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Five Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 11/03/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Pasadena earthquake response exercise, 9a-noon, Thurs. Nov. 9 - Save the date!
  • Postdoctoral Position in Geodesy at SIO
  • University of Houston: Assistant or Associate Professor - Subsurface Science and Imaging
  • Caltech Seismological Laboratory Director’s Postdoctoral Scholar 
  • Career opportunity at the California Geological Survey – Los Angeles


On behalf of Susan Hough, USGS Pasadena

Pasadena earthquake response exercise, 9a-noon, Thurs. Nov. 9 - Save the date!

The Pasadena USGS office will be leading an earthquake response exercise on the morning of Thursday, November 9.  Strengthening USGS-SCEC coordination will be one focus of the exercise.  If you plan to be involved with future earthquake response, please join us if you can, for all or part of the exercise.  

Please email Sue Hough (hough@usgs.gov) for more details (including how to join the exercise), or if you have questions.



On behalf of Yehuda Bock, SIO

Postdoctoral Position in Geodesy at SIO

We invite applications for a postdoctoral scholar for research in Geodesy within the Geophysics Program (GP) at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), a division of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California San Diego.  This position is funded as part of a collaborative project, up to five years, by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). The overall objective is to develop an Intra-Frame Deformation Model (IFDM) suitable for the significantly deforming regions of the U.S. (West Coast, Alaska, Hawaii, Caribbean) based on combined GNSS and InSAR data and methods. The effort will take into account non-linear transient motions due to earthquakes, volcanoes, ground subsidence and uplift, etc.  The model is intended to complement the new National Spatial Reference System defined and maintained by NGS. We seek applicants with backgrounds in geodesy, geophysics, physics, mathematics, and computing as well as an interest in pursuing a career that uses Geodetic Science for exploring the Earth. SIO is developing a Geodesy program for graduate students from a diverse range of backgrounds in science and engineering, with the goal of expanding the pool of Geodetic Scientists who are well prepared for future careers in academia, industry, or public service. The postdoctoral scholar is encouraged to contribute to this effort and to broaden their experience through interaction with other researchers at SIO.

Candidates should have recently completed or be nearing completion of their Ph.D. Current postdocs at other institutions are also encouraged to apply.

The position is for two years, renewable up to four years subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Salary ranges from $65,000 to $77,000 including benefits, depending on experience.

Please provide a statement of research interests, a resume and arrange for two support letters.

Applications will be open until a suitable candidate is chosen. For more information, contact:

Yehuda Bock - ybock@ucsd.edu

David Sandwell - dsandwell@ucsd.edu



On behalf of Yingcai Zheng, University of Houston

University of Houston: Assistant or Associate Professor - Subsurface Science and Imaging

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) seeks a tenure-track faculty member at the assistant or associate professor level to advance subsurface science and technology and to understand systems related to geological carbon storage, geothermal energy, geological energy storage, energy exploration and optimization, and critical minerals exploration. Desired skills and experience include but are not limited to any of the following: novel imaging and subsurface characterizations using seismic and electromagnetic methods,  artificial intelligence and machine learning, inference and imaging of subsurface permeability due to fluid-rock interactions, hydraulic fracture growth modeling and imaging, fluid and geomechanical properties of containment and storage units, and monitoring methods and sensor design for high-temperature hydrothermal and enhanced/superhot geothermal systems

Successful candidates are expected to build active collaborations within and outside the university, to provide synergy with existing research at UH, to develop externally funded research programs that are internationally recognized, to mentor student research at graduate and undergraduate levels, to teach graduate and undergraduate level courses that bridge theory and practical applications, and to use their research to enhance experiential learning at UH.


Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Geosciences or related field at the time of the appointment. 

Applications received by November 30th, 2023 will receive full consideration. Interested candidates should submit: 1) a statement of teaching interests, 2) a statement of research interests, 3) a curriculum vitae, and 4) a list of at least 3 referees with contact information. Applications should be submitted online using the following link:  https://www.uh.edu/human-resources/careers/

Any questions about this position may be directed to the Department Chair, Thomas Lapen (tjlapen@central.uh.edu) or Search Committee Chair, Yingcai Zheng (yzheng12@uh.edu). 

Salary and rank commensurate with experience. 

The University of Houston is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.

Notes to Applicant: Official transcripts are required for a faculty appointment and will be requested upon selection of the final candidates. All positions at the University of Houston are security sensitive and will require a criminal background check.  

Required Attachments by Candidate: Curriculum Vitae, Teaching Philosophy or Statement, Research Statement

For the full job ad and other job requirements, please see https://uhs.taleo.net/careersection/ex2_uhf/jobdetail.ftl?job=FAC003201&tz=GMT-05%3A00&tzname=America%2FChicago



On behalf of Michael Gurnis, California Institute of Technology

Caltech Seismological Laboratory Director’s Postdoctoral Scholar.

The Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) invites applications for the Seismological Laboratory Director’s Postdoctoral Scholar position.  We invite applications for a post doctoral position in any research area covered by the Seismological Laboratory, including, but not limited to: Observational seismology, earth structure, earthquake physics, earthquake early warning, computational geophysics, mineral physics, geodesy, geodynamics, and tectonics. We are especially interested in individuals whose research naturally links with any of the research programs within the Seismo Lab, GPS Division, or other parts of Caltech. A Ph.D. is required and initial appointment will be for one year. Starting date is flexible. Applicants should send a CV, a brief statement of research interests and experience, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent electronically to Jennifer Shechet at shechet@caltech.edu.

All applications and references are due by Friday, December 1, 2023.

Fellowship candidates will automatically be considered for other available postdoctoral positions at Caltech in geophysics.

Caltech is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

You can apply by visiting: https://www.gps.caltech.edu/about/positions-available/postdoctoral-positions/seismological-laboratory-directors-postdoctoral-scholar



On behalf of Brian Olson, California Geological Survey

Career opportunity at the California Geological Survey – Los Angeles

The California Geological Survey is seeking a geologist to join the CGS Seismic Hazards Program in our Los Angeles office. This dynamic role involves a dual focus:

  1. Seismic Hazard Mapping: Use a diverse array of data sources, including aerial and satellite imagery, digital topography, field mapping techniques, and subsurface data to craft seismic hazard zone maps identifying areas prone to liquefaction and earthquake-induced landslides.
  2. Geologic Hazard Report Review: Evaluating engineering geology and geotechnical investigation reports prepared for public school and hospital construction projects to ensure these reports effectively document site conditions and assess potential geological and seismic hazards.

To learn more about the position, its requirements, and application instructions, please visit our official job posting: Job Posting Link [calcareers.ca.gov].

IMPORTANT NOTE: This position requires the submission of a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). Applications without an SOQ, or those that do not address the provided items/questions and do not adhere to formatting instructions, will be excluded from the selection process. Resumes and cover letters cannot substitute for the SOQ. For detailed information, please review the Statement of Qualifications section.

The final filing date for applications is November 9, 2023. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of our dedicated team working to enhance seismic hazard preparedness in California.

  • Salary Range: $6,175.00 - $11,626.00 per Month
  • Work Location: Los Angeles County
  • Telework: Hybrid
  • Job Type: Permanent, Full Time
  • For questions about this position, please contact Brian.Olson@conservation.ca.gov




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