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Multiple Announcements from SCEC Community Members

Date: 12/09/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Postdoctoral position in tectonic modeling and code development
2. Open Rank - Postdoctoral or Associate Research Scientist at LDEO
3. Outstanding Questions in Tectonophysics AGU Session
4. Two fully funded PhD positions in Seismology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
5. Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics Starting the Earthquake Cycles Working Group
6. Postdoctoral position in coastal processes and landslides, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
7. Faculty cluster hire in geohazards - NTU / ASE / EOS in Singapore


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1. Postdoctoral position in tectonic modeling and code development:

A postdoctoral research position is available for a highly motivated candidate to join the NSF-funded project, “Developing an integrated modeling platform for tectonics, earthquake cycles and surface processes”at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI,https://memphis.edu/ceri) of the University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
The project has two main goals. One is to modernize an open-source long-term tectonic modeling code, DES3D (https://github.com/tan2/dynearthsol.git) by enhancing user experience and implementing hybrid MPI-GPU parallelization. The other goal is to extend DES3D’s modeling capacity through coupling with earthquake cycle modeling (e.g., Tong and Lavier, Nat. Commun., 2018) and with surface process modeling (e.g., https://geodynamics.org/cig/news/research-highlights/november-2021/). Candidates with qualifications for only one part of the project will be considered and encouraged to apply.
A successful candidate will join the international team of Eunseo Choi at CERI, and collaborators, Luc Lavier at University of Texas, Austin and Eh Tan at Academica Sinica in Taiwan. Candidates should hold a PhD in Computational Science, Computational Landscape Evolution Modeling, Computational Geodynamics or a related field. Applications will be considered until March 31, 2022. The starting date is May 1, 2022 but negotiable.
For further information, contact the project leader, Eunseo Choi:echoi2@memphis.edu, https://cerogeodyn.netlify.com

2. Open Rank - Postdoctoral or Associate Research Scientist at LDEO:
Open Rank – Postdoctoral or Associate Research Scientist - Volcanology
With support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University located in Palisades, New York, is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Scientist or Associate Research Scientist to work on the project AVERT: Anticipating Volcanic Eruptions in Real Time (https://avert.ldeo.columbia.edu/). The project aims to establish an open-data, real-time, multi-sensor experiment on Okmok and Cleveland volcanoes in Alaska in order to develop data streams and forecasts for highly active volcanic systems. Classic “closed’ and “open” volcanoes, Okmok and Cleveland will serve as testing grounds for the use of multi-sensor, satellite-telemetered arrays to understand eruption run-up, triggering and precursors. A multi-year logistics platform will engage partners in this community experiment.
The candidate will work with a team of Principal Investigators at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the Alaska Volcano Observatory and other project partners. Efforts would include developing open tools for analyzing real-time mulit-sensor data, taking part in field deployments, helping organize field logistics, and engaging in outreach to stakeholders and inreach to the science community. The candidate is encouraged to conduct original research using the AVERT data.
A Ph.D. in a relevant field is required by the date of hire. Preferred qualifications include prior field work on active volcanoes, published research involving volcano seismology and/or geodesy, excellent communication and organizational skills, and experience in machine learning, edge computing, data assimilation and/or forecasting models. Applicants will be eligible for either the rank of Postdoctoral Research Scientist or Associate Research Scientist based on post-Ph.D. years of experience.
Columbia University benefits are offered with this Officer of Research appointment.

Associate Research Scientist appointments are made on a fiscal year basis and are eligible for renewal each July 1, contingent upon performance and funding. Postdoc appointments are annual and based on hire date. Funding is currently in place for two years.
Review of applications will begin December 29, 2021 and continue until the position is filled. The desired start date is Spring 2022.
For more information about this position and to submit your application along with the contact information for three professional references and other required documents, please visit our application site at: https://academic.careers.columbia.edu/#/87670
For questions about this position, please contact Drs. Terry Plank (tplank@LDEO.columbia.edu) and Einat Lev (einatlev@LDEO.columbia.edu).
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer – Race / Gender / Disability / Veteran
The Lamont campus values diversity and inclusion, and encourages applications from members of underrepresented minority groups.
We accept online applications only.

3. Outstanding Questions in Tectonophysics AGU Session:

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to our AGU panel session "Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: Volume I".


This session is an open discussion of great outstanding questions in tectonophysics and the disciplines it bridges, led by a panel of invited experts but open to all. Bring your own favorite (or least favorite/most troubling) questions to the table and join us for a lively discussion of the present and future of tectonophysics. Particularly, we are encouraging early career folks to submit their own questions (can be anonymous!) for discussion through this google doc:


We hope to see you and your questions there!

Chris Rollins
Alba M. Rodriguez Padilla
Heather Shaddox
Jean-Philippe Avouac

4. Two fully funded PhD positions in Seismology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland:

The Swiss Seismological Service (SED, www.seismo.ethz.ch) at ETH Zurich invites applications for two PhD student position inseismology.

The first project in the domain of statistical seismology will exploit the use of the relative size distribution of earthquake (the b-value) for enhancing predictability. The student will analyze temporal and spatial changes in b-values throughout the seismic cycle, relate observations to seismotectonics and used them for improving aftershock and foreshock hazard assessment. The so-called Foreshock Traffic Light System (FTLS) has recently shown potential to exploit change in b-values observed for the real-time discrimination of foreshocks and aftershocks. In the context of the EC funded project RISE (www.rise-eu.org), ETH Zurich and the University of Bologna (Dr. Laura Gulia) are further developing and formally testing the FTLS hypothesis. The full call and more details of this project is found here:https://www.jobs.ethz.ch/job/view/JOPG_ethz_rxbm1tmWdIUdgeVgTH

The second project is in the emerging domain of laboratory seismology. The student will conduct laboratory research at the Rock Physics and Mechanics Laboratory (https://rpml.ethz.ch/) and implement computational models to better understand the physical processes leading to critical point behavior in rock deformation experiments. Critical point behavior has been studied in the laboratory rock deformation experiments but remains solely observed using statistical approaches. This project will add new measurement tools in the form of distributed fiber optic strain sensing (DFS), which provides the richest, unabated vision of the slow progressive damage during the pre-failure phase in rock deformation tests to date. The full call and more details of this project is found here:https://www.jobs.ethz.ch/job/view/JOPG_ethz_cfznUnkf9SSxysjapH

The students will be part of a small solution-oriented team and contribute to advancing the state of the art in research on earthquake physics and earthquake predictability. We offer world-class resources and opportunities to develop a scientific career in an ambitious and dynamic international team and flexible working conditions.

Requirements for each candidate are found in the accompanying links. Please also use these links to apply.

5. Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics Starting the Earthquake Cycles Working Group:

The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics is starting the Earthquake Cycles Working Group to help the community tackle problems related to seismic processes, included at subduction zones and continental transforms. We are recruiting a group of motivated researchers at various career stages and backgrounds to help the development of open-source codes to simulate seismic cycles. For more information, please contact the Committee Chair Sylvain Barbot (sbarbot@usc.edu) or Lorraine Hwang (ljhwang@ucdavis.edu).

6. Postdoctoral position in coastal processes and landslides, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego:

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at UC San Diego seeks a postdoctoral researcher for a three-year funded research project to study coastal cliff erosion and landslide failure processes.

The project aims to further advance quantitative understanding of the spatial and temporal nature of cliff erosion and associated environmental drivers. The project will develop new techniques, tools, and systems to conduct coastal mapping, detect coastal change, measure coastal processes, improve data processing of large topographic datasets, and monitor landslide failure processes using in situ sensors.
The candidate is expected to conduct analysis of coastal cliff geomorphology using remote sensing (e.g. LiDAR, UAV-photogrammetry, GNSS) and to apply computer science techniques for change detection in these datasets, as well as to assist with data collection in the field. The candidate is also expected to help develop new observation systems and to analyze geophysical datasets to help inform early landslide warnings.
The candidate will be located at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, USA, and work in close collaboration with researchers and students in the Coastal Process Group (CPG) (https://siocpg.ucsd.edu/) and other research groups at SIO/UCSD. There will be ample opportunity for fieldwork as well as laboratory time engaging in processing ocean and coastal data. The successful applicant is expected to have expertise in one or more of the following areas: geomorphology, coastal processes, geology, geodesy, geotechnical engineering, slope stability, computer science, GIS, remote sensing, or other relevant disciplines. Candidates with experience in landscape change detection and landslide processes are highly encouraged.
Other requirements include:
1. A PhD in a relevant field in science or engineering.
2. Research experience with contributions to refereed journal articles.
3. Ability to pursue research both independently and collaboratively.
4. Proficient coding skills (Python, Matlab, etc.).

Initial appointment will be for 12 months, renewable subject to performance. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. To apply, email Dr. Adam Young (adyoung@ucsd.edu) a SINGLE PDF with a cover letter, CV, and contact information for 3 references.
Applicant screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. UCSD is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with strong institutional commitment to excellence and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.

7. Faculty cluster hire in geohazards - NTU / ASE / EOS in Singapore:

The Asian School of the Environment (ASE) and Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore are seeking to hire the following, to augment our current group of young, dynamic, and innovative geohazards faculty. We’d appreciate if you can share and/or consider applying.

One Full Professor in Earth Sciences, with a leadership role:

Two Assistant Professors in Volcano or Tectonic Geohazards:

ASE is an interdisciplinary school at NTU that integrates Earth and environmental science, ecology, engineering and technology, human ecology, humanities, and the social sciences to address key issues of the environment and sustainability. EOS is a research centre at NTU with a mission to conduct fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and climate change, in and around Southeast Asia toward safer and more sustainable societies.

ASE and EOS seek a diverse and inclusive workforce and are committed to equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from all and recruit on the basis of merit, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities, or disability.


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