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Two Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 08/11/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Program Coordinator, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Hazards Program
  • Faculty Position in Geophysics, University of Chile


On behalf of Valerie Thomas, Caltech

Program Coordinator, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Hazards Program
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Hazards Program has a vacancy for a Program Coordinator.  The purpose of this position is to serve as the senior science advisor on the state of volcano science, providing leadership for collaborative work across USGS programs and mission areas to address current and emerging demands. The incumbent will work with the Volcano Science Director and senior science staff to develop the overall strategic science direction for the USGS Volcano Hazards Program and the effective development and delivery of observations, information products, assessments, and forecasts related to volcanic activity, multi-hazard risk reduction, and community resilience.  This position will play a key role in furthering the National Volcano Early Warning System and engaging other federal and academic and state partners to meet NVEWS goals.

Duty station:  Anchorage, AK; Mountain View, CA; Golden, CO; Reston, VA; or Vancouver, WA (note:  the position is not remote work eligible).

Applications will be accepted from August 7 to 18.

Apply online at https://www.usajobs.gov

Job Announcement Number:  USGS-RES-23-12058779-DE-SER (https://www.usajobs.gov/job/741575900#)


On behalf of Sergio Ruiz, University of Chile

Faculty Position in Geophysics
The Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of the University of Chile, announces the opening of a full time (44 hrs.) faculty position exclusive for women, in the Department of Geophysics. The position is in the general area of Geophysics. 

The position demands a strong commitment to individual and collaborative research, as well as to undergraduate and graduate teaching. It is also expected that the selected candidate maintains a fruitful relationship with the industry and academic sector in related areas, through research and development projects, extension activities and/or participation in postgraduate or diploma courses, and actively participates in basic and applied research projects and in extension activities and links with the external environment.

1) Academic Unit: Department of Geophysics 

2) Competition Code: FM2301 

3) Number of open positions:

4) Subject areas: Synoptic meteorology and hydrometeorology, climate dynamics (variability and change), atmospheric chemistry (short and long-lived climate forcers, remote sensing of gases and aerosols, transport and atmospheric composition chemistry modeling, air quality and impacts). Geodynamics and tectonics in subduction margins, seismology, marine seismic, geodesy, geophysics applied to the exploration of mineral and water resources, soil characterization and environmental impact studies, data science with application to geosciences, among other areas associated with the study of the physics of the interior of the Earth at various depths and time scales. 

5) Terms of the competition: Official details and application link are found for the competition code on the website: http://www.uchile.cl/concursoAcademico/. Application deadline is noon, September 29, 2023. 

6) Letters of recommendation: The letters of recommendation must be sent during the application period to the FCFM Academic, Research and Innovation Department (E-mail: concurso.academico@ing.uchile.cl), indicating the competition code for this position. 


Address specific inquiries to: Prof. Sergio Ruiz (E-mail: concurso2023@dgf.uchile.cl).

Address general inquiries about the competition to: the FCFM Academic, Research and Innovation Department (E-mail: sediraca@ing.uchile.cl) indicating the competition code for this position.



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