Two Earthquake Education Public Events in So. Cal. Next Week!
Date: 11/03/2022
Dear SCEC Community,
This email includes announcements for 2 events next week in Southern California that you or others you know may want to attend. Please share with anyone in the region who might be interested! (Family, friends, your department, your students, etc.)
ECA Symposium at the Natural Disasters Expo
(Nov. 9, Anaheim Convention Center)
The Natural Disasters Expo, including the "Earthquake Expo" among other hazard themes, will host the first-ever Earthquake Country Alliance Symposium on November 9 (10:45am - 4:15pm) at the Anaheim Convention Center.
ECA is a statewide partnership (administered by SCEC) of public, private, and grassroots leaders working together to improve earthquake and tsunami preparedness and resilience.
Everyone is encouraged to attend this free day of science and safety presentations and trainings – plus explore all the exhibitor booths during the Symposium's breaks.
We are pleased to be joined by Dr. John Rundle (UC Davis) who will present the Keynote Address of the symposium, about new methods for “Anticipating Earthquakes.” See the full agenda at
Each main presentation during the ECA Symposium will provide attendees with free materials! These will include earthquake safety booklets, "under bed bags," earthquake safety workbooks (during the “Seven Steps” presentation), and free furniture, TV, or cabinet fasteners (during the “Secure Your Space” presentation).
We look forward to seeing you!
Learn more and Request Free Tickets to Attend
Shaking in Our Seats: Earthquake Science on the Big Screen
(Nov. 12 @ Caltech)
To celebrate the Caltech Seismological Laboratory’s centennial, the Caltech Science Exchange, in collaboration with the Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society, will host a public event that explores the science behind onscreen earthquakes in films such as 1974’s Earthquake and 2015’s San Andreas.
From the 1925 Santa Barbara quake to 1994’s Northridge temblor, earthquakes have helped define the physical and cultural landscape of Southern California. For more than a century, the Caltech Seismo Lab has transformed understanding of earthquakes and geophysics through advanced instrumentation, data science, experimentation, engineering, and public outreach.
At this live event, a panel of scientists, engineers, and public officials moderated by Lucy Jones will provide insight into what happens during and after earthquakes, how scientists and government officials interact, and the future of the field.
Learn more and Request Free Tickets to Attend
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