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Multiple Announcements: Position with the Earthquake Research Institute (Japan), GSA Session Announcement, and AGU Session Announcement

Date: 07/16/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Physical Science Technician at USGS
2. Call for abstracts: GSA Session T149
3. AGU Surface Topography and Vegetation Union Session
4. AGU 2021 session T020, Localization preceding catastrophic failure


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1. Physical Science Technician at USGS

Dear sirs-

I would like to ask to post the following announcement to the SCEC community.

Institution: Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Call for 2022 Visiting Professor/Post-doc position at ERI.
The deadline is August 1(Sunday), 2021.

For more details, please visit

The Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), The University of Tokyo, invites applications for Visiting Professor / Post-doctoral Fellow positions in the research fields of earthquakes, tsunamis, their engineering, volcanoes, and physics of the earth’s interior. The period of each position will be from four* to twelve months between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. (* Three months is also possible, if candidates cannot leave their institutions for more than three months.) Successful candidates are expected to carry out research at ERI as an employee of the University of Tokyo. Monthly salary, ancillary expenses including partial housing costs and commuting allowance will be paid following the rules of the University and ERI. While priorities are given to the first-time visitors, we also consider second-time applications if he/she is willing to contribute to education by teaching a course or co-tutoring graduate students with our faculty members.

Candidates are requested to submit on-line application form and the following set of documents at: https://erikokusai.confit.atlas.jp/en (Please create your account first.)

(1) Title of research and research proposal at ERI (300-500 words)
(2) Summary of research that the candidate has conducted (300-500 words)**
(3) Desired length of stay: from four to twelve months
(4) Desired host at ERI and correspondence
(5) CV with birthdate and detailed account of academic activity
(6) List of academic publications (identify a few papers relevant to the proposal)

**Second-time applicants can also submit education proposals, lecture series etc.
*If you are unable to submit the documents online, please send them via e-mail to:
intl-office<at>eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt e-mail from us in 3-4 days after submission. If not, please contact us.

For information on host researchers at ERI, visit http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/member/.
Prior contact with an ERI faculty member is required. If you need assistance in finding a suitable host researcher at ERI, please contact us well in advance to discuss your research proposal with the host, by the mid-July 2021.

The deadline for this application is Sunday, 1 August 2021 (Japan Standard Time).

For further information regarding this position, please visit

Please feel free to contact the address below.
It would be appreciated If you could also share the information with your colleagues.

Masataka Kinoshita, Ph.D.
Head, International Research Promotion Office Earthquake Research Institute,
the University of Tokyo 1-1, Yayoi 1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5841-5809 Fax: +81-3-5841-5643
E-mail: intl-office<at>eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp

2. Call for abstracts: GSA Session T149

Dear Colleagues,

We wish to advertise our session at the Fall 2021 Geological Society of America (GSA) Conference* entitled "T149. Building the Workforce of the 21st Century: Understanding Diversity, Intersectionality, Ethics, and Inclusivity in the Geosciences and Implementing Transformative Change in Our Culture."

In this session, we welcome abstract submissions that focus on identifying existing challenges in 1) recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce, 2) establishing an accessible, inclusive and welcoming classroom, lab, field, and workplace environment for students, staff, and faculty, and 3) eradicating discrimination, harassment, bullying and retaliation in our community. Other important topics include extending inclusion to “invisible” minorities such as members of the LGBTQ community; emphasizing the contributions of indigenous peoples and scientists as we work within public lands; recognizing how the issues of diversity and equity manifest in our community’s attitude and policies towards spousal hires, parental leave, and adjunct/contingency hires; and recognizing the different relationships that indigenous peoples and minorities have with the environment that inform the way that geoscientists relate to and train students for future opportunities in the workforce. We welcome contributions that highlight initiatives taken to address these challenges and those that propose innovative solutions to the challenges that we face in creating a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the population that we serve and support.

Our confirmed invited speaker is Catherine Coleman Flowers, a 2020 Macarthur Fellow, who is an environmental activist bringing attention to the largely invisible problem of inadequate waste and water sanitation in rural communities in the United States. She is an award-winning advocate for environmental health, and has recently published a book entitled Waste: One Woman’s Fight Against America’s Dirty Secret.

Please submit abstracts to T149 here: https://community.geosociety.org/gsa2021/program/technical/topical. The abstracts deadline is 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time, 20 July 2021.

*Our session is tentatively classified as “hybrid” such that that the talks can either be given virtually in live-time, or in person, and all that content will be available to an online audience. We also have the ability to do a pre-recorded video of talks in our session room instead of a live-time, online talk, and then have you connect by Zoom to the session to participate in the Q&A for your talk. This pre-recorded option is available to all speakers for all sessions, regardless if the session is officially designated as “hybrid” or not.

Thank you,

The T149 Session Organizers:
-- Elena A. Miranda (California State University Northridge)
-- Gabriela Mora-Klepeis (University of Vermont)
-- Aradhna Tripati (University of California Los Angeles (UCLA))
-- Catherine Flowers (Equal Justice Initiative)

3. AGU Surface Topography and Vegetation Union Session

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to this STV related Union Session:



Science and Technology Advancements towards Achieving Surface Topography and Vegetation Structure Measurements

In 2017 the Earth Science Decadal Survey recommended that NASA conduct activities to advance readiness for the Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Targeted Incubation Observable. In 2019, in response, NASA formed a Surface Topography and Vegetation Incubation Study Team, which identified science, applications and technology needs and gaps as well as maturation activities to achieve STV observations. The study concluded that a common set of 3-dimensional observations could meet many of the community needs serving a wide array of disciplines spanning the solid Earth, vegetation structure, cryosphere, hydrology, and coastal processes. The study further concluded that STV objectives would be best met by new observing strategies that employ flexible multi-source and sensor measurements from a variety of orbital and sub-orbital assets. Maturation activities to inform the design of a future STV observational system include modeling, simulation, and sensitivity studies, employing existing and newly acquired 3D data, along with focused advancements of lidar, radar, stereo photogrammetry, and information systems technologies. This session will focus on the maturation activities for STV. The complete STV white paper can be found at


Also, please feel free to promote through other channels.

Sincerely yours,

Andrea Donnellan and David Harding
STV Session Conveners
Andrea “Quake” Donnellan, PhD
Manager Instrument Systems Implementation & Concepts Section (382)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Staff Assistant: Erin Mitchell, erin.mitchell@jpl.nasa.gov

4. AGU 2021 session T020, Localization preceding catastrophic failure
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the AGU 2021 session T020, Localization preceding catastrophic failure.
Session Description:
Localization of deformation before large failure events is expected theoretically and observed in recent laboratory experiments and crustal data. Laboratory fracturing experiments show localization of acoustic emissions, coalescence of fractures, and clustering of shear and dilatational strain before macroscopic failures. Geophysical observations show progressive localization of seismicity and increasing clustering of events before several M > 7 events. Some frameworks including bifurcation theory and viscoelastic damage rheology analyze processes leading to localization. Improved understanding of evolving localization may enable tracking the approach to large failure events in the crust and other systems. We encourage contributions that quantify the localization of deformation, including fractures, faults, acoustic emissions, strain components, seismicity, and geodetic data in numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and the crust. Students and early career scientists are especially invited to participate.
Invited Presentations: Chris Milliner, (Caltech/JPL, USA), Yuri Fialko (UCSD, USA)
Conveners: Jessica McBeck (Univ. of Oslo, Norway), Kristel Chanard (IPGP, France), Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC/SCEC, USA)
Abstract submission deadline: 4 August at 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT


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