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Memorial Announcements for David Jackson

Date: 05/05/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

On March 30, UCLA Emeriti Professor David Jackson passed away at his home. Professor Jackson served as SCEC Science Director 1996-1999, and continued to be engaged in many roles. In recent years he served as the UCLA Representative on the SCEC Board of Directors. 

Here are memorials of Dave, by Paul Davis and Ross Stein:

  • https://epss.ucla.edu/news/emeritus-professor-dave-jackson-in-loving-memory/
  • https://temblor.net/earthquake-insights/essay-memorium-remembering-david-jackson-13088/

Save the Date: On June 28 at 6pm the UCLA EPSS department will hold a memorial for Dave at the UCLA Faculty Center, with speeches followed by a buffet dinner.  RSVP’s will be requested closer to the date; in a few weeks check https://epss.ucla.edu or email info@epss.ucla.edu for details.