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Brief update from the Directors

Date: 11/09/2022

Dear SCEC community,

We are pleased to share with you the wonderful news that Tran Huynh, SCEC’s Associate Director of Science Operations, is the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Dornsife Staff Achievement Award! Please join us in congratulating Tran for this great well-deserved recognition.

As our NSF program manager Luciana Astiz informed us at the annual SCEC meeting, a decision on the proposal we submitted to NSF for the new Statewide Center is expected in the first few months of 2023. Many of you contributed to the proposal development and we look forward to finding the outcome in early 2023.

We remind you that that SCEC proposals are due on December 1 and encourage everyone to submit innovative proposals that address key topics outlined in the RFP.

We wish everyone a good remaining November and a happy Thanksgiving holiday.


Yehuda and Greg



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