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Late-breaker session on Turkey earthquakes at EGU General Assembly (Vienna, April 24-28, 2023)

Date: 02/14/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see the following announcement regarding a late-breaking session at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union in April:


On behalf of P. Martin Mai, KAUST

Late-breaker session on Turkey earthquakes at EGU General Assembly (Vienna, April 24-28, 2023)

For the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), to be held in Vienna (April 24-28, 2023), a late-breaker session on the two large Turkey earthquakes of February 06, 2023, has been set up.

Please consider submitting your abstract; deadline is already February 19, 2023.

The session description is as follows:

SM 1.6: The destructive earthquake sequence of February 06, 2023, in south-central Türkiye 

On February 6, 2023, two powerful earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.7 rocked south-central Türkiye and northern Syria, strongly affecting the regions around Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, and Hatay. The epicenter of the first mainshock (37.288 N, 37.043 E, 8.6 km depth, origin time 01:17 AM UTC) is located close to the East Anatolian Fault (EAF). The second large earthquake (38.089°N, 37.239°E, 7.0 km depth, origin time 10:24 AM UTC) occurred only 9 hrs later, about 90 km north of the first mainshock on the east-west trending Sürgü Fault, at a time when the local population had already begun to rescue survivors and their belongings. The aftershock sequences delineate fault lengths of ~360 km and ~180 km for the M 7.8 and M 7.7 ruptures, respectively, rendering these earthquakes among the longest continental strike-slip earthquakes ever recorded. A basin-wide tsunami alert was issued by the NEAMTWS Tsunami Service Providers, and a small tsunami was generated which was measured in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

This session solicits contributions from all disciplines of Earth sciences, engineering, social sciences, disaster management, and policy making to glean a first-order interdisciplinary understanding of the causes and consequences of this devastating double earthquake event. We invite presentations that address the tectonic context of the EAF, large historical earthquakes in the region, studies on the coseismic rupture process of the two events and their physical connection, assessment of ground-shaking levels and strong-motion properties, site effects, damage and risk assessment, as well as tsunami forecasting and warning, and the societal implications of these devastating earthquakes.

Share: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/47714 

Convener: P. Martin Mai | Co-conveners: Stefano Lorito, Sezim Ezgi Guvercin, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, A. Ozgun Konca, Jorge Jara



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