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Two Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 12/15/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geophysics at UCLA
  • Abstract Submission for the Seismological Society America 2024 meeting


On behalf of Seulgi Moon, UCLA

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geophysics at UCLA

The UCLA Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences (EPSS) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Geophysics at the Assistant Professor rank. We welcome applicants from all relevant sub-disciplines of geophysics, including but not limited to Near-Surface Geophysics, Environmental Geophysics, Seismogeodesy, and Active Tectonics, with a preference for those who engage with geological and geophysical data. Candidates with expertise that complements and expands the existing strengths of UCLA’s geophysics and geology research programs, and who see potential for synergies across the breadth of research pursued by EPSS faculty, are particularly encouraged to apply. We seek individuals with experience in research, teaching, and community/collegial service who are prepared to contribute to our commitment to excellence in scholarship and to our goals of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The successful candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous, externally funded research program at UCLA. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in geophysics, geology, earth sciences, or a closely related field by the date of hire. 

EPSS faculty conduct research in geophysics, geology, geobiology, geochemistry, planetary science, paleobiology, and space physics. The department has a strong tradition of integrative research that transcends traditional discipline boundaries. The ability of applicants to contribute to this multidisciplinary ethos will be a consideration in evaluation, in addition to their commitment to enhancing the diversity of EPSS faculty and students.

To apply, candidates must submit (a) cover letter, (b) CV, (c) statement of research, (d) statement of teaching, (e) statement of contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, (f) up to three writing samples, (g) the names of three to five individuals who are familiar with your work and can serve as references, and (h) the reference check authorization release form.

Applications will be accepted via the UC Recruit website at https://recruit.apo.ucla.edu/JPF09080 beginning December 15, 2023 and reviews of submitted applications will commence on February 1, 2024 and continue until the position is filled.



On behalf of José A. Bayona, University of Bristol

Abstract Submission for the Seismological Society America 2024 meeting

We would like to draw your attention and invite you to consider submitting an abstract to the "New Insights into the Development, Testing and Communication of Seismicity Forecasts" session of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society America, which will be held in person in Anchorage, Alaska, from April 29 to May 3, 2024.

Abstract submission guidelines: https://meetings.seismosoc.org/submit/

Abstract submission deadline: January, 10 2024 at 11:59 US Pacific Time

New Insights into the Development, Testing and Communication of Seismicity Forecasts:
The increasing availability and quality of geophysical datasets, including high-resolution earthquake catalogs, fault information and interseismic strain data, has enabled the creation of statistical and physics-based seismicity models, some of which underpin probabilistic seismic hazard analyses. New machine learning (ML) techniques have also improved data acquisition and analysis for seismicity modelling. Forecasts produced by such models can be tested and compared prospectively, e.g., within the framework of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability, paving the way for potentially more informative earthquake forecasts. In turn, forecast models are being operationalized by public and private agencies to provide a range of audiences with reliable information on the occurrence of earthquakes. This poses communication challenges that require solutions from the social sciences. We welcome contributions that help us elucidate the main advantages and limitations of current seismicity models, identify the most informative forecasting methods, improve our understanding of the earthquake generation process, and facilitate the communication and visualization of earthquake forecasts. Submissions may include models based on ML-derived earthquake catalogs, new hypotheses explaining what controls earthquake potential, quantitative analyses evaluating the predictive skills of seismicity forecasts, or studies on the effective communication of earthquake forecast information.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and thank you for your attention.

Session Conveners:
Max Schneider, U.S. Geological Survey (mschneider@usgs.gov)
José A. Bayona, University of Bristol (jose.bayona@bristol.ac.uk)
Kelian Dascher-Cousineau, University of California, Berkeley (kdascher@berkeley.edu)
Leila Mizrahi, ETH Zürich (leila.mizrahi@sed.ethz.ch)
William H. Savran, University of Nevada, Reno (wsavran@unr.edu) 


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