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Multiple Announcements: Faculty, Staff, Postdoc, and Graduate Opportunities

Date: 11/05/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in seafloor geodesy, machine learning and artificial intelligence
2. USGS Mendenhall postdoctoral opportunity (#20-24) for development and application of full waveform inverse methods to improve estimates of site response and seismic hazards
3. The 2021 Scripps Geophysics Fall virtual open house
4. USGS Mendenhall Program Post-doctoral Opportunity on Non-ergodic Ground Motions and Earthquake Hazards
5. Two tenure-track positions at SMU in Atmospheric Science and Climate Change, and Optical Remote Sensing
6. Caltech Staff Seismologist Position
7. Geophysical Statistician - GNS Science


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1. USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in seafloor geodesy, machine learning and artificial intelligence:

We are seeking a Mendenhall Post-doctoral Fellow to develop and/or apply novel machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) algorithms to enhance the potential of seafloor geodesy for detection and characterization of tectonic deformation, particularly in subduction zones. Just a few of the many key questions that proposals may addressinclude: 1) How can sensor network design be optimized? 2) What methods and measurements may be most effective for discriminating between ocean circulation-generated and smaller tectonic deformation signals? 3) To what extent can models of both ocean circulation (noise) and tectonic deformation be used to address the preceding questions? 4) CanML/AI algorithms reveal causal connections between ocean circulation pressures and tectonic defor mation? Example well-suited data include geodetic measurements (e.g., pressures, strains, tilts, GPS-A, etc.) from the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment and the Cascadia Initiative, and cabled seafloor networks, as well as complementary data (e.g., satellite sea surface height and temperature, bathymetric, and seismic imagery data) and regionally-specific model predictions of tectonic deformation and ocean circulation.

Proposals need not specify particular ML/AI algorithms, and the Fellow would collaborate closely with mentor Kutz and his team at the University of Washington (UW), who have pioneered algorithms and workflows that are ideally suited to questions relevant to seafloor geodesy. The probable duty station for this opportunity is the USGS field station at the UW, but we anticipate regular interactions with all mentors.

For more information about this Mendenhall post-doctoral fellowship opportunity and to discuss proposal ideas please see: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/20-29-machine-learningartificial... and/or reach out to any of the advisors: Joan Gomberg, 206-941-7498, gomberg@usgs.gov; Ben Brooks, bbrooks@usgs.gov, 650-439-2436; Todd Ericksen, tericksen@usgs.gov, 808-956-8760; Janet Watt, jwatt@usgs.gov, 831-460-7565; Nathan Kutz,206-685-3029, kutz@uw.edu; S. Hautala, 206-543-0596, hautala@uw.edu, W. Wilcock, 206-543-6043, wilcock@uw.edu; H.P. Johnson, 206-543-8474, paulj@uw.edu; A.J. Hermann, 206-526-6495, albert.j.hermann@noaa.gov

Applications, including a research proposal, are due by January 6, 2022.

Learn more about the Mendenhall fellowship program here:
and a full listing of research opportunities is available here:

2. USGS Mendenhall postdoctoral opportunity (#20-24) for development and application of full waveform inverse methods to improve estimates of site response and seismic hazards

The USGS Mendenhall program has a post-doctoral opportunity (#20-24) for recent graduates interested in full waveform inversion and earthquake hazards entitled "Applications of full-waveform inversion for high-resolution seismic velocity models and site response in support of earthquake ground motion investigations".

Ground motion characterization represents one of the greatest uncertainties in probabilistic seismic-hazard analysis. While advances in 3-D ground motion simulations are prompting their serious consideration for inclusion in next-generation seismic-hazard models, many important scientific issues affecting accurate ground motion prediction remain. First among them is development of robust high-resolution seismic velocity models, which is a critical step for characterizing subsurface geologic properties and understanding anelastic wave propagation caused by both path and site effects. Over the past 15 years, full-waveform inversion (FWI) has become an emerging tool in earthquake seismology parallel to advances in computational resources and numerical methods from crustal (i.e., sedimentary basin) to global scales providing high-resolution images in densely instrumented and seismically active regions. However, even with the advent of ambient noise and microtremor array techniques and advances in noise FWI theory for obtaining shear-wave velocities, there are very few studies to date using these data in an FWI framework due to adverse effects of, for example, uneven source distributions and measurement techniques on the resolution of tomographic models. Thus, there is a need to explore both state-of-the-art ambient noise and multi-method (both active- and passive-source) high-frequency multi-component datasets with FWI for characterizing earthquake wave propagation phenomena such as basin-edge effects, converted phase generation, attenuation, and site response.

We seek a postdoctoral candidate to conduct research on problems that utilize full-waveform inversion to resolve seismic structure in regions of importance for characterizing earthquake ground motions and improving estimates of seismic hazards. The research effort will be largely determined by the postdoctoral fellow’s background and interests but ideally will broadly align with our interests in seismic hazards in the United States including the Wasatch Front, Utah, the Mississippi Embayment and Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, the Pacific Northwest, and the Cook Inlet region of Alaska.

Applications are due January 6th, 2022, and more information about the program, the opportunity, and how to apply can be found at https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions about this opportunity.

Proposed duty station: Golden, Colorado
Research advisors: Oliver Boyd (olboyd@usgs.gov), Bill Stephenson (wstephens@usgs.gov), Morgan Moschetti (mmoschetti@usgs.gov), Erin Wirth (ewirth@usgs.gov), and Ebru Bozdag (bozdag@mines.edu)

3. The 2021 Scripps Geophysics Fall virtual open house:

Dear Prospective Graduate Students,

We hope this message finds you healthy! We invite you to join us on Wednesday, November 17th, 9 am -10 am PT (12 pm-1 pm ET) for a virtual open house to learn about the Geophysics graduate program at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Please sign up using this Registration form (Zoom info will appear on the confirmation page).

Registration form:

You can hear presentations from the Director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Adrian Borsa, and Geophysics graduate program coordinator, Cathy Constable. There will be pitch talks to learn more about sub-disciplines, followed by a student panel discussion, and time for your questions. Our Graduate Student Affairs Advisors will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

We look forward to introducing you to the Scripps Geophysics program!

Best wishes,
Geophysics Graduate Admissions Committee
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego

4. USGS Mendenhall Program Post-doctoral Opportunity on Non-ergodic Ground Motions and Earthquake Hazards

The USGS Mendenhall program has a post-doctoral opportunity (#20-18) for recent graduates interested in non-ergodic ground motions and earthquake hazards entitled "Towards non-ergodic ground-motion models in the National Seismic Hazard Model".

The National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) is an important product of the U.S. Geological Survey and forms the basis for the seismic provisions of U.S. building codes, as well as other engineering-design requirements, risk assessments, and planning decisions. The NSHM currently uses ergodic ground-motion models (GMMs). These models are ergodic in the sense that they are empirically derived from data across many regions for a given seismotectonic region, such as for shallow crustal, stable, and subduction regions. There is an increasing need for seismic hazard analysis to incorporate regional variations in ground motion characteristics that arises from variations in geologic processes and structures.

The Research Opportunity seeks a candidate to conduct research on earthquake ground-motions and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses that may be used to improve the National Seismic Hazard Model. Priority regions for study include Los Angeles, California; San Francisco Bay Area, California; Seattle, Washington; and Salt Lake City, Utah. Multiple approaches to advancing probabilistic seismic hazard analysis through non-ergodic ground-motion models may be employed, including through machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks, in combination with 3-D ground-motion simulations, as well as modifying empirical ground-motion models with observations or simulated ground-motion data, physically-plausible extrapolations or other novel means. Example research directions that may be addressed by the Fellow are provided at:
https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/20-18-towards-non-ergodic-ground..., but other research efforts to improve ground motion characterizations in seismic hazard products are also encouraged.

Applications are due January 6th, 2022, and more information about the program, the opportunity, and how to apply can be found at https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Research Advisors early in the application process to discuss project ideas.

Proposed duty station: Golden, Colorado
Research advisors: Morgan Moschetti (mmoschetti@usgs.gov, Kyle Withers (kwithers@usgs.gov), Eric Thompson (emthompson@usgs.gov), Mark Petersen (mpetersen@usgs.gov), Brad Aagaard (baagaard@usgs.gov), Robert Graves (rwgraves@usgs.gov), and Annemarie Baltay (abaltay@usgs.gov)

5. Two tenure-track positions at SMU in Atmospheric Science and Climate Change, and Optical Remote Sensing:

Southern Methodist University (SMU) announces four faculty positions in the area of earth hazards and national security. These tenure-track positions are in the areas of atmospheric science and climate change; optical remote sensing; big data analysis and machine learning; and the socio-economic impacts of earth hazards, including environmental justice. Candidates will be expected to develop an outstanding research program and effectively teach and advise a diverse student body of graduate and undergraduate students. The multi-faculty hire represents an ambitious program to develop large-scale collaborative research projects responding to some of humankind’s most daunting challenges. These positions will begin in the Fall of 2022.
As part of these hires, the Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences at Southern Methodist University invites applications for two positions at the level of assistant or associate professor in the areas of atmospheric science and climate change and optical remote sensing. The department engages in fundamental and applied research using quantitative, measurement-based approaches. Successful candidates will strengthen a research core focused on Earth system interactions with current specialties in atmospheric acoustics, radar remote sensing, seismology, tectonics, environmental studies, climate related systems associated with the solid Earth and/or atmosphere, water cycle and aqueous systems, life and its history, geochemistry, and natural and anthropogenic hazard and risk.
Position No. 50827- Atmospheric Science and Climate Change. We seek candidates with a broad background in climate and/or atmospheric science with expertise in global climate modeling over broad timescales and direct or proxy measurements of the current or past atmosphere. Candidates interested in working across timescales and synthesizing real-time atmospheric measurements with proxy data are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidate’s areas of expertise might include, but are not limited to, modern atmosphere and its dynamics; the Earth’s near-time geological record of climate change through geochemistry, sedimentology, geobiology; and integrative data science that speaks to climate history on our planet. Applicants for Position 50827 must submit their CV, statement of teaching and research interests, three letters of recommendation via Interfolio at http://apply.interfolio.com/95548.
Position No. 06030– Optical Remote Sensing. We seek candidates with a broad background in geological optical remote sensing with expertise on geohazards, Earth surface processes, land use dynamics, or critical zone studies. Candidates with experience analyzing remote sensing big data of different sources to understand processes, or developing methods for converting remote sensing image data into information relevant to environmental changes and monitoring applications are encouraged to apply. Applicants for Position 06030 must submit their CV, statement of teaching and research interests, three letters of recommendation via Interfolio at https://apply.interfolio.com/95829.
Applications received by December 1, 2021, will receive full consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. A Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment. The committee will notify applicants of its employment decisions after the position is filled. Hiring is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a background check. For more information, please visit the Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences or contact Stephanie Schwob, sschwob@smu.edu.
SMU is a nationally-ranked, private, non-sectarian research institution located in one of the nation’s fastest growing metropolitan areas. Researchers are part of an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community of internationally recognized scholars across the humanities, social sciences, mathematical sciences, engineering, and business. SMU offers excellent benefits including full same-sex domestic partner benefits. The City of Dallas is one of the nation’s most cosmopolitan commercial and cultural
centers, and the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex is the fourth largest in the US. Dallas’ quality of life is exceptional, with a relatively low cost of living and a variety of housing options. A full range of professional sports teams, music venues, a lively and innovative restaurant scene, and more make Dallas an extremely livable city. Explore SMU at http://www.smu.edu.
SMU will not discriminate in any program or activity on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression. The Executive Director for Access and Equity/Title IX Coordinator is designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies and may be reached at the Perkins Administration Building, Room 204, 6425 Boaz Lane, Dallas, TX 75205, 214-768-3601, accessequity@smu.edu.

6. Caltech Staff Seismologist Position

Apply at:

Job Summary

The Caltech Seismological Laboratory seeks a Staff Seismologist to lead the generation of real-time earthquake information products for the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN). The Staff Seismologist will have the opportunity to work in a cutting edge, real-time environment to solve real seismological problems and potentially affect the lives of millions of people through efforts like Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). The successful candidate will have a great opportunity to improve their machine learning and Amazon Web Services (AWS) skills as they lead the SCSN towards use of cloud technology for real-time seismology. The position is high profile with the potential to interact with the media, including social media, to inform the public.

This is an Essential Reporting position. An employee designated as essential reporting has essential job skills that are needed for response and recovery, and is expected to report to campus as soon as possible.

Job Duties

Develop tools and products that will maintain the SCSN capability and operation at the forefront for earthquake reporting and scientific research.
Interact with the media, including social media, to inform the public post-event about specific earthquake information as well as about the field in general.
Perform applied research on earthquakes to improve the SCSN products.
Assist in day-to-day administration and supervision of the SCSN.
Supervise three data analysts and two software developers.
Participate in ‘on-call duties’, which may require occasional evening and weekend response time; Participate in on-call rotation for a week, approximately every two months.
Contribute to development of proposals and report writing.
Perform all other duties as assigned, including varied technical assignments requiring the use of standard scientific principles, techniques, and process. Exercise discretion and independent judgment in evaluating potential approaches and solutions to significant problems and determining appropriate resolutions. Will be responsible for completing significant project or assignment milestones.
Basic Qualifications

PhD in seismology or related field, or a Masters degree with a minimum of three years of relevant experience.
Technology and computer skills to implement new algorithms. Ability to use modern scripting languages and understand modern computer infrastructure.
Ability to manage large datasets and monitor data quality as well as to work successfully on multiple tasks simultaneously.
Must be a proactive, self-starter with excellent interpersonal and presentation skills, and be able to work with a team, and pay attention to detail.
Necessary public-speaking skills to interact with the media and to represent the network at various meetings.
Excellent writing skills.
Preferred Qualifications

Desirable to be fluent in Spanish.
Required Documents

Cover Letter

COVID-19 Vaccine Required for All Employees
Caltech has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy effective October 15, 2021, requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees (with Institute-approved exemptions for religious or medical contraindications only). At present, an individual is deemed “fully vaccinated” when that person has received, at least 14 days prior, either the second dose in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series (e.g., Pfizer or Moderna) or a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., Johnson & Johnson). As a condition of employment, employees must submit official COVID-19 vaccine documentation. More information may be found here.

EEO Statement
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

7. Geophysical Statistician - GNS Science:

Geophysical Statistician - GNS Science


GNS Science, Te Pū Ao, is a Crown Research Institute. Our core purpose is to understand earth systems and physics-based technologies and to transform this knowledge into economic and social benefits for New Zealand.
GNS Science is New Zealand's primary Institute for research on understanding earthquake hazards and reducing earthquake risks and is recognised internationally in these areas.
We are seeking a talented, motivated and experienced applied statistician for a permanent, fulltime position in our Avalon, Lower Hutt office, to promote the appropriate use of statistical methods in geophysical studies. Activities will include, but are not limited to, research into both time-dependent and stationary seismicity models across all time-scales, development and application of model testing methods, and assisting with the operations of the New Zealand Earthquake Forecast Testing Centre. Further, there will be opportunities to develop links between earthquake forecasting and the National Seismic Hazard model.
The ideal candidate will have the following:
· A PhD in statistical methods or in applying statistical methods to geophysics
· Experience in advising researchers on the appropriate use of statistical methods
· Experience in working with earthquake data
· Excellent computing and programming skills
· Ability to contribute on multiple topics
· Experience working in a research environment, as part of a team.
· Strong communication and writing skills
· Ability to develop and strengthen our international collaboration
This is an opportunity to be part of a great team at GNS Science.
GNS offers a supportive and flexible work environment, professional career development and generous employee benefits.
Want to know more?
Please contact careers@gns.cri.nz with any questions or queries.
Closes: 21 November 2021.

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