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Multiple Announcements: CIG Distinguished Speakers Host Applications and Post-graduate position at INGV

Date: 04/28/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. 2021-2022 CIG Distinguished Speakers: Host Applications now being accepted
2. Post-graduate position in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Modeling at INGV (Bologna, Italy)


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1. 2021-2022 CIG Distinguished Speakers: Host Applications now being accepted:

Dear Community,
We are excited to introduce the 2021-2022 CIG Distinguished Speakers:
Climate, Tectonics, and Planetary Life
Adrian Lenardic, Rice University
The Structure of Oceanic Plates using Machine Learning on Seafloor Vibrations
Tolulope Olugboji**, University of Rochester
The CIG Speakers Series seeks to promote computational modeling in geodynamics and related Earth science disciplines. Speakers are drawn from a diverse pool of experts with exceptional capability to communicate the power of computation for understanding the dynamic forces that shape the surface and operate in the interior of our planet. Lectures are aimed at a broad scientific audience suitable for departmental or university colloquia series, and similar venues. Institutions with strong math and computational science departments or with diverse populations that are underrepresented in STEM are encouraged to apply
Speakers will be available to meet with students and faculty during their visit. We encourage applications to host speakers from a wide range of disciplines and undergraduate institutions that increase the diversity of our community. The program will be adjusted for the 2021-2022 academic year according to COVID-19 restrictions in place to meet the goals of the program and its participants.
Interested in hosting speaker? More information can be found on our website:
Apply before June 1, 2021 for full consideration by sending an inquiry to:
Please feel to forward and share this email with others.

2. Post-graduate position in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Modeling at INGV (Bologna, Italy):

To expand our modeling capabilities, we seek a modeler/researcher with a strong quantitative background and a distinct interest in tsunami hazard analysis. The research activity will be carried out within the Italian project “Assessment of Cascading Events triggered by the Interaction of Natural Hazards and Technological Scenarios involving the release of Hazardous Substances” and in collaboration with similar activities carried out within the Tsunami Alert Centre of INGV (CAT-INGV, https://www.ingv.it/cat/en/).
The position – offered at the postgraduate level – is open for an initial duration of two years.
English is the working language in this research group. Knowledge of Italian is not required.
Completed applications will be accepted up to May 10, 2021
More information is available at the following links:
- (English version) https://bit.ly/32JrMaV
- (Italian version) https://bit.ly/3vf8y98
- (call website) https://bit.ly/3gzYFPo

Specific questions about this post-graduate fellowship position can be addressed to Jacopo Selva (jacopo.selva@ingv.it)

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