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Two AGU Session Calls for Abstracts (T030 and DI010)

Date: 07/30/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements regarding AGU announcements:

1. Call for abstracts AGU21 Session T030
2. Call for abstracts AGU21 Session DI010

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1. Call for abstracts AGU21 Session T030

Greetings SCEC community,

We invite you to submit an abstract to the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting session T030 “Unravelling the complex interplay between short-term and long-term deformation to understand crustal dynamics.” Our session aims to bring together geoscientists from a wide variety of fields including geophysical and geodynamic numerical modeling/observations, and field geology disciplines for a series of presentations and discussions focused on linking short-term and long-term deformation to understand crustal dynamics. This is a virtual-only session (will be held completely in a virtual format).

Submit your abstracts at: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/123394

Invited Speakers:
Onno Oncken (GFZ, Postdam)
Whitney Behr (ETH, Zurich)

Session Description:
Crustal deformation of the Earth encompasses both short-term deformation over decadal timescales as well as long-term deformation over geological timescales. Short-term deformation is well-imaged by geodetic and seismological methods, but untangling short- and long-term processes from decadal-scale observations can be difficult. We, therefore, rely on geological, thermochronological, and geomorphological tools to provide insight into processes that build tectonic structures. Important feedback mechanisms exist between short-term and long-term processes, but it remains difficult to reconcile the tools and scales employed to study short-term versus long-term processes. Since observations of coupled processes across these disparate temporal scales are challenging, we rely on numerical modelling techniques to shed light on the interplay between long-term and short-term processes. This session encourages submissions from geology, tectonics, geophysical modelling and observations, and geodynamic modelling to discuss the complexities involved in combining these processes and novel methods to reconcile geological and geophysical data in a unified model.

We hope you will consider submitting an abstract to this session. The deadline is August 4, 2021.

Sharadha Sathiakumar (USC)
Alice-Agnes Gabriel (LMU)
Ylona van Dinther (Utrecht University)
James Biemiller (UCSD)

2. Call for abstracts AGU21 Session DI010
Dear colleagues, 

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU session " DI010 - Interdisciplinary studies of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system" (https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/120755 )
Session Description:
The lithosphere-asthenosphere system is fundamental to understanding plate tectonics and the evolution of Earth. Significant advances in geophysical imaging, petrology, rheology, and geodynamics in the past decade have enabled interdisciplinary investigation of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath both continents and oceans in unprecedented detail. Yet, fundamental aspects of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system still remain uncertain, such as the nature and origin of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, the degree of coupling between the lithosphere and asthenosphere, and the thermodynamic state of the upper mantle. We welcome contributions that explore the structure, dynamics, and state of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system across tectonic settings using methodologies including but not limited to seismic and electromagnetic imaging, geochemical modeling, mineral physics, and thermal-mechanical modeling. Interdisciplinary studies that integrate observations across disciplines to jointly constrain the nature of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system are especially encouraged.

We hope you will consider submitting an abstract. The deadline is August 4, 2021. Let us know if you have any questions.


Tianze Liu (UCSD, til008@ucsd.edu)
Daniel Blatter (UCSD)
Joshua Russell (Brown)
William Shinevar (CU Boulder, shinevar@mit.edu)


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Thank you for your inquiry.

We appreciate your interest in SCEC.


Jason Ballmann
SCEC Information

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