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Multiple Job Position Announcements from the SCEC Community

Date: 03/05/2022

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following position announcements:

1. PhD Position in Observational Earthquake Seismology (ETH Zurich)
2. Research Geophysicist in Experimental Rock Physics/Rock Mechanics (USGS Menlo Park, CA)


On behalf of Men-Andrin Meier, ETH Zurich:

PhD Position in Observational Earthquake Seismology at ETH Zurich

The group of Seismology and Geodynamics at the Department of Earth Sciences of ETH Zurich invites applications for an exciting PhD student position with a focus on earthquake physics and geothermal energies. 

The recently built Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geophysics and Geoenergies is a new tunnel lab in the heart of the Swiss Alps that allows us to study seismogenic faults under natural conditions, and from up close. The goal of this PhD project is to develop the next-level seismic monitoring methods that fully exploit the exceptional condtions of this unique lab, by combining deep learning, array processing and seismic gradiometry techniques.

For more details, and to apply, please visit: 



On behalf of David Lockner, USGS:

Research Geophysicist in Experimental Rock Physics/Rock Mechanics

This full time, permanent position (GS-13/14) is in the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center (ESC). Research is focused on experimental studies of earthquake physics at the ESC Rock Deformation laboratory in Menlo Park, CA (with relocation to new facilities at nearby Moffett Field, CA in approximately 16 months). The purpose of this position is to conduct laboratory and theoretical studies in rock mechanics aimed at improved understanding of failure processes under conditions expected at seismogenic depths, and to interpret how these failure processes relate to earthquake nucleation and magnitude, pore fluid/rock interaction, induced seismicity, wave speed, permeability, and other geophysical parameters. See https://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/eqproc/rockphysics/why.php for a description of the Rock Deformation labs, and the link therein for a description of the equipment we use.

The application deadline is March 25. Candidates must be US citizens. Access the job announcement (number USGS-SAC-22-11375079-DE-ML) through the link:  USAJOBS - Job Announcement

Please note that resumes of those who apply MUST include detailed information for current and past positions. Be sure to include: job title, name of company/agency, month/yr to month/yr (e.g., March 2012 – June 2013) of each period of employment; number of hours worked per week, salary; supervisor’s name and phone number (can include statements such as “can call/do not call/contact me before calling”) and narrative (not bullet list) of duties, responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and abilities. All required documents must be legible and must be submitted prior to the close of the announcement. Please note that supporting materials such as transcripts (unofficial is fine), SF-50s (for federal employees), PE License, etc., MUST be attached as required by the Vacancy Announcement.  All applicants should submit ALL copies of their unofficial transcripts; and please do not wait until the last day in case of computer issues. More information regarding the application process can be found at https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/ or contact Paj Shua Cha pcha@usgs.gov or David Lockner dlockner@usgs.gov.


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