Upcoming Trainings, Workshops, and Webinars from the SCEC Community
Date: 05/05/2022
Dear SCEC Community,
Please see below for the following announcements regarding upcoming trainings, workshops, and webinars:
- Seismic Cycles Webinar Series
- COSMOS Workshop on Archiving and Disseminating Simulated Ground Motions
- APPLICATION OPEN: SDSC's Annual HPC and Data Science Summer Institute 2022
- FREE Online Intro Scientific Computing/Seismology Course
On behalf of Sylvain Barbot, USC
Seismic Cycles Webinar Series
The Seismic Cycles Working Group of the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics presents this weekly seminar series in preparation for a virtual symposium this Fall on seismic cycles modeling. The weekly seminar series will stretch until July 2022. Each week, we invite two speakers to give a 30-minute talk. The seminar series kicks off on May 6, 9A-10A PDT on the topic of physics-based foreshock and aftershock modeling - what can explain the observed rate of aftershocks and the possible origins of the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-size distribution:
Speaker 1: So Ozawa, University of Tokyo
Title: Mainshock and aftershock sequence simulations in a nonplanar fault network
Abstract: Aftershocks seem to be located along the trace of the mainshock fault; however, due to the location error, we do not know their exact location relative to the mainshock fault. Here, we hypothesize that most aftershocks occur on small subsidiary faults instead of the mainshock fault, and they are triggered by the local increase of stress due to the rough geometry of the mainshock fault. To explore this scenario, we perform 2-D earthquake sequence simulations considering a rough main fault and numerous subsidiary faults that obey the rate and state friction law. We show that many aftershocks occur at the side of the main fault, delineating the main fault trace. We also show that the roughness of the main fault decreases the concentration of aftershocks around the tip of the mainshock fault. Our numerical simulation reproduces the Omori-Utsu law for the temporal decay of aftershocks and the log-time expansion of the aftershock zone. This is one of the first earthquake sequence simulations based on the continuum mechanics framework that reproduces realistic spatiotemporal aftershock activities.
Speaker 2: Shiying Nie, University of Southern California
Title: Rupture styles and recurrence patterns in seismic cycles linked to physical properties of the fault zone
Abstract: Rupture styles emerge in a broad range of rupture styles, from slow-slip events collocated with or without tremors to pulse-like earthquake sequences. Meanwhile, Earthquake catalogs exhibit various recurrence patterns, from periodic and characteristic earthquakes to chaotic sequences with super-cycles, aftershocks and dissimilar ruptures. The underlying physical mechanisms of these phenomena are usually documented separately and the potential connection between them is poorly understood. Here, we explore a wide range of frictional properties using quasi-dynamic models of seismic cycles in two dimension to assess the link between rupture style and recurrence patterns. We obtain a broad spectrum of rupture behaviors controlled by several non-dimensional parameters, including the Dieterich-Ruina-Rice number Ru, which is the ratio of asperity to a characteristic nucleation size, and Rb, which reflects the relative amplitude of weakening and strengthening effects. Seismogenic slow-slip events are the natural behavior of near-velocity neutral condition (low Rb) with a small characteristic nucleation size (high Ru), which is commonly found below the seismogenic zone. The deviation from periodic and characteristic recurrence behaviors are responses of homogeneous or compliant fault-zone models with high Ru numbers. The presence of a compliant zone can be incorporated into the Ru number in quasi-dynamic simulations. Observations of rupture characteristics and recurrence patterns can bring useful constraints on the physical properties of fault zones.
More info:
On behalf of Brad Aagaard, USGS
COSMOS Workshop on Archiving and Disseminating Simulated Ground Motions
The Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) will be holding an online workshop 7–8 June 2022, focused on developing international guidelines and standards for archiving and disseminating simulated ground-motion data. We hope that you can attend and participate in the discussions.
The workshop will be a mixture of presentations and directed discussions to:
- Summarize examples of simulated ground-motion data sets;
- Assess the needs of users of simulated ground-motion data in terms of mechanisms for searching and accessing data and what metadata is needed to describe the simulated data;
- Assess what existing strong-motion data center standards and tools might be useful for simulated ground-motion data; and
- Outline steps for developing international guidelines and standards for archiving and disseminating simulated ground-motion data.
For 7–8 June, the first day will be dedicated to items 1 and 2 and the second day dedicated to items 3 and 4. We plan to hold a second workshop in September 2022 that will focus on developing international guidelines for validating simulated ground-motion data.
Workshop web page: https://sites.google.com/view/cosmos-sim-wg/home
Please register at https://forms.gle/8qG2DeYGAx86PWr17
We are collecting information about user needs related to accessing simulated ground-motion data. Even if you are unable to participate in the workshop, we strongly encourage you to respond to the survey. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete.
Survey form: https://forms.gle/61VgrkvF9XMF6hFN7
We look forward to your participation.
Best regards,
Brad Aagaard, on behalf of COSMOS Simulation Working Group (Aysegul Askan, Brad Aagaard, Sean Ahdi, Sanaz Rezaeian, Alan Yong)
On behalf of Christine Goulet, SCEC
APPLICATION OPEN: SDSC's Annual HPC and Data Science Summer Institute 2022
The "HPC and Data Science Summer Institute" (https://na.eventscloud.com/website/36626/) is a week-long workshop held at the University of California, San Diego focusing on a broad spectrum of introductory-to-intermediate topics in High Performance Computing and Data Science. The program is aimed at researchers in academia and industry, especially in domains not traditionally engaged in supercomputing, who have problems that cannot typically be solved using local computing resources.
**Changing structure of the Summer Institute – Two Institutes in One**
This year, the Summer Institute will follow a different structure in response to the needs of our diverse user base and the increasingly diverse suite of resources and services that they need to utilize (often referred to as cyberinfrastructure). We recognize that while many researchers still need to write and parallelize their own software, a significant number of users of our supercomputers are not parallel/HPC/CI programmers (“non-programmers”). Rather, they use existing, robust third-party applications to solve problems in fields as diverse as phylogenetics, genomics, molecular biology, computational chemistry, material science, climate simulation and others. Nonetheless, these non-programmers still need to acquire specialized skills in order to effectively use advanced cyberinfrastructure.
Please see website for full details at "HPC and DS Summer Institute": https://na.eventscloud.com/website/36626/
APPLICATION Deadline: Friday, May 13, 2022
On behalf of Michael Hubenthal, IRIS
FREE Online Intro Scientific Computing/Seismology Course
Faculty, please announce this FREE summer opportunity to your students!
The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) will offer a FREE online workshop for undergraduate students (e.g.... computer science, geophysics, geology, earth science, math, physics, engineering, etc.) that want to develop scientific computing skills while exploring the field of seismology. New for 2022, graduate students will also be admitted! The goals for the workshop are to increase participants'...
- Knowledge, skills, and interest in seismology and scientific computing (e.g. Linux, GMT, SAC, Python/Obspy, Jupyter Notebooks),
- Self-efficacy in using seismic data, and
- Competitiveness in the application process for graduate school, summer internships, or professional jobs.
Based on previous workshops, participants should expect to invest approximately 5-6 hours per week including participating in the weekly webinar (or watching the recording). At the end of the workshop participants will receive a performance report/certificate to include in their professional portfolio.
Registration Closes on May 22, 2022
Learn more and register at: https://www.iris.edu/hq/workshops/2022/01/ssb_3
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