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Multiple Announcements: Postdocs, Fellowships, and a GSA Session

Date: 07/02/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Three Postdoctoral Fellowships in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity at the SSM-School for Advanced Studies of the University of Naples
2. Two Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Seismology Available at SUSTech, China
3. JAMSTEC Young Research Fellow 2022
4. GSA Topical Session: T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales.
5. Postdoctoral Position in Active Tectonics Group at the University of California, Berkeley


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1. Three Postdoctoral Fellowships in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity at the SSM-School for Advanced Studies of the University of Naples

The call for applications for three postdoctoral fellowships in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity iat the SSM-School for Advanced Studies of the University of Naples is now available at:


The research programme will focus on the development of new methodological approaches for the study, management and control of complex systems, the design and engineering of resilient systems and the analysis and management of risks (natural, anthropogenic, industrial and na-tech) and cascading effects. The programme focuses on the integrated description and management of phenomena affecting complex systems and the risks to which they are exposed, in different application domains, through the use of methods for mathematical, stochastic, computational and data-driven modelling.

The programme should be characterised by a strongly multi- and inter-disciplinary approach, based on the theory of dynamical systems and control, the study of complex systems, infrastructures and networks, the theory of reliability for the modelling of uncertainty, the analysis and management of risks deriving from natural and anthropic phenomena on complex and interdependent systems and the study of their emerging properties and domino and cascade effects.

The candidate's activity should lie in at least one of the following three multidisciplinary research areas

(i) modelling, analysis and control of non-linear, uncertain, complex and multi-agent systems

(ii) stochastic modelling and reliability theory

(iii) Modelling and analysis of natural, Na-Tech, man-made and industrial hazards.

The winners will carry out their research at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale of the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in close collaboration with the research groups already involved in the activities of the PhD students active there. They will also be required to engage in the teaching and tutoring activities of the School, by either giving courses at PhD level or undergraduate level for the students of the School.

Each fellowship is 1 year long (renewable up to 3 years) with a yearly gross salary of EUR 35,000.
Deadline for applications: 31st July 2021 at 2pm CET.

For any further information you can check the related PhD program website at
or contact us via email at merc@unina.it

2. Two Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Seismology Available at SUSTech, China

The Earth and Space Sciences department at SUSTech (http://ess.sustc.edu.cn/Index-index.html) is looking for two postdoctoral researchers in seismology, including various directions focusing on understanding earthquake/volcano/landslide physics and imaging deep earth structure. The initial contract for successful applications would be for two years. Reappointment or promotion to be assistant/associate research professor is possible, subject to work performance and satisfactory progress.

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in geophysics or a related field at the time of appointment. Previous experience in any of the following areas are welcome but not required: processing/analysis of broadband seismic data and geodetic data, source inversion and imaging, earthquake/landslide/volcano dynamic simulation, earthquake detection and relocation, imaging of crust and mantle structure, and/or computational seismology and numerical simulations of the seismic wavefield.

The salary for this position will depend on experience but will begin at about ¥335,000 (~$52K) per year including health care benefits, with additional research support of ¥25,000 per year. Outstanding applications can apply for Chancellor’s postdoctoral fellowship with a salary up to about ¥500,000 (~$77K) per year and the young postdoc project in Shenzhen (about ¥600,000 life support). Successful applicants are also encouraged to apply for research funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI and/or co-PI) to conduct scientific work independently on related research topics.

For more information or to apply for the position, please contact Dr. Lingling Ye (yell@sustech.edu.cn; http://ess.sustc.edu.cn/Case-detail-id-100.html). To apply, please send a CV (including education/work experience, list of publications), a short (2-5 pages) statement of research interests, and the names and contact information of at least two academic references to yell@sustech.edu.cn. Review of applications will begin in August and will continue until positions are filled. The start date is flexible, but January 2022 or earlier is preferred.

3. JAMSTEC Young Research Fellow 2022:

JAMSTEC Young Research Fellow 2022

Closing date: August 16, 2021 at 13:00 in Japan time
For further information, please visit our website:

JAMSTEC Young Research Fellow Recruiting Team

4. GSA Topical Session: T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales.

Dear Colleagues,

We welcome submissions to the GSA Topical session:
T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales.

Brief description: This cross-disciplinary session on extensional systems welcomes presentations on structure, geochemistry, geophysics, geomorphology, hazards, and modeling that aim to understand linkages and feedbacks between processes and hazards in the solid Earth, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Abstract deadline: 20 July 2021, 11:59 PM, Pacific Time
To submit abstracts: https://community.geosociety.org/gsa2021/program/technical
GSA Connects 2021 in Portland will also offer online options. More information is available at: https://community.geosociety.org/gsa2021/information/about

Confirmed Invited Speakers & Topics:
Cynthia Ebinger (Tulane University): Testing rift linkage and plume models with new data from the Turkana Depression
Folarin Kolawole (BP America): How Do Continental Rifts Grow
James Biemiller (University of Texas at Austin): Linking tectonics/geology/geodesy to earthquake cycle models to better understand earthquake hazard potential in active rifts

Patricia Persaud (Louisiana State University)
Jolante van Wijk (Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Tech)
Abah Omale (BP)
Jackson Borchardt (Rice University)

Endorsers: GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA Energy Geology Division

Submissions from early-career scientists are strongly encouraged.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting in Portland, Oregon in October!

Patricia, Jolante, Abah and Jackson

5. Postdoctoral Position in Active Tectonics Group at the University of California, Berkeley:

I hope to find a new Postdoctoral Scholar in the Active Tectonics Group at UC Berkeley, starting in the Fall of 2021. Topics of interest include viscoelastic modeling of transient crustal deformation of subduction zone systems and time-dependent surface loading processes, constrained by space-geodetic observations. The initial appointment is for one year with possibility of renewal.

Candidates must have a PhD in Geophysics or related field by the time of hire. Candidates should have strong quantitative skills and interest in crustal deformation observations and modeling, as well as good communication skills.

Applications via e-mail should include: 1) A cover letter/e-mail describing your academic qualifications, motivations and research interests; 2) A curriculum vitae; and 3) Contact information for three references.

Review of applications will begin on July 15th and continue until the position is filled.Please contact Roland Bürgmann (burgmann@seismo.berkeley.edu) to apply or with questions regarding the position.




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