Sensing."

We seek contributions from researchers working on fiber-optic sensing technologies and their applications in studying environmental processes. Explore the wide range of topics in the detailed description below and join us in advancing this cutting-edge field!

Please take the opportunity to submit your abstract before the May 20th deadline.

Thank you,

Tieyuan Zhu (Penn State)
Danica Roth (Colorado School of Mines)
Yan Yang (Caltech)


Session Description:

Fiber-optic sensing offers unique capabilities for capturing high-resolution data across spatial and temporal scales, making it particularly valuable for studying dynamic environmental systems. This session aims to explore the unprecedented opportunities and advancements in monitoring enabled by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and other fiber sensing technologies, transforming our understanding of environmental processes. We seek contributions from researchers and practitioners working on cutting-edge applications of seismological and acoustic fiber optic techniques that showcase their unique capacities to unravel complex environmental dynamics of the cryosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Example topics may include but are not limited to: mass movement (landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, lahars); hydrologic processes (groundwater, open-water waves/tides, floods, turbulence, sediment transport), cryospheric (avalanches, icequakes, ice calving/fracture/deformation, glacial hydrology/sliding), atmospheric and oceanic phenomena (microseisms, weather, gravity waves); as well as methodological developments (spatio-temporal imaging, how environmental changes affect fiber-optic sensing operations and data quality, advances in logistical techniques for deployments in harsh environments). Contributors are encouraged to share their research findings, methodologies, and case studies that showcase the versatility and potential of fiber-optic sensing in advancing environmental process monitoring. This session provides a platform for cross-disciplinary discussions, bringing together experts from seismology, acoustics, hydroacoustics, fiber optics, and a wide range of Earth and environmental sciences. Submit your abstract to be part of this transformative session, where fiber-optic sensing technologies take center stage in reshaping our ability to monitor and interpret environmental seismo-acoustic signals.



On behalf of Becky Ham, Seismological Society of America

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Photonic Seismology SSA Topical Meeting 

Abstracts Due: 20 May 2024 at 5 PM US Pacific Time

Abstracts are open for Photonic Seismology, the 2024 topical meeting from the Seismological Society of America.

The meeting will be held 8-10 October 2024 in Vancouver, BC.

This conference invites researchers in seismology, volcanology, hydrology, earthquake engineering and oceanography to discuss the latest research in DAS and other fiber-sensing technologies with applications in geosciences. For more information on specific topics and invited keynote speakers, visit the meeting website.

Submit your abstract by 20 May.



On behalf of Randolph Williams, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Seismica Editorial Board is Recruiting New Members

Seismica is the first Diamond Open Access Journal for seismology, earthquake science, and related disciplines. Launched in July 2022, the journal was created by a community of volunteers from all over the world. Seismica strives to be accessible, transparent, respectful, credible, and progressive.

Following a higher-than-expected rate of submissions, we are recruiting new members to join the Seismica Editorial Board for a 3-year commitment, beginning in 2024. We seek people who share Seismica’s key values and will commit to working towards a globally representative, researcher-run journal that actively supports diversity, equity, and inclusion in seismology and earthquake science. As a not-for-profit independent journal, all positions at Seismica are volunteer roles.

We invite anyone interested to apply by 7 June 2024 to join the Seismica initiative. Spread the word!

Interested candidates should feel free to contact randolph.williams@seismica.org with any questions.

  • Handling Editors (5-6 members)
    • We seek Handling Editors with expertise in Structural/Imaging Seismology; Computational Geophysics and/or Machine Learning; Paleoseismology and/or Tsunamis; Social Science and Societal Aspects of Earthquakes; Outreach, Communication and Education. Expertise may be demonstrated by a history of publication, review, editing, or practice in these disciplines or a combination thereof. Past editing experience would be an advantage, but it is not a requirement.
    • Responsibilities: When a manuscript is submitted to Seismica, the Production Editor checks the initial submission and then sends a request to a Handling Editor who recruits reviewers, manages the review and revision processes, liaises with the authors, and makes a decision on whether to accept the manuscript. Handling Editors manage an average of 3-5 papers per year, and attend or watch monthly Seismica Board meetings to give input and stay updated on journal policies, best practices, and mentoring programs. The time commitment is 0.5-1 hr per week to stay up to date with Seismica business, plus 3-5 hours per manuscript handled. Handling Editors manage their own workload and have a choice to accept or decline each request from the Production Editor depending on immediate availability, disciplinary expertise, and to avoid conflict of interest.
  • Media & Branding Team (1 member)
    • We seek a new team member to contribute to Web Content Creation & Management, Videography, Social Media Outreach, Seismica Merchandising, and Strategic Planning & Management. We are looking for an enthusiastic individual who has experience creating science-focused multimedia content, and the ability to communicate complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way to a range of audiences.
    • Responsibilities: The Media & Branding Team is responsible for promoting the journal, its publications, and the Seismica initiative to the global community. With input from the Editorial Board, the M&B Team develops key messages about Seismica’s values, products, and benefits with the goal of engaging others in conversation about open science and opportunities for contributing to Seismica. We work with other Seismica teams to ensure brand consistency across all media and communication platforms. The team meets weekly for 1 hour to plan and coordinate activities, which are currently focused on five areas: promoting Upcoming Publications and News, engaging Seismica Ambassadors, Social Media Communications, supporting Meetings & Conferences, and Creative Content & Messaging. Team members will manage projects and activities within their assigned focus area, with input from stakeholders. We anticipate members will devote an average of 2 hours per week.
  • Standards and Copy-Editing Team (2-4 members)
    • We seek new team members to join our team of copy/layout editors. We are looking for individuals who are experienced or at least familiar with LaTeX and Python, are comfortable checking and correcting spelling and grammar in English, and pay close attention to detail in their work.
    • Responsibilities: The Standards & Copy-Editing team copy-edits, typesets, and curates metadata for all the articles published in Seismica. We work together to set standards and expectations for copy-editing and journal style, and to develop our in-house library of typesetting tools and article templates. Individual team members are assigned to articles as they are accepted for publication, and work with handling editors and with authors to produce technically and grammatically correct galleys in both PDF and JATS XML formats. The time commitment varies, but team members typically handle a few articles a year (one every 1-2 months), spending around 2-8 hours per article distributed over the course of 1-3 weeks depending on article complexity. Working on the S&CE team provides opportunities to build some technical skills, read high-quality literature (very carefully!), and learn all about scholarly publishing from behind the scenes. We balance the workload among our team, and team members may decline article assignments when they don’t have time to spare.



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