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Register Now! SCEC2023 (in-person September 10-12, 2023)

Date: 07/20/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

Registration is now open for the 2023 SCEC annual meeting! In-person plenary talks and discussions, live poster sessions, and networking events will take place September 10 through 12 at the Palm Springs Hilton Resort in Palm Springs, California. While this meeting will be exclusively in-person, SCEC2023 will once again feature an online poster gallery which will remain accessible for all meeting registrants through September 17. We hope you will take the opportunity to continue the conversation! 

MEETING PROGRAM. The program will celebrate the accomplishments of the “Southern” California Earthquake Center and set priorities for SCEC’s broader focus on the transform plate boundary as the “Statewide” California Earthquake Center. The SCEC2023 meeting program consists of thematic plenary sessions with invited talks, moderated discussions, plus the most popular Distinguished Lecture on Sunday evening. The SCEC community is invited to share their results and activities during the poster sessions. Lightning talks that introduce the poster presentations will be featured prominently. An online poster gallery, as well as live in-person poster viewing sessions, will facilitate connections and collaborations. (Check out the 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting poster archive for a sense of poster presentation format.)

Abstract submission is open now with an August 15 deadline!
COSTS, TRAVEL & FAQs. Please explore the meeting website for more information about registration fees, venue information, and COVID guidelines.

REGISTER NOW! We invite you to register for SCEC2023 and submit a poster abstract by August 15, 2023 (5:00pm Pacific Time). By accepting an invitation to participate in any SCEC-supported event, by email or online registration, participants agree to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.

We can’t wait to reconnect with you in Palm Springs for SCEC2023!

SCEC Meetings Team