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USGS NSHM User-Needs Workshop: Save the dates - June 28-30, 2021

Date: 06/08/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

The USGS is hosting a user-needs workshop for the upcoming 2023 National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM). Unlike previous NSHM user-needs workshops, this one will primarily focus on needs that affect/change the scientific development of the NSHM. For example, user needs for longer-period ground motions have led to incorporation of basin effects in the NSHM. The workshop will be held June 28, 29, and 30 from 1 to 2:30pmMountain Daylight Time (MDT). Please see agenda below.

In lieu of RSVPs for the workshop, the organizers are asking interested parties to sign up for our NSHM email list (i.e., if you've already received an email directly from the NSHM list, you're already signed up). All information about the workshops (the user needs, and other upcoming workshops), will be sent through the email list -- including the MS Teams links needed to participate. To sign up for the email list, visit: https://listserv.usgs.gov/mailman/listinfo/nshmp_workshops

If you have any questions about the user-needs workshop, please reach out to Ben Mason (hmason@contractor.usgs.gov) or Nico Luco (nluco@usgs.gov) at the USGS. For more information about other past or future NSHM workshops, please visit this webpage.

NSHM User Needs Workshop Agenda (Tentative as of 09 June 2021)
June 28-30, 2021
1 to 2:30 pm MDT

Day 1: June 28 -- Overview of the 2023 NSHM: Current development activities and priorities

Time Topic(s)
1-1:10 Welcome, workshop goals
1:10-1:30 Overview of 2023 NSHM
• 50-state update, schedule, other workshops
• Source and ground motion modeling updates
• New uncertainty quantification
• Research models
• 2026 NSHM for territories
1:30-1:50 Products and dissemination of 2023 NSHM
• Documentation
• nshmp-haz models
• Data releases
• NSHM Hazard Tool
1:50-2:20 Group Q&A, Discussion
2:20-2:30 Closing thoughts

Day 2: June 29 -- Discussion of NSHM uncertainty quantification, short return-period ground motions, and primary products

Time Topic(s)
1-1:10 Welcome, Day 1 summary, Day 2 goals
1:10-1:20 Intro to Day 2 User Needs
1:20-1:40 Breakout Session presentations:
• Uncertainty quantification
• Short return-period ground motions (aka, time-dependence and declustering)
• Primary products, delivery, and current priorities
1:40-2:10 Breakout Session discussions
2:10-2:20 Summary of Day 2 user needs
2:20-2:30 Closing thoughts

Day 3: June 30 -- Discussion of NSHM scenarios, ground-motion intensity measures, and derivative/secondary products

Time Topic(s)
1-1:10 Welcome, Day 2 summary, Day 3 goals
1:10-1:20 Intro to Day 3 User Needs
1:20-1:40 Breakout Session presentations:
• Ground-motion and impact scenarios
• Additional ground-motion intensity measures
• Derivative/secondary products, delivery, and current priorities
1:40-2:10 Breakout Session discussions
2:10-2:20 Summary of Day 3 user needs
2:20-2:30 Closing thoughts, next steps

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