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Four Announcements for the SCEC Community

Date: 06/20/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

See the following announcements:

  • Postdoctoral scholar position at Tufts University in earthquake hazard and ground motions
  • Postdoctoral scholar position at UC Riverside in fault modeling 
  • SZ4D Virtual Community Townhall Meeting
  • Field Service Electronics Technician I - Seismological Instrument Technician


On behalf of Laurie Baise, Tufts University

Postdoctoral scholar position at Tufts University in earthquake hazard and ground motions
The prospective candidate should have interest in earthquake hazard and ground motions. Experience in geospatial data processing is helpful but not a requirement.  The research is related to two USGS NEHRP funded projects led by Profs. Baise and Jim Kaklamanos at Merrimack College.

The first year would be focused on these USGS projects whose topics are 1) HVSR site terms for nonergodic ground motion models and 2) Basin Effects in the Central and Eastern United States. These projects would require familiarity with ground motion processing, site response, ground motion models, geospatial modeling, and statistical modeling. The second year would allow for new projects that build on the post-doctoral scholar’s expertise.

The position will include PhD student mentoring and grant writing. Prof. Baise is committed to providing extensive career mentoring to the post-doctoral scholar.

Interested candidates should send a resume and relevant publications to laurie.baise@tufts.edu.


On behalf of Gareth Funning, UC Riverside

Postdoctoral scholar position at UC Riverside in fault modeling
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of California, Riverside invites applicants for a full-time, Postdoctoral Scholar in Fault Modeling to conduct research in the group of Dr. Gareth Funning. This position will start on September 1, 2023. The final candidate will work on a NASA-funded project to model locked zones – i.e. potential sources of future earthquakes – on subduction zones and creeping faults worldwide, using boundary element modeling of geodetic data. This position is full-time (100% FTE), 12-months/year, with an initial term appointment of two years (24 months). 

Salary for this position will be in the range $60,000 to $71,952.

Required qualifications for this position that must be met by the date of hire: a Ph.D. or equivalent in geophysics or a related field. 

Preferred qualifications for this position: expertise in tectonic geodesy, seismology and/or crustal deformation modeling; a strong background in statistics and/or computational methods; programming experience in at least one general purpose language; demonstrated written and verbal communication skills in English; and a demonstrated ability to work both independently and collaboratively. 

Additional qualifications for this position include expertise in: boundary element and/or finite element modeling; meshing of complex surfaces; processing, analysis and interpretation of InSAR, GNSS and/or seafloor geodetic data; fault mechanics; and data visualization.

To apply: submit a cover letter indicating suitability for the position, CV and contact details for a minimum of three referees by email to Dr. Gareth Funning (gareth@ucr.edu). Review of applications will commence on July 1, 2023, and proceed until the position is filled.  For full consideration, applicants should submit their complete applications prior to the above date.

For more information about this position, please read the full advertisement here: http://bit.ly/43mKzGM


On behalf of Anais Ferot, UC Santa Cruz

SZ4D Virtual Community Townhall Meeting
The townhall will provide updates to the community, highlighting several of the current SZ4D efforts and components. Participants will have the opportunity to share their input and ask questions. The meeting will occur live with the panel of speakers via the Zoom Q&A, and feedback will be collected asynchronously via a survey form.

The 1 hour Zoom webinar will provide live translated closed captioning to assist international participants, if needed. The webinar will be recorded and archived on our Youtube Channel for later viewing.

Wednesday June 28th at 11 am PT/2 pm ET-Chile Time  

Register here: https://ucsc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z9wMOJwyRPKhBvRMWs60hg#/registration

Register to attend the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


On behalf of Deanna Kaihara, California Geological Survey

Field Service Electronics Technician I - Seismological Instrument Technician
The Seismological Instrument Technician I is responsible for performing as a member of a team installing and maintaining complex accelerographic and data communication systems in buildings or other structures and at remote sites throughout the state, in support of the Earthquake Engineering Program in the Department of Conservation’s California Geological Survey.

Application information can be found here: https://www.calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Exams/Bulletin.aspx?examCD=8PB24

Final Filing Date: 12/31/2023

Job Code #:  JC-373636
Position #(s):  538-103-6991-XXX
Working Title:  Field Service Electronics Technician
$4,091.00 - $5,121.00
# of Positions:  Multiple
Work Location:  Sacramento County
Job Type:  Permanent, Full Time


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