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Multiple Announcements: PhD and Postdoctoral Opportunities, COMET Webinar, and Seismica Initiative

Date: 05/24/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. 4-Year PhD Program in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity, University of Naples
2. Postdoctoral position open at GFZ Potsdam, Germany
3. Editorial recruiting - please consider supporting the Seismica initiative
4. COMET+ webinar - Asst. Prof. Endra Gunawan - Fri 28th May 2pm UK time


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1. 4-Year PhD Program in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity, University of Naples:


The Call for Applications for the 4 year PhD Program in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity of the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (a brand new School for Advanced Studies in Naples) is now out and available at




We are looking for bright and ambitious students from any area of Mathematics, Science and Engineering to join this exciting new program.

6 fully funded 4-year scholarships are available this year

Each scholarship includes a stipend of EUR 19,000 per year which is increased by 50% when the student is spending time abroad
Students expected to spend at least 9-12 months abroad during their PhD.
Each Scholarship also includes approx EUR 4,000 for research costs/travel per year

Applicants must submit a brief scientific report (description of their MSc thesis work, CV, personal statement and reference letters) following the instructions provided at the website above by no later than 1st July 2021.

Successful candidates will be announced the end of July 2020 with course officially starting on 2nd November 2021.

For any further information contact the PhD Coordinator, Prof Mario di Bernardo, at
merc@unina.it or check out the PhD website at:


2. Postdoctoral position open at GFZ Potsdam, Germany:

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for geosphere research. As a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres we are part of the largest scientific organization in Germany. With approximately 1,300 employees our key mission is to secure a profound understanding of the systems and processes of solid Earth, to develop strategies and options for action in addressing global change and its impacts on a regional level, to understand natural hazards and to minimize associated risks, to ensure the sustainable provision of energy and raw materials for a high-tech society and to evaluate the influence of human activity on system Earth.

As a partner in Geo.X, the GFZ has access to an excellent network of other geoscience institutions in Potsdam and Berlin. This largest regional concentration of geoscientific competence in Europe offers first-class cooperation and development opportunities.

For section 4.2 "Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling" we are looking for a:

Postdoctoral position in Seismology and fault mechanics (f/m/x)
Reference Number 5201

Earthquake source characterization and directivity effects near Istanbul : Implications for seismic hazard
The main objective of this project is to analyze the earthquake source properties and the directivity effects of seismicity from the western portion of the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey. There, the permanent downhole geophysical observatory ICDP-GONAF is fully operating and complemented with additional permanent and temporary seismic deployments to improve the seismic coverage. Due to the proximity of the megacity of Istanbul, the project has important implications for the seismic hazard assessment of Istanbul and the constraint of most plausible scenarios for the rupture of a large (M>6.5) earthquake. The main results will be compared with analogous results from similar tectonic setting in southern California where a denser seismic network is available. The project will benefit from the interaction and collaboration with scientists at the GFZ Potsdam, Ruhr-Universität Bochum and University of Southern California.
Your responsibilities:
• Developing the main scientific body of the project, including the estimation of source parameters of earthquakes in Marmara, resolving the directivity effects and estimating the corresponding seismic hazard and consequent risk
• Collaborating with national and international scientific partners
• Wraping-up and publishing research results in ISI peer reviewed journals
• Participating in field campaigns including deployment and maintenance of seismic stations abroad
• Presenting scientific results in national and international conferences
Your qualifications:
We welcome applications from candidates who fulfill the following criteria:
• Completed research oriented University Degree, such as a Master degree in a relevant field (e.g. Geophysics, Physics)
• Completed a PhD with a focus on seismology, fault mechanics and/or seismic hazard aspects
• Strong programming ability (Matlab, Python)
• A good command of English (both verbal and written)
• Dedication and enthusiasm for research
• Motivation to work in an interdisciplinary and international team

Start date: 1st August 2021
Fixed-term: 2 years
Salary: The position is classed as salary group 13 according to “TVöD Bund (Tarifgebiet Ost)”. The salary group is determined on the basis of the Collective Wage Agreement and the respective personal qualifications.
Working hours: Full-time (currently 39 h/week); The position is, in principle, suitable for part-time employment.
Place of work: Potsdam

3. Editorial recruiting - please consider supporting the Seismica initiative:

Dear colleagues,

Seismica is a community-led effort to build a Diamond Open Access journal for seismology and earthquake science, launching in early 2022. Diamond Open Access journals are peer-reviewed, free for all to read, without subscriptions, and do not charge article processing fees to authors. They are supported by donations (if needed) and community efforts and make use of open-source software for handling submissions. There are several successful examples of such journals, including Volcanica (http://jvolcanica.org), which has operated for three years, and provides a template that we wish to follow.

Our plan is that the scope of Seismica will be broad, covering the full gamut of topics related to seismology and earthquakes (Earth structure, instrumentation, faulting and the earthquake source, engineering seismology, risk reduction and communication, education, and more). Along with research articles, we intend to publish short, observation-driven reports of earthquakes, reports of instrument deployments and networks, and null-results, providing a place where these important studies can be reviewed and published openly.

One important goal of Seismica is to ensure global representation among its editors and reviewers. We are currently forming an editorial selection committee to recruit 8 editors from diverse backgrounds. We strive to represent the full community of researchers in seismology and earthquake science. We are writing to ask you to consider nominating your colleagues or yourself to the editorial selection committee. To do so please email us at info@seismica.org. Alternatively please submit an application for an editorial position once the currently formed committee announces a call.

If you would like to be informed about developments with Seismica, please consider joining our mailing list (by visiting our website at http://seismica.org). In addition, you are invited to join our Slack workspace (please contact us to be invited), where a community of over 160 contributors is involved in discussions about the building of this new journal. Lastly, we would appreciate all efforts to communicate this message further to your colleagues and collaborators.
For more information about Seismica and Diamond Open Access publishing, see this recent EGU blog post (https://bit.ly/3uA6toq) with an extended description of Seismica’s aims and origins. Feel free to contact us any time via email (info@seismica.org) or via Twitter (@WeAreSeismica).

4. COMET+ webinar - Asst. Prof. Endra Gunawan - Fri 28th May 2pm UK time:

Dear Colleagues,

COMET (The Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tectonics) invites you to the next instalment of our COMET+ webinar series, viewable from the home office.
Coming up:

Present-day Crustal Deformation of Java, Indonesia, using GPS data: Challenge and Opportunities for Research Activities
Friday 28th May 2021 at 2pm UK time (1pm UTC / 3pm CEST / 8pm Western Indonesia time / 6am PDT)

Asst. Prof. Endra Gunawan
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Please register at: https://universityofleeds.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_z75jSI-LQACFW2Xeac...
(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to join the webinar)

As one of the most populated islands in Indonesia, research on active tectonics in Java is still lacking. Furthermore, other than the destructive 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake, there were no other significant earthquakes that occurred and damaged cities in Java.
Nonetheless, active inland faults in Java exist from west to east of Java with slip rate varied between 1-6 mm/yr. Notice that those recent scientific findings suggest that the active inland faults are through big cities in Java, such as Jakarta, Semarang and also Surabaya. Subduction zone located in southern Java is also prone to future megathrust earthquakes.
In this seminar, we are going to share those scientific findings and discuss the present-day crustal deformation of Java based on GPS data. In addition, we will also discuss some issues related with the challenge and opportunities of conducting research in this particular region.

The COMET+ webinar series promotes research by collaborators of COMET scientists. We aim to provide a platform for these researchers to showcase their work to large and international audiences, opening doors to broader collaborative networks and enhancing the community’s diversity of backgrounds and ideas.

Catch up on past COMET and COMET+ webinars on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtFDytX1hgjvlS4NH48M2oQ/videos


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