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Six Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 09/29/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Registration open - STV Community meeting 11/14-15, 2023
  • SZ4D is hiring: SZNet Project Coordinator
  • Graduate research opportunities in earthquake science at Utah State University
  • Assistant Professor Geophysics - Louisiana State University
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences: Assistant/Associate Professor of Geophysics
  • Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Geophysics Position at Cal Poly Pomona


On behalf of Andrea Donnellan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Registration open - STV Community meeting 11/14-15, 2023

Registration is now open for the Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Community meeting to be held at the Hotel Dena in Pasadena, California November 14-15, 2023.

The meeting will be hybrid. In person registration is limited to 140 people. Please register your plan to attend in person or remotely by October 13, 2023 at https://forms.gle/LDRrd5TYyoNiPG8Q6

Meeting Overview

The purpose of this meeting is to provide the Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) community background on STV and inform the community on the status of STV progress toward an observing system. This meeting provides an opportunity for the broader community to inform an eventual STV observing system. The STV team will be seeking input to refine the science questions and compelling applications for STV, establish observing priorities, identify measurement gaps, and discuss technology maturation. This meeting provides an opportunity for the STV team to draw on the diversity of expertise, experience, and backgrounds from the broader community. 

Hotel Information

A block of 30 rooms has been set aside at the Dena Hotel in Pasadena. Please use this link to secure the STV room rate. Please Do Not  ‘opt in’ on the Allianz insurance as rooms can be cancelled at no penalty with 48 hours’ notice, prior to day of arrival.

Guests can book a room at Caltech's Athenaeum on a first come first served basis at the Federal per diem rate for any Federal Government employee with government ID. Non-government employees may book the Athenaeum at a higher rate. Contact the Caltech Athenaeum by phone at 626-395-8200. There are also hotels near the meeting venue.



On behalf of Anaïs Férot, UC Santa Cruz

SZ4D is hiring: SZNet Project Coordinator

SZ4D is hiring a Project Coordinator for SZNet, the newly NSF-funded grant to support international efforts to understand subduction geohazards. SZ4D (Subduction Zones in Four Dimensions) is a community-driven initiative for a long-term, interdisciplinary research program to understand the limits and possibilities of predicting subduction zone geohazards (www.sz4d.org). SZ4D brings together a diverse community of US-based and international scientists from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds who study earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and surface processes. SZ4D is funded by the National Science Foundation and is hosted by the Earth & Planetary Sciences program at UC Santa Cruz. SZNet will collaborate with 14 scientific networks spanning 5 continents, emphasizing operations in Chile which hosts one of the world’s most geologically active and accessible subduction zones.

The SZNet Project Coordinator will play a pivotal role in leading SZNet efforts by coordinating project activities, disseminating general information, and fostering connectivity among the participating networks. 

* Core responsibilities for this position include

  • Coordination: Coordinate SZNet events, ranging from conference calls and webinars to in-person large workshops and field studies in the US and Chile.
  • Communication: Disseminate SZNet findings, foster engagement across diverse networks and broad audiences via email campaigns, newsletters, and web content.
  • Evaluation: Oversee progress assessment through surveys, metrics, and annual reports; provide recommendations for improvement to the Program Manager.
  • Finance & Human Resources: Manage financial and HR tasks related to SZNet, serving as the primary point of contact for related issues.

* Appointment Details

  • Location: UC Santa Cruz Main Campus
  • Schedule: Full-time, 40 hours/week
  • Salary: ~$65K-$70K per year
  • Benefits: Full benefits package
  • Occasional travel: domestic and international

To apply or learn more about the position click here

Click here to learn more about SZ4D.



On behalf of Alexis K. Ault, Utah State University

Graduate research opportunities in earthquake science at Utah State University

PhD and MSc positions are available for Summer/Fall 2024 in the Department of Geosciences at Utah State University to work on problems in earthquake science. Our department has a growing earthquake science group and research infrastructure. Potential projects, along with the associated faculty, include:

  1. Experimental studies of earthquake rupture behavior in heterogeneous faults (Dr. Srisharan Shreedharan, srisharan.shreedharan@usu.edu )
  2. Characterizing the mechanics of shallow deformation at subduction zones by integrating laboratory friction experiments and numerical modeling (Shreedharan)
  3. Investigating shallow/near surface multi-earthquake cycle deformation along the 2023 Turkey earthquake sequence and southern San Andreas fault system with multi-scale observation of natural and experimental fault rocks and fault rock thermochronometry (Dr. Alexis Ault, alexis.ault@usu.edu )
  4. Characterizing earthquake-induced deformation along the Wasatch fault using laboratory friction experiments, microstructural analyses, and numerical modeling (Ault/Shreedharan)

Students – if interested, please contact the faculty above with your CV, and share your research interests and experiences. We are excited to hear from you!

Mentors and advisors – please share this with students who might be interested, and encourage them to get in touch with us.

Review of applications will start the first week of January 2024, and GRE scores are no longer required for admission to the graduate program. More information about the application process can be found here.  USU and the Department of Geosciences are committed to cultivating an inclusive, equitable, and diverse community and expanding access to science. Students from groups traditionally underrepresented in geosciences are encouraged to apply.

More about USU

USU main campus is located in Logan, Utah, a city situated in a picturesque valley that offers numerous year-round outdoor activities including mountain and road biking, hiking, climbing, and skiing. Logan is just a short drive to Salt Lake City, as well as many national parks, monuments, and conservation areas. The Logan metropolitan area has been named the second-best performing small city in the US by the 2021 Milken Institute Analysis.



On behalf of Karen M. Luttrell, Louisiana State University

Assistant Professor Geophysics - Louisiana State University

The Department of Geology and Geophysics at Louisiana State University invites applications for a tenure-track Geophysicist at the level of Assistant Professor in the broad area of Geophysics, including Earth, Energy, Environmental, or Planetary Geophysics.  Collaborative opportunities at LSU include the College of Science, College of Engineering, and College of Coast and the Environment.  LSU’s Center for Computation and Technology offers powerful platforms for research with a substantial computational component.  

Successful candidates will be expected to establish and maintain a vigorous, independent extramurally funded research program and to contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching in the area of Geophysics.  Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Geophysics or related field, postdoctoral experience, and a record of successful independent research.  Applicants should submit their cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, three references who can provide letters of recommendation at a future date, and a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement describing how you will promote an inclusive learning environment and how your scholarship and mentoring practices will support a diverse academic community.   

Apply for the position at the link here.  Review of applications will begin 1 January 2024.  For more information on this position, please contact Darrell Henry at glhenr@lsu.edu.   

LSU is an equal opportunity/equal access employer.  LSU believes diversity, equity, and inclusion enrich the educational experience of our students, faculty, and staff, and are necessary to prepare all people to thrive personally and professionally in a global society. We celebrate diversity and are committed to the principles of diversity and inclusion. We actively seek and encourage qualified applications from persons with diverse backgrounds, cultures and experiences. 



On behalf of Emily E. Brodsky, University of California, Santa Cruz

Earth and Planetary Sciences: Assistant/Associate Professor of Geophysics

UC Santa Cruz is very pleased to announce a search for two geophysics faculty positions this year. As highlighted in the job ad, we are particularly interested in expertise in seismology or geodesy and can entertain applicants at up to the Associate Professor level. To ensure full consideration, please apply before the initial review date, which is  November 27, 2023. 

To read the full job ad and submit the application, please visit: https://recruit.ucsc.edu/JPF01629 .

We look forward to bringing on some exceptional scientists to join our geohazards team. 



On behalf of Nicholas J Van Buer, Cal Poly Pomona

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Geophysics Position at Cal Poly Pomonas

UC Santa Cruz is very pleased to announce a search for two geophysics faculty positions this year. As highlighted in the job ad, we are particularly interested in expertise in seismology or geodesy and can entertain applicants at up to the Associate Professor level. To ensure full consideration, please apply before the initial review date, which is  November 27, 2023. 

To read the full job ad and submit the application, please visit: https://recruit.ucsc.edu/JPF01629 .

We look forward to bringing on some exceptional scientists to join our geohazards team. 



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