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Multiple Announcements from SCEC Community Members

Date: 11/19/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Ph.D and Postdocs, France
2. Volcanic Deformation Technician (Hawai’i)
3. USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in Cascadia subduction zone transient deformation
4. Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall)
5. University of Oklahoma Geosciences Virtual Open House
6. IT Specialist, Southern California Earthquake Monitoring Project
7. USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in fiber optic and array seismology for earthquake early warning


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1. Ph.D and Postdocs, France:

--- #1

The seismology groups of Géoazur-University Côte d’Azur and CEA institute, France, are seeking a Ph.D. candidate to investigate the potential of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to characterize seismological sources and image the near-surface structure. The project will combine field experiments, to be acquired, and data already acquired from a 4km-scale calibrated experiment performed in an underground laboratory.
The position will remain open until filled but is expected to start at the beginning of 2022. See https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/663622 for more details on the project and how to apply.

---- #2

The geophysics research group at Géoazur - University Côte d'Azur is seeking a candidate for 18 months Postdoctoral Researcher position in seafloor DAS applications. The Researcher will work with a leading and interdisciplinary team of scientists investigating this new and revolutionary technology.
The general aim of the project is to improve understanding of the DAS capabilities in the seafloor environment but the precise topic of research will be decided with the successful candidate based on his interest and expertise. The candidate will have access to a large number of DAS datasets acquired on several different seafloor cables.

The candidate must have a doctoral degree in geophysics and strong skills in signal processing.

Applications must include: 1) a cover letter outlining the candidate’s academic qualifications and professional experiences, motivation, and how they will bring value to project goals; 2) a current curriculum vitae; 3) two letters of recommendation that support the candidate’s application.

For full consideration, please submit your application electronically in PDF format by email to ampuero@geoazur.unice.fr and sladen@geoazur.unice.fr. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

2. Volcanic Deformation Technician (Hawai’i):

Aloha All,

Are you interested (or know someone who is) in doing GNSS/GPS field campaign deployments (and more) for Hawaiian volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawai’i? Apply to the CSAV Volcanic Deformation Technician (temporary) position through the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i and work closely with USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory staff. Position begins early 2022.

ID# 221628 CSAV Volcanic Deformation Technician
Research Corporation of the University of Hawai‘i
Center of Study-Active Volcanoes

1 Click the link to access the RCUH careers site below.
2. Review the job description and select the ‘Apply’ button to begin your application.


Best regards,
ndi Ellis

3. USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in Cascadia subduction zone transient deformation:

Understanding the physical processes of deformation on the Cascadia subduction interface and quantifying the extent and rate of aseismic deformation is needed to assess the interseismic slip deficit in the shallowest part of the megathrust, which directly controls the potential seismic hazard of the Cascadia subduction zone.

We are seeking a Mendenhall post-doctoral researcher who is interested in using geodesy and seismology to pursue research on aseismic deformation in Cascadia, ideally fusing data from Network of the Americas (NOTA) strainmeters and seafloor geodesy with continuous GNSS data from NOTA and Central Washington University’s Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (PANGA), along with any other types of available data. There are numerous possible research topics that could help us understand the kinematics of slip in the Cascadia subduction zone, the physics of slip and tremor processes, and the resulting seismic hazard. Potential research proposal topics include but are not limited to: the relationship of aseismic slip events to major earthquakes; forecasting Cascadia post-seismic slip and its hypothetical implications for evolution of a Cascadia megathrust earthquake sequence; optimal utilization of strain, seafloor geodetic, and GNSS data to rapidly constrain depths and focal mechanisms of major earthquakes offshore Cascadia; and development of algorithms to detect and locate sources of aseismic deformation in near-real time.

For more information about this and other Mendenhall post-doctoral fellowship opportunities please see:

Applications, including a research proposal, are due by January 6, 2022.

If you are interested in applying, please reach out to any of the advisors for this research opportunity:
Sarah Minson <sminson@usgs.gov>, Evelyn Roeloffs <evelynr@usgs.gov>, Andy Barbour <abarbour@usgs.gov>, Nick Beeler <nbeeler@usgs.gov>, Joan Gomberg <gomberg@usgs.gov>, Jess Murray <jrmurray@usgs.gov>, Ben Brooks <bbrooks@usgs.gov>

Learn more about the Mendenhall fellowship program here:

Full listing of research opportunities is available here:

4. Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall):

The USGS Earthquake Science Center invites applications to the Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program on a variety of research topics. Why is it great to work for USGS? We serve the Nation by providing reliable scientific information while valuing differences, encouraging each other, and collaborating to make new discoveries. Fellowships provide 2 years of salary and benefits, as well as funding to support the proposed research project. Interested candidates can view position descriptions related to each topic at the sites below. Positions are based out of one or more of our offices in California and Washington State. Candidates are encouraged to discuss their proposal(s) and/or the application process with the USGS scientists listed on each opportunity. The deadline to apply is 6 January 2022.
All Opportunities. https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/research-opportunities
20-25 Elliott 20-25. Imaging northern California faults and their connectivity in 3D
20-26 Grant 20-26. Geotechnical and geomorphic investigations of submarine slope stability and seascape evolution in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
20-27 Nevitt 20-27. Fault processes and mechanics near Earth’s surface during coseismic and aseismic slip
20-28 Minson 20-28. Cascadia subduction zone transient deformation: Implications for earthquake hazard
20-29 Gomberg 20-29. Machine learning/artificial intelligence for seafloor geodesy
20-30 Kaven 20-30. Seismic hazard analyses in geologic carbon sequestration
20-17 Shelly 20-17. Optimizing the characterization of small earthquakes for seismic forecasting
20-18 Moschetti 20-18. Towards non-ergodic ground-motion models in the National Seismic Hazard Model
20-19 Kean 20-19. Advanced scientific computing to improve assessment of post-fire debris-flow hazards
20-20 DuRoss 20–20. Advancing seismic hazard characterization using lacustrine paleoseismology
20-21 Pratt 20-21. Analysis of active tectonics and fault systems in Puerto Rico
20-22 Yeck 20-22. Leveraging machine learning for next-generation global earthquake monitoring
20-23 Field 20-23. Forging next generation earthquake forecast models
20-24 Boyd 20-24. Applications of full-waveform inversion for high-resolution seismic velocity models and site response in support of earthquake ground motion investigations

5. University of Oklahoma Geosciences Virtual Open House:

Dear Prospective Graduate Students,

We invite you to join us for a virtual open house event on Thursday, December 2, 3:00 - 4:30 PM (Central Time Zone) to learn about the MS/PhD graduate programs in geology and geophysics in the School of Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma (https://www.ou.edu/mcee/geosciences).

During the event, Director of the School, Dr. Gerilyn Soreghan, will introduce you to our department, with its history and future trajectory. Academic Programs Coordinator, Rebecca Fay, will review the application process and appointments. Multiple faculty will lead breakout sessions to discuss the highlights and opportunities of diverse research projects about the Earth, energy, and the environment. You will also hear from a student panel discussion and learn about student activities, life in Norman, OK, and career prospects.

We are committed to providing excellent education and research opportunities for all students, especially those that are historically under-represented in geosciences. The deadline for the application for our programs with departmental funding is Jan. 1, 2022. As a partner institute, we also keenly welcome student applicants to consider us through the AGU Bridge program (https://www.agu.org/bridge-program).

If you are interested, please fill out the RSVP form (https://forms.gle/FUerpTYLHBbCk1L46). We will send a Zoom link and event agenda to participants soon.

Graduate Affairs Committee
School of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma

6. IT Specialist, Southern California Earthquake Monitoring Project:

The USGS invites qualified IT Specialists to join the Southern California Earthquake Monitoring project in the design, implementation and maintenance of local- and wide-area networks supporting data collection and processing. Work at the epicenter of real-time earthquake monitoring for southern California. Design, implement, and maintain the wide area network (WAN) and local area network (LAN) strategies of the Southern California Earthquake Monitoring project. Configure and install associated equipment; implement and maintain routing for reliable data flow; monitor and troubleshoot to keep the data flowing.
See https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/621442300 for further details.

The vacancy is open through 11/24/2021, but don’t wait to apply! Applicants must be U.S. citizens.



7. USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in fiber optic and array seismology for earthquake early warning:

The purpose of this Mendenhall Fellowship opportunity is to advance our understanding on fiber optic (FO) seismology for earthquake early warning (EEW) applications using array processing techniques. A successful applicant should have the background and interest to pursue research on distributed acoustic sensing of earthquake waves with fiber optic cables and with traditional seismic arrays for EEW, focused on using seismic array processing techniques with either FO or traditional seismic arrays. Array processing offers a robust method for determining slowness and back azimuth from arriving waves, which can help identify seismic phases and the earthquake source location at regional distances, in areas not easily instrumented with standard networks.

The ShakeAlert EEW system is live in California, Oregon, and Washington. It relies on methods that are well optimized for dense seismic networks. However, many of the largest earthquakes that could produce shaking within the ShakeAlert reporting region will occur outside of the well instrumented areas, such as offshore in the subduction zone. Properly characterizing these earthquakes as quickly as possible presents one of the greatest opportunities for success in EEW, and more active research is needed to improve the methods used for these difficult to instrument regions. Method development can be done using a growing number of publicly available fiber optic and traditional seismic array datasets. There will also be opportunities to design and collect new datasets during the term of the fellowship.

Even with the great potential for FO datasets to complement an EEW system like ShakeAlert, numerous fundamental questions remain. Among these, the most important ones include: how well dynamic strains in the fiber represent true ground strain, how signals within the FO array vary due to coupling and site effects, quantifying detection limits in frequency space, isolating seismic signals from natural and anthropogenic noise, the performance of FO systems in the near-field, optimal array geometries and sampling configurations, and differences in performance related to fiber engineering.

For more information about this Mendenhall post-doctoral fellowship opportunity please see: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/s59-fiber-optic-and-array-seismo...

Applications, including a research proposal, are due by January 6, 2022, a thttps://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/620162700.

If you are interested in applying, please reach out to any of the advisors for this research opportunity:
Jeff McGuire <jmcguire@usgs.gov>, Andy Barbour <abarbour@usgs.gov>, Clara Yoon <cyoon@usgs.gov>

Learn more about the Mendenhall fellowship program here:

Full listing of research opportunities is available here:


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