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Reminder: CFM Community Evaluation and Kickoff Workshop 4/7

Date: 04/04/2022

On behalf of Scott Marshall, Appalachian State University:

Hello SCEC Community,

This is a reminder that the Community Fault Model Community Evaluation kicks off this Thursday, 4/7 from 11:00-12:30pm Pacific time with a 
virtual workshop/tutorial. If you would be willing to serve as an evaluator, please email Scott Marshall (marshallst@appstate.edu). 

Attendance at the workshop is not mandatory as we will be recording and later posting a video of the event. For more information about the 
evaluation, including the workshop agenda, visit scec.org/workshops/2022/cfm.

Again, if you are interested in serving as an evaluator for the Community Fault Model, please email Scott Marshall (marshallst@appstate.edu).


Scott Marshall, Andreas Plesch, and John Shaw


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