Three Announcements from the SCEC Community
Date: 05/17/2022
Dear SCEC Community,
Please see below for the following announcements:
- USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship Studying Induced Seismicity
- Structural Geology & Tectonics Forum (SGTF)
- Texas A&M Summer School on Rock Deformation for Undergraduate Students, August 15-19, 2022
On behalf of Justin Rubinstein, USGS
USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship Studying Induced Seismicity
We would like to announce a post-doctoral opportunity to investigate induced seismicity through detailed analyses of geophysical data in regions of active injection with the broad goal of understanding the physical processes underpinning and controlling injection-induced seismicity. We seek candidates across a broad range of expertise including seismology, geodesy, numerical modeling, and geomechanics.
Candidates are encouraged to contact research advisors to discuss proposal ideas before developing a complete proposal.
Full Project description:
Application Deadline: June 27
Please contact Justin Rubinstein with any questions: (
Advisors: Justin Rubinstein, Elizabeth Cochran, Rob Skoumal, Ole Kaven, Andy Barbour
On behalf of Ramon Arrowsmith, Arizona State
Structural Geology & Tectonics Forum (SGTF)
The 6th Biennial Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum (SGTF) will be hosted this June at Bowdoin College. The Forum consists of 3 days of plenary sessions (including an all-conference field trip to some of the spectacular coastal exposures of mid-coast Maine); optional field trips & workshops are being offered pre- and post-conference. Details about our terrific invited speakers, the technical program, field trips, and workshops are available on our SERC website; registration information is available via Bowdoin's website.
The abstract submission portal is live and the deadline for abstract submission and Forum registration is June 6.
We look forward to welcoming you to mid-coast Maine!
Emily Peterman (Bowdoin College) & Dave West (Middlebury College)
On behalf of Hiroko Kitajima, Texas A&M
Texas A&M Summer School on Rock Deformation for Undergraduate Students, August 15-19, 2022
Department of Geology & Geophysics of Texas A&M University is hosting a summer school on rock deformation on August 15-19, 2022. The summer school will provide undergraduate students at no cost a unique opportunity to learn about experimental rock deformation through hands-on laboratory activities. Students who have completed at least a freshman year and are not admitted to any graduate program starting in Fall 2022 can apply.
Please don't hesitate to contact if you have any questions.
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