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Four announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 11/30/2022

Dear SCEC Community,

As November comes to a close, we’d like to share the following four announcements with you:

  • EGU session announcement: Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes
  • Senior Geotechnical Engineer Specializing in Earthquake Engineering or Senior Seismologist Position Available at ENGEO Incorporated
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) Faculty Mini-Sabbatical Program
  • Network Seismologist Position, Nevada Seismological Laboratory


On behalf of Qingyu Wang, MIT

EGU session announcement: Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the EGU 2023 session SM4.2/NH4.7 “Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes”.

The annual meeting of EGU23 will be held on 23-28 April in Vienna, Austria, and online. The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET. We welcome all the slow-earthquake-related research. You may submit the abstract via this link:


Session Title: Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes 
Invited speaker: Chris Marone

Slow earthquakes are widely observed in subduction zones, where they episodically release the tectonic strain built-up in the brittle-ductile transition zone. Given their proximity to the seismogenic megathrust, a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes may shed light on the stress condition of the megathrust fault. With improved quantities of data and advanced technologies, the nature of slow earthquakes has been intensively investigated in a variety of tectonic environments over the past decades. This session aims to offer a broad space for discussion of the recent advances in slow earthquakes.

We seek studies ranging from lab to volcanic and tectonic scales and from diverse geological and geophysical (including but not limited to seismic and geodetic) observations to imaging and modeling. We welcome abstracts focused on earthquake detection, scaling, source, rupture process, and fluid or/and heterogeneity effects. Within the larger context of this session, we also seek abstracts illuminating the connection between slow and fast earthquakes.


Qingyu Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA (qingyuwa@mit.edu) 
Shunsuke Takemura, Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, Japan (shunsuke@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Mariano Supino, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy (mariano.supino@ingv.it)
Natalia Poiata, International Seismological Centre, Thatcham, UK (natalia.poiata@isc.ac.uk)
Kate Huihsuan Chen, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (katepili@gmail.com)



On behalf of Bahareh Heidarzadeh, ENGEO

Senior Geotechnical Engineer Specializing in Earthquake Engineering or Senior Seismologist Position Available at ENGEO Incorporated

We seek motivated individuals with thorough knowledge of earthquake engineering; such as:

  • Ground Motion Models
  • Seismic Source Characterization
  • Ergodic and Non-Ergodic Seismic Hazard Analysis
  • Time-History Scaling and Matching
  • Site-Response Analysis
  • Working knowledge of the software program HAZ45, or equivalent program
  • Coding capability in Python and/or Matlab
  • Fundamental knowledge of Geotechnical Engineering or willingness and ability to learn is preferred.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Work as part of the team to perform seismic analyses such as ergodic and non-ergodic seismic hazard, ground-response, and ground-motion development for projects in the Western United States, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.
  • Lead seismic development of  design recommendations for design and construction of private and public projects.
  • Effectively communicate and collaborate with clients, subcontractors, government agencies, project managers (locally and in other regional offices), and peers.

Please send your CVs to Bahareh Heidarzadeh at bheidarzadeh@engeo.com or apply online.



On behalf of Kayla Kroll, LLNL

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) Faculty Mini-Sabbatical Program

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) Faculty Mini-Sabbatical Program is designed to bring top academic talent from colleges and universities across the U.S. to the Laboratory for one- to three-month visits to exchange knowledge and build partnerships. Faculty will be able to experience Laboratory resources and capabilities, exchange knowledge and advance their skills. LLNL staff scientists get the opportunity to learn from leading scientists from around the country on their research programs.

Funded by the Academic Engagement Office, faculty will be hired full-time for 1 to 3 months and will receive travel costs and a salary of $14,500/month. The faculty member is expected to be onsite during their sabbatical.

You must be a faculty member at a university to apply to the Faculty Mini-Sabbatical Program. Here’s how to apply:

  1. Faculty must first be sponsored by a staff scientist.  Staff scientists must fill out a short form sponsoring the faculty member. Completed forms should be sent to Mildred Lambrecht (lambrecht1@llnl.gov) for evaluation by the Academic Engagement Office Sabbatical Program committee.
  2. Faculty need to apply using the “Apply Now” link below. Please include a cover letter and your CV. The cover letter should emphasize your educational opportunity and benefit from this sabbatical.  




On behalf of Daniel Trugman, UNR

Network Seismologist Position, Nevada Seismological Laboratory

The Nevada Seismological Laboratory (NSL) at the University of Nevada, Reno is seeking applications for a Network Seismologist. Full application details are available here: bit.ly/3FbUoh9, with a posted closing date of 12/26/2022.

This position is funded through a variety grants, including U.S. Geological Survey-funded seismic monitoring of Nevada through the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) cooperative agreement, and earthquake early warning activities in Eastern California as part of ShakeAlert.  Other funding sources include seismic monitoring on the Nevada National Security Site and mining operations.  The main requirement is the production of a timely and accurate earthquake catalog within NSL and ANSS’s Comprehensive Catalog (ComCat) including: earthquake origins, phase picks, station magnitudes, focal mechanisms, and/or moment tensor products, as applicable.  The Network Seismologist ensures the ComCat products are correct and current.  The position trains and supervises the seismic analysis staff (including undergraduate and graduate students, classified staff, and LOAs) in automatic event review and relocation, and oversees earthquake catalog production including automatically generated products. The position holder responds and coordinates the response schedule on a 24/7 basis to review and generate earthquake products for significant events.

The Network Seismologist regularly monitors and assesses seismic data quality from our 200+ seismic stations and works with technical staff to rectify data issues.  This involves coordinating with the Network Manager position to interact with field technicians to plan and prioritize site visits, they also work with development staff to create in-house seismic station monitoring tools.  The position works with the Network Manager to field technicians at seismic sites to verify data availability and quality following instrumentation changes, occasionally outside of normal business hours. The position will also assist in developing press releases following significant earthquakes, through the university and through NSL’s website. The position responds to inquiries from the public via phone, email, or NSL’s social media accounts, and acts as one of NSL’s 3 required social media administrators.  The position may also assist academic faculty, collaborators, and students in research related to the seismic network and catalog.  The Network Seismologist works with the Network Manager and technical staff to identify the needs of a growing, cutting-edge seismic network, and helps to evaluate potential network processing improvements and emerging technologies.

Required Qualifications:

  • Master’s Degree in Geophysics, Seismology or other closely related field and five (5) years of related professional work experience OR
  • Doctorate degree in Geophysics, Seismology, or other closely related field and one (1) year of related professional work experience.

Related experience may consist of:        

  • Earthquake catalog production and event review
  • Seismic data quality control
  • Seismic instrument deployment
  • Seismic network operations
  • Experience with related data, computer systems, software, and hardware
  • Grant proposal development and administration
  • Supervision of student and/or staff analysts



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