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Call for Special Collection Papers: Advancements in Physics-Based, Broadband Fault-to-Structure Earthquake Simulations

Date: 02/06/2023

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see the following announcement sent on behalf of Arben Pitarka, LLNL:


On behalf of Arben Pitarka, LLNL

Call for Special Collection Papers: Advancements in Physics-Based, Broadband Fault-to-Structure Earthquake Simulations

Earthquake Spectra invites paper submissions for a special collection presenting recent developments at the nexus of earth science, engineering, and computational science.


The development of ground motions to assess seismic infrastructure risk continues to present significant scientific and engineering challenges. Site-specific estimates of ground motions and infrastructure risk remain challenging due to the complex dependency of ground motions on the fault rupture characteristics, the source-to-site wave propagation path, and the interactions between complex incident 3D seismic wavefields and infrastructure systems continue to make reliable elusive. With the increasing understanding of the physics of earthquake phenomena and advancements in scientific computing, the potential to simulate regional-scale earthquake processes is rapidly advancing. The motivations for realistic regional earthquake simulations include creating the ability to virtually explore multiple earthquake scenarios and the resulting ground motions and infrastructure response, the potential for reducing uncertainties in site-specific ground motion estimates, and achieving a deeper understanding of the physical parameters with the largest influence on earthquake risk. A validated and computationally efficient regional simulation capability can provide a genuinely transformational capability for addressing earthquake risks. Due to the comprehensive and multi-scale nature of fault-to-structure seismic wave propagation simulations, achieving advanced simulation capability is a multidisciplinary challenge spanning earth science, structural and geotechnical engineering, and computational sciences.

Representative topics of interest include:

  • Advanced computational workflows for fault-to-structure simulations
  • Verification and validation studies
  • Strategies for representing nonlinear response of near-surface soil layers
  • Development and demonstration of use-case strategies and reduction to engineering practice
  • Demonstration of regional-scale simulation case study applications and derived insights
  • New knowledge and insight derived from 3D simulations

Guest editors: David McCallen (University of Nevada, Reno & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Roberto Paolucci (Politecnico di Milano), Ertugrul Taciroglu (University of California, Los Angeles), Arben Pitarka (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), and Floriana Petrone (University of Nevada, Reno).

Submission Deadline: June 1, 2023.



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