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Six Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 02/22/2024

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Save the Date: SZNet 2024 Cascadia Field Trip with USGS Earthquake Science Center
  • Training opportunities in Python/R for reproducible geoscience
  • CRESCENT graduate professional development fellowship program
  • Summer internship position in Geological Sciences Research at FM Global 
  • Call for Posters & Registration for 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey Earthquake Sequence One-Year Anniversary Special Programming
  • Supervisory Geophysicist (ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Coordinator) position is now open


On behalf of SZ4D team

Save the Date: SZNet 2024 Cascadia Field Trip

Dear Geosciences Community,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing on behalf of SZNet, a community driven initiative created by SZ4D, focused on international collaboration in the study of subduction zone geohazards. We are partnering with GeoArray to organize a funded nine day interdisciplinary field trip and data collection opportunity near Ashland Oregon, USA. 

This field trip is open to scientists at any career stage (including current undergraduate and graduate students) interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to researching subduction systems. Those with experience or interest in petrology, structural geology, geochemistry, geophysics, deformation experiments, and modeling are encouraged to apply!

Below is more information about the program, including application dates and funding support. I hope you will encourage those in your community to apply!

With any questions, please reach out at contact@sz4d.org, and please feel free to check out our website.

Best wishes,

SZ4D team



On behalf of Julien Emile-Geay, USC

Training opportunities in Python/R for reproducible geoscience

Dear SCEC community,

We are pleased to announce a new training opportunity for geoscientists, FROGS. The training will consist of asynchronous materials and a series of workshops to learn about open geoscience practice and the publishing of research products following FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles. 

Our first workshop will take place this summer (June 3-6) in Marina Del Rey, CA and is intended for audiences wanting to learn scientific programming in Python and R, to deepen their knowledge of geoscientific time series analysis and to learn how to publish their research (data, code, workflows) to ensure that results are reproducible and replicable. More information about this training can be found here along with the application form. 

Researchers engaged in any geoscience fields and at any level of their career are welcome to apply. Priority will be given to early-career scientists and scientists from underrepresented groups in the geosciences (e.g., women, underrepresented minorities, first-generation college students). Travel support can only be provided to US-based applicants. 

Applications are due March 15th 2024. Please re-post to relevant community forums if you can!


On behalf of Jill Elizabeth, University of Oregon

CRESCENT graduate professional development fellowship program

Please share the following opportunity with your graduate and post doc students. 

Applications have just opened for the CRESCENT graduate professional development fellowship program that enables graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to pursue professional development opportunities. Travel money is available to attend conferences, such as the 2024 National Association of Geosciences Teachers (NAGT) Earth Educators’ Rendezvous in Philadelphia in mid-July, allowing successful applicants to deeply dive into teaching, research, and other career related workshops. 

Apply to attend the Earth Educator’s Rendezvous by March 15. 




On behalf of Yufang Rong, FM Global

Summer internship position in Geological Sciences Research at FM Global

The Geological Sciences Research Team at FM Global is seeking to fill a summer internship position for 2024. The intern will help with the following tasks:

  • Evaluate national and regional seismic hazard models
  • Produce risk maps
  • Conduct sensitivity tests
  • Visualize results

A Ph.D. student with seismology or geology background is preferred. The job is located in Norwood, MA, offering a pay rate of $30-35/hr. For applications or inquiries, please contact Yufang Rong at Yufang.rong@fmglobal.com.



On behalf of Maggie R. Ortiz, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Call for Posters & Registration for 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey Earthquake Sequence One-Year Anniversary Special Programming

In an effort to capture, document, and widely share these lessons, EERI has added a special program track on the 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey Earthquake Sequence to the 2024 EERI Annual Meeting program, which will take place April 9-12, 2024 in Seattle, Washington. The Special Sessions will include:

  • A Plenary session on April 9, 2024
  • 2 Concurrent sessions on April 10, 2024
  • A Poster and lightning session on April 10, 2024
  • A Reconnaissance Data Publishing Workshop on April 9, 2024

There are several opportunities to contribute and participate in this programming:

  • Submit a Poster Abstract: A Call for Posters on the earthquake sequence is currently open. To submit your poster presentation abstract please use this form: https://proposalspace.com/calls/d/1673. Abstract submissions are limited to 300 words or less. The deadline for poster abstract submissions is February 28, 2024. Selected poster presenters will be notified beginning February 23, 2024.
  • Attend the Reconnaissance Data Publishing Workshop: This workshop will provide interactive and hands-on training for curating and publishing data in the DesignSafe Data Depot. It will be specific to publishing the reconnaissance datasets gathered after the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake that affected Turkey and Syria. To register for the workshop, please complete the registration form here: https://forms.gle/FyqiU1CsPzVnwq4TA.
  • Attend Special Sessions: To attend the special sessions, please register for the 2024 EERI Annual Meeting here: http://tinyurl.com/5n9x4ke8. More information about the full meeting program is available here: http://tinyurl.com/2hst7jvt. The Advanced Registration deadline is February 29, 2024.
  • Apply for a Participant Support Grant: A small amount of participant support funding may be available to cover registration and travel expenses for some participants. If you would like to be considered for a grant, should funding become available, please complete the application form here: https://forms.gle/ycjPqBZ45kCD9j2j7.

If you have any questions about the programming, please contact Maggie Ortiz-Millan at maggie@eeri.org.



On behalf of Shane T. Detweiler, USGS 

Supervisory Geophysicist (ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Coordinator) position is now open

A Superisory Geophysicist (ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Coordinator) position for  is now open at the U.S. Geological Survey. The position will close on March 15 – though possibly sooner depending on the number of applicants! Don’t wait!  Applicants must apply via the usajobs.gov link below.

This is a GS-14 position and is open to the public and federal employees alike on the same announcement.  Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

As the USGS National Earthquake Early Warning Coordinator within the Earthquake Science Center, some of your specific duties will include:

  • Serving as the Project Leader for the Earthquake Early Warning Project (EEW) and ShakeAlert.
  • Coordinating and planning technical, organizational, and educational components of the USGS ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Program.
  • Being responsible for the execution of a complex and high-profile research and operations project that relies on real-time seismic monitoring and low-latency open-source software development.
  • Developing strategic research and implementation plans, developing external solicitations, and managing budgets and human resources.
  • Leading an organization that spans a wide range of scientific and technical expertise that includes scientific researchers, field technicians, engineers, and other scientists.
  • Coordinating work to improve and operate sensor and telemetry networks, data management and delivery infrastructure to ensure operational requirements for earthquake early warning are met in the context of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS).
  • Developing and maintaining strategic partnerships with Federal, State and local government agencies, universities, professional associations, community groups, and private entities.
  • Acting as the primary spokesperson and representative for the ShakeAlert EEW Project in the United States, representing ShakeAlert to state and national elected officials and their staff (including the U.S. Congress), the press, the public and other stakeholders.

 You can find more information by visiting the link:  https://www.usajobs.gov/job/777303000



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