Two Announcements from the SCEC Community
Date: 05/11/2023
Dear SCEC Community,
See announcements below:
- The NSF-funded PREEMPTIVE Advanced Studies Institute (ASI) will host the next ASI in Japan from July 7-21, 2023
- The Cargèse 2023 School on Subduction Zone Processes will be held from October 9 to 13, 2023
On behalf of Erik Johnson, USC
The NSF-funded PREEMPTIVE Advanced Studies Institute (ASI) will host the next ASI in Japan from July 7-21, 2023.
The goal of the PREEMPTIVE ASI is to build a diverse community of researchers across the Pacific Rim focused on the use of protective systems in hazard mitigation. The specific focus in Japan will be on earthquake engineering, structural control, and disaster science. This institute will consist of: workshops and presentations at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University by local and U.S. faculty mentors; cultural and technical tours in Sendai, Tokyo, and the Kansai region cities of Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe; and collaborative group projects. This NSF-funded program covers transportation (air and ground), lodging expenses (including some meals) and registration fees for student participation in the ASI.
The PREEMPTIVE ASI in Japan will support 15-20 graduate students at U.S. universities (who are U.S. citizens or permanent citizens – to comply with NSF requirements). Students in Civil/Structural Engineering, as well as other disciplines related to protective systems and disaster science (e.g., Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geology, Anthropology, Psychology), who are advanced in their Ph.D. studies, have demonstrated excellence in scholarship, and are passionate about providing societies that are resilient to natural hazards, are encouraged to apply. We will begin evaluating applications around May 18.
Students should submit the following at (the student must log into their Google account to apply): CV; unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts; and a personal one-page statement, unique to the PREEMPTIVE Japan ASI theme of protective systems and disaster science, demonstrating interest and relevance of the student’s research to protective systems and multidisciplinary approaches to hazards mitigation and disaster science, the student’s interest in engaging the global community in these efforts, and the uniqueness and diversity the student brings to the ASI. Further, applicants must ensure that their advisors e-mail letters of recommendation (that also note institutional permission to be on travel for approximately two weeks) to the organizers (via
More information posted at
On Behalf of William Frank, MIT
The Cargèse 2023 School on Subduction Zone Processes will be held from October 9 to 13, 2023 at the IESC in Corsica, France.
A 2-day field trip in Alpine Corsica will precede the school. Pre-registration is required to attend! See below for details. Please note that there are a limited number of travel grants to support the attendance of early career scientists. The selection of the attendees will take place this summer.
Subduction zones are convergent plate boundaries where oceanic plates sink into the mantle. They host a diverse spectrum of slip behavior, including both large devastating earthquakes and slow slip and tremors. The dynamics of subduction zones, their ability to host aseismic slip, and their segmentation depend on many parameters, such as the age and structure of the incoming plate, the geotherm, the presence of fluids, and the thickness and geology of the overriding plate. The factors controlling the time of occurrence and size of the earthquakes, the nature of the link between the slow slip events and the seismic rupture, the role of fluids, the structure and geology of the subduction channel, the rheology of the mantle and its impact on the short-term dynamics of the subduction zones are active areas of research.
The objective of this school is to provide young Earth scientists (Masters, PhD candidates, post-docs) with an overview of the state of the art and current challenges in the study of active subduction. We aim at gathering specialists of different fields, including geodynamic modelers, geologists, seismologists, geodesists, geophysicists to build bridges between these different disciplines and come up with a broad overview of the processes at stake in subduction zones, including their potential interaction.
This summer school will benefit from the link with the projects of the different members of its scientific committee: The ERC DEEP-trigger (PI A Socquet), the Millenio CYCLO project (PI D Melnick), the Science of Slow to Fast Earthquake project (PI S Ide), an extension of the Science of Slow Earthquakes project, and the Subduction Zones in 4D (SZ4D) initiative.
To pre-register: please follow the instructions on the workshop’s site ( under the “Registration” page.
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