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Six announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 11/28/2022

Dear SCEC Community,

The Thanksgiving holiday left us with a bit of an email backlog; please see below for the following six announcements:

Fully funded postdoctoral position and PhD at the University of Otago
Postdoctoral Research Position at Los Alamos National Laboratory
AGeS-Grad Proposal Deadline on Feb 1, 2023; info session on Dec 1, 2022
Assistant Professors in Earth and Planetary Sciences at UT Austin
Funded PhD positions at the University of California, San Diego
EGU session announcement: Studying active faults from the near-surface to seismogenic depth

On behalf of Ting Wang, University of Otago

Fully funded postdoctoral position and PhD at the University of Otago

We seek motivated individuals with a background in statistical or computational modelling of earthquake or slow slip events and a strong academic record to participate in a collaborative and international research programme. Research projects will utilize computational or statistical techniques to acquire a complete catalogue of slow slip events (SSEs) and seismic swarms on and around New Zealand’s Hikurangi subduction margin and investigate the occurrence patterns of these events.

Research topics for the postdoctoral and PhD positions will include:

  • Detection of slow slip events and their occurrence patterns
  • Earthquake detection and identification of seismic swarms
  • Stochastic modelling of seismic swarms

We offer two positions beginning as early as January 2023:

  • one two-year postdoctoral fellow position
  • one three-year PhD position

This research programme aims to use statistical modelling techniques and machine learning methods to catalogue SSEs and seismic swarms from geodetic and seismic data in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, and model the relationships between seismic swarms and SSEs, with the aim to find out relationships between SSEs and great earthquakes, and thus develop tools to forecast SSEs and great earthquakes. The successful applicants will be working with Associate Professor Ting Wang (University of Otago), Professor Mark Stirling (University of Otago), Dr Laura Wallace (GNS Science), Dr Calum Chamberlain (Victoria University of Wellington), Professor Mark Bebbington (Massey University), and Dr Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science).

Both positions will be based at the University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand), with collaborative visits to Victoria University of Wellington, University of Tokyo and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Japan.

The PhD applicant should hold a BSc (hons) or MSc, and the postdoctoral fellow should hold a PhD. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in these areas: Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Seismology, and Geodesy.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Associate Professor Ting Wang (ting.wang@otago.ac.nz) and provide a cover letter explaining their interest in the project, a CV, a copy of full University academic transcript, and details of two academic referees.

Applications will be considered as submitted, with a deadline on 15 January 2023.


On behalf of Ting Chen, LANL

Postdoctoral Research Position at Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research associate in geophysics. We seek a creative and resourceful candidate with strong background and interest in earthquake physics and seismic hazard. The successful candidate will apply existing and develop new techniques to characterize fault systems and seismic risk, with applications to induced seismic risk assessment related to subsurface injection. The term of the appointment is two years, with the option to extend to a third year depending on performance and funding availability.

Minimum Job Requirements:

  • Strong background in geophysics with research experience in seismic data analysis
  • Proficiency in one or more programing languages
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a member of a team
  • Good communication skills as evidenced by publications and presentations

Education/Experience: A Ph.D. degree in a STEM field related to seismology, geophysics, applied mathematics, computer science, physics, or other related fields. For a postdoctoral appointment the candidate must have completed all Ph.D. requirements by commencement of the appointment and must be within five years of completion of the Ph.D.

Desired Qualifications:

  • Experience with signal processing and machine learning
  • Experience with software development
  • Experience with development or support of research projects and proposals
  • Proficiency in Python and packages related to seismic analysis and machine learning
  • Ability to bring creative solutions to complex problems
  • Ability to plan and organize assignments to meet project deliverable
  • Ability to obtain a Q clearance, which usually requires U.S. citizenship

Location: This position will be located in Los Alamos, NM.

COVID Vaccine:

The COVID vaccine is mandatory for all Laboratory employees, on-site contractors, and on-site subcontractors unless granted an accommodation under applicable state or federal law. This requirement will apply to those working on-site, those teleworking, and all new hires.

Note to Applicants:

To apply, please submit an online application including your ​​CV and a one-page cover letter.  The cover letter should include a short biography (2–3 lines), research interests, and future career goals. You should also explicitly address how you meet each of the minimum requirements and any of the desired skills, if applicable.

In addition to applying online, applicants please also email their CV and cover letter to Ting Chen (tchen@lanl.gov). No applicant is expected to have all the desired skills. Anyone who meets the minimum requirements is encouraged to apply.

Competitive salaries are based on the date the PhD degree requirements were completed or the degree was awarded. On the anniversary of these dates, salaries are automatically adjusted to the next higher level, e.g. PhD + 0: $92,000; PhD + 1: $94,000, etc.

Outstanding candidates may be considered for prestigious fellowships.

For general information about being a LANL postdoc, visit the Postdoc Program website.



On behalf of J Ramón Arrowsmith, Arizona State

AGeS-Grad Proposal Deadline on Feb 1, 2023; info session on Dec 1, 2022

Dear all,

The next AGeS-Grad (Awards for Geochronology Student Research) Program deadline is Feb 1, 2023

AGeS-Grad offers support for graduate students in the U.S. to develop the scientific rationale for projects involving geochronology, and then provides them with hands-on experience acquiring data in labs, all while being mentored by geochronologists. You do not have to have geochronology experience or expertise to be competitive for AGeS-Grad support. AGeS specifically seeks to develop and promote new collaborations and new experiences in geochronology. AGeS awardees visit a U.S. geochronology lab for a week or more, participate in sample preparation and analysis, and learn fundamental aspects of the methods, techniques, and theory used in modern analytical facilities. Awards can be used to fund analytical costs, sample preparation, travel to the host geochronology lab, lodging, and other expenses. 

AGeS plans to make 18-22 awards averaging ~$8500 each in 2023. AGeS seeks to fund broadly in terms of research, geochronologic technique, and participants. Proposals will be evaluated not only based on overall significance, design, and logistical plan, but also on the degree to which the project will expand access to geochronology and build new networks. Applicants must be graduate students at an accredited college or university in the U.S. or its territories. Any lab in the U.S. or its territories can participate. The study areas of AGeS projects can be located anywhere worldwide.

There are 64 AGeS labs and >100 geochronologists available for potential collaborations, with detailed information about each lab listed on the AGeS website. We recommend that applicants contact a preferred lab about potential projects as early as possible because each lab may support a maximum of 4 projects each application cycle.

For additional program details please see the AGeS3 website at:  https://agesgeochronology.org/

We will be holding an information session about AGeS-Grad on December 1, 2022 at 10-11 am Mountain Time to explain the program and answer questions. Previous AGeS-Grad awardees will discuss their experiences.  The session will be by ZOOM and will be recorded and available for review afterwards: 


  • Meeting ID: 950 7780 1155
  • Passcode: 511438 

During the information session, we will address questions about the AGeS-Grad program and the application and review process. After exploring the AGeS3 website, please use the Google Form link provided below to ask questions. We will plan to respond to these and other questions during the session. 


Please forward this message broadly to potential applicants and to your departments.

Becky Flowers (CU)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
AGeS program co-directors



On behalf of Thorsten Becker, University of Texas

Assistant Professors in Earth and Planetary Sciences at UT Austin

The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin seeks to hire innovative scholars in Earth and planetary sciences who will advance our mission to conduct world class research and provide an exceptional education to our students.

The specific area of research specialization within the Earth and planetary sciences is unrestricted. We are interested in novel approaches to understanding fundamental processes occurring within and among the various ‘spheres’ of Earth and/or other planets. Candidates are encouraged to describe how their work may address topics of acute scientific interest and/or critical societal importance. We are especially interested in candidates who demonstrate an ability to think across traditional disciplinary boundaries and forge collaborative research endeavors within and beyond the Department of Geological Sciences.  

The Department of Geological Sciences (DGS) is part of the Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG), which includes two other closely allied research units: the Institute for Geophysics and the Bureau of Economic Geology.  Altogether, the JSG has a large outstanding community of faculty and research scientists with a broad range of specialties and access to outstanding research facilities and support. In DGS there is a vibrant blend of basic and applied research organized into three programs: Surface Subsurface and Life; Lithosphere and Deep Earth; and Water, Climate and the Environment. We seek faculty members who will develop new and/or expand collaborations among faculty, researchers, and students within the JSG, across campus and around the globe.  

A Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment. The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity at all levels. The JSG is committed to expanding our vibrant and culturally diverse intellectual community, and we strongly encourage applications from all groups including those historically-underrepresented in the Geosciences. The university, school and department are interested in and value candidates who have experience working with diverse and underserved populations and have demonstrated a commitment through their actions to improving the diversity, equity and inclusivity of their academic communities. The university is located in the thriving Austin metropolitan area with a rapidly growing community of over 2 million people. 

Review of applications is planned to begin January 15, 2023 and continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter; CV; research statement that articulates scientific questions and a plan for addressing them including a collaborative research vision; teaching and mentoring statement that describes a philosophy and a plan for enacting it; and a statement addressing past and/or planned efforts and actions that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, and/or service. Contact information for at least three individuals who would be able to provide letters of reference should be supplied on a separate document.  Submit copies of these materials through Interfolio's 'Apply Now' option: http://apply.interfolio.com/118086.

Questions concerning the application process should be sent to Dan Breecker at breecker@jsg.utexas.edu.


On behalf of Shabnam Semnani, UCSD

Funded PhD positions at the University of California, San Diego

Funded PhD positions are available in the department of Structural Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in Prof. Semnani’s research group, with start date of Spring 2023 and Fall 2023. The positions are in the areas of computational mechanics, machine learning, geomechanics, landslides, material characterization and modeling, and composite materials. We are looking for highly motivated and talented individuals with bachelor’s or master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. A strong background in computer programming and solid mechanics is a plus.

Interested candidates should email the following information in the form of one single PDF file to Prof. Semnani. Incomplete applications may not be considered.

Required materials:

  1. Resume or CV
  2. Most recent undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable at this stage.
  3. A paragraph describing your research interests, future career goals, and why you are interested in joining our research group.

More information about Prof. Semnani’s research group can be found through the following website: https://semnani.eng.ucsd.edu/

More information about the Department of Structural Engineering at UCSD is available through the following link: https://se.ucsd.edu/


On behalf of J Ramón Arrowsmith, Arizona State

EGU session announcement: Studying active faults from the near-surface to seismogenic depth: an open challenge

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the following session "TS3.3 - Studying active faults from the near-surface to seismogenic depth: an open challenge” at EGU General Assembly, which will take place on 23-28 April 2023.  Abstract submission deadline is Tuesday, 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET.


The session focuses on research aimed at defining the geometry, kinematics, and associated stress- and deformation fields of active faults, as well as building up tectonic and seismotectonic models, in all tectonic regimes, including volcanic areas. Assessing the geometry and kinematics of faults, a key to seismic hazard assessment can be often challenging due to the possible paucity of quantitative data, both at the near-surface and at seismogenic depths.

Tackling this challenging issue is nowadays possible by combining data from different approaches and disciplines, with the aim of obtaining a more detailed characterization/imaging of single active faults, as well as reliable seismotectonic models. In addition, technological advances in data collection and analysis provide a significant contribution. As an example, photogrammetry and LIDAR-derived models enable collecting a great deal of geological data even in inaccessible areas; these data can then be integrated with field (structural), seismological and geophysical data with the purpose of a better understanding of active faults geometry. Also, the improvement in data processing allows to enhance seismic catalogues in areas with low-level seismicity, as well as collect new and more detailed data from geophysical, geodetic, or remote-sensing analysis.

Contributions dealing with the following topics are welcome: i) active faults, including volcanic areas; ii) classical to innovative multiscale and multidisciplinary geological, seismological and geophysical approaches; iii) new or revised seismological, geophysical, field-and remotely-collected datasets; iv) faults imaging, tectonic-setting definition and seismotectonic models; v) numerical and analogue modelling.

Conveners: Fabio L. Bonali, Rita De Nardis, Federica Ferrarini, Ramόn Arrowsmith, Victor Alania


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