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Announcing two upcoming meetings

Date: 04/28/2022

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for two announcements regarding upcoming meetings:

  • SEG/SPE Injection Induced Seismicity Workshop, 7-9 June 2022, in Austin, Texas
  • International Statistical Seismology (StatSei) conference, 17-21 October 2022, in Cargese, Corsica


On behalf of William Ellsworth, Stanford

SEG/SPE Injection Induced Seismicity Workshop: A Decade of Learnings
7–9 June 2022 | Austin, Texas
Abstracts submission deadline: 4 May 2022

The 6th workshop in the popular SEG/SPE Injection Induced Seismicity Workshop series is scheduled for 7–9 June 2022 in Austin, Texas. Since the first workshop held in 2012, significant advancements have been made, particularly in extensive seismic monitoring efforts as well as fundamental understanding of causal relations to both disposal wells and hydraulic fracturing operations.

The workshop will start with a plenary session including a presentation by Texas Railroad Commissioner Jim Wright. Topical sessions will showcase the latest induced seismicity research and case studies. A highlight of the workshop will be a regulatory session with representatives from across North America discussing regional challenges and opportunities. The workshop will also benefit from participant interaction including breakout sessions covering mitigation, enhanced seismic deliverables and induced seismicity associated with geothermal and CCS injections. Finally, wrap-up panels will focus on data access and the path forward.

The committee invites submissions on related topics for interactive presentation during a poster session. The intent is to facilitate knowledge and experience sharing with participants through an engaging technical session. Submissions on all related topics are encouraged, including: case studies of seismicity induced by various operations (CCS, geothermal and mining for example) with an emphasis on fundamental mechanisms, risk assessment and mitigation efforts. Poster space is limited but the committee’s hope is to be able to accommodate all submissions. Abstracts will not be published, but will be used as a basis for accepting poster presentations.

To submit an abstract please visit:


To register for the workshop please visit:


Organizing Committee

    Hannah Chittenden-Diamondback
    Cody Comiskey-Chevron, Co-Chair
    William Ellsworth-Stanford
    Michelle Gaucher-BC Oil & Gas Canada
    Shawn Maxwell-Ovintiv, Co-Chair
    Steve Willson-Apache Corporation


On behalf of Yehuda Ben-Zion, SCEC/USC

Statistical Seismology meeting, Oct 2022

The International Statistical Seismology (StatSei) conference will be held 17-21 Oct. 2022 in Cargese, Corsica. Registration to the meeting is now open at https://statsei12.sciencesconf.org

The meetings cover a series of topics pertaining to statistical descriptions of earthquake occurrences, rupture/failure processes, both in situ and in the lab, and heterogeneous tectonic environments (fault zone structures) related to earthquake processes. The goals of these approaches is to improve our understanding of the complex, unstable process leading to earthquake ruptures, exploiting statistical theory and models, and to develop improved forecasting models of earthquakes.

The meeting will have three sessions on :

  1. Statistical signal processing for earthquake detection and source characterization
  2. Complex ruptures in complex media
  3. Models and analyses of earthquake sequences

Abstracts for oral or poster presentations should be submitted before June 3 at the meeting website https://statsei12.sciencesconf.org.



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