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Multiple Job Announcements: Research Geophysicist at USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory, PhD at Utrecht University, & Earthquake Hazard Professional at Karen Clark

Date: 09/02/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following job announcements:

1. USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory - Research Geophysicist (GS 12/13)
2. 4-year PhD position open at Utrecht University
3. Earthquake Hazard Professional, Karen Clark and Company


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1. USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory - Research Geophysicist (GS 12/13):

A GS 12/13 Research Geophysicist position (with specialty in seismology) is now open at the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO), located in Vancouver, Washington (https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/cascades-volcano-observatory). CVO is one of 5 volcano observatories operated by the USGS' Volcano Science Center, which are collectively responsible for understanding and mitigating volcanic hazards at the nation's 161 potentially active volcanoes. In addition to having responsibility for volcanoes in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, CVO is host to the USGS' Volcano Disaster Assistance Program, which works with scientists and officials in other countries to aide them in their efforts to mitigate volcanic hazards.

As a Research Geophysicist at CVO, some of the specific duties will include:
• Leading and conducting research in volcano seismology and infrasound to assess the hazards related to potentially active volcanoes through an integrated program of field and laboratory investigations.
• Planning, conducting, and interpreting research based on seismological and/or infrasound investigations of active volcanoes in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, with a primary focus on volcanoes in the Cascade Range as well as elsewhere in the western U.S. and analogous volcanic regions abroad, in collaboration with other USGS and academic researchers.
• Analyzing and interpreting seismic and infrasonic data to improve understanding of the underlying volcanic processes giving rise to seismic/infrasonic signals.
• Design, test and implement algorithms to automatically detect, identify, and locate seismic and infrasonic signals associated with unrest, eruption, and/or surface mass movements (e.g., lahars, avalanches, rock falls), with a particular focus on Mount Rainier.
• Assist in the design, installation and maintenance of volcano monitoring networks.
• Communicate results of research investigations to the broader scientific community as well as government official and local stakeholders.
• Physical Demands: Must be able to hike long distances in isolated regions, often over uneven or steep terrain under extreme weather conditions, and carry a backpack of up to 50 lbs in weight.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens and have valid state driver's licenses & safe driving record.

For more information about job qualifications and applying for the positions, head to the USAJobs.gov job advertisement at https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/612535500 . Applications will be accepted through September 17, 2021.

If you have questions about this position, please feel free to reach out to Seth Moran (smoran@usgs.gov, 360 993-8934) and Wes Thelen (wthelen@usgs.gov, 360 993-8977).

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy:
The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor.

2. 4-year PhD position open at Utrecht University:

Dear colleagues,

I have a 4-year PhD position open on constraining the maximum earthquake magnitude in the gas field of Groningen. To do so based on physical modelling, the PhD candidate will develop a probabilistic 3D multi-physics, data-driven modelling framework through coupling a semi-analytical reservoir simulator with both HPC dynamic earthquake rupture code SeisSol and a semi-analytical Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics formulation for a complex fault networks.

If you know of any potential interested candidates, I would be grateful if you could refer them to:


3. Earthquake Hazard Professional, Karen Clark and Company:
Karen Clark and Company seeks an earthquake hazard professional to join our growing team of catastrophe model developers. In this position, you will work closely with other scientists and engineers to build out our global suite of advanced earthquake models.

• Collect and analyze regional historical seismicity data
• Research regional tectonics, including fault structures and rupture mechanisms
• Develop magnitude-frequency relationships for seismic source zones and faults
• Develop smooth and background seismicity models
• Conduct post-event damage surveys for major global events

• PhD in Seismology or Geophysics with research relevant to seismic source modeling
• Knowledge of earthquake frequency parameters and experience with magnitude-frequency distributions
• Knowledge and experience in advanced probability and statistical methods
• Excellent oral and written communication skills, keen orientation to detail, an eye for professional presentation, and recognized organizational abilities
• Experience with Python desirable
• Ability to travel within the US or internationally with little advance notice
• Experience with GIS software (e.g., QGIS, ArcGIS, etc.) is a plus
• Experience in catastrophe modeling a plus
• Knowledge of C# programming language a plus
• Some work experience (≤ 5 years) a plus

Apply to our website at: https://www.karenclarkandco.com/careers

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