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Multiple Announcements: Postdoctoral Positions at Penn State and KAUST

Date: 03/31/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Two Postdoc Openings in Computational Earthquake Seismology at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
2. Postdoctoral Position at Penn State Ultrasonics Lab (PennSUL) and Rock Mechanics Lab


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1. Two Postdoc Openings in Computational Earthquake Seismology at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST):

We have two open positions for postdoctoral fellows to strengthen our multicultural team in Computational Earthquake Seismology (CES) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, http://www.kaust.edu.sa).
The two openings are within the broad domain of earthquake seismology, targeting two specific focus areas: (a) seismic-wave simulations in 3D Earth to investigate processes related to earthquake-induced landslides; (b) 3D dynamic rupture simulations on complex-geometry fault systems. Both positions are embedded in international collaborative research project with partner universities in Europe (e.g. LMU Munich; ETH Zurich; IPG Paris; ITC Univ. Twente), and fully funded by KAUST for generally up to three years. The research in both areas will build on and extend ongoing studies, and involve large-scale high-performance computing on KAUST’s Supercomputer Shaheen II and its peripheral infrastructure.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in geophysics, physics, engineering, or computational sciences. Successful candidates must have strong analytical skills, and experience in programming, data analysis, geophysical modeling, and visualization. Good interpersonal skills, willingness to work in a team of several researchers and students, and ability to present at international conferences are expected. Fluency in English and strong communication skills in speaking and writing are required. We seek applicants with a good record of publications in peer-reviewed international high-impact journals. Continuation of ongoing research and/or branching out into related fields is possible to develop a solid international research portfolio. Independence and strong motivation for innovative science are expected.

The CES research group (https://ces.kaust.edu.sa) is part of the Earth Sciences & Engineering program in the Division of Physical Sciences & Engineering at KAUST (http://pse.kaust.edu.sa), an international, graduate university dedicated to advancing science and technology through interdisciplinary research, education, and innovation. Located at the shores of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, KAUST offers superb research facilities, steady research funding, and internationally competitive salaries. The university attracts top international faculty, scientists, engineers, and students to conduct fundamental and goal-oriented research to address the world’s pressing scientific and technological challenges related to the energy, environment, water, food, and sustainability.

KAUST scientists have access to the on-site super-computer, high-end workstations, and advanced data processing & visualization facilities. In addition, we closely collaborate within the Earth Science and the Energy Resources programs, other programs in the PSE and CEMSE Divisions at KAUST, as well as with national and international institutions. The successful candidate will receive an experience-dependent salary; free relocation tickets for the postdoc and family; an end of service payment based on the Saudi labor law at the time of leaving KAUST; generous leave benefits; free housing up to 2 bedroom townhouse based on family size of up to 2 children (3BH townhouse with rent for families with more than 2 children), free local medical insurance for all eligible dependents and free schooling at the on-campus school for up to 2 children are supported by KAUST (subsidized school fees for third child onwards). Information on Community Life at KAUST can be found at https://www.kaust.edu.sa/en/live/community-life.

To apply: please email a single PDF with your CV, list of publications, statement of research interests, and names & addresses of at least two referees to Prof. P. Martin Mai (martin.mai@kaust.edu.sa). The CES research team aims to increase the number of women and other underrepresented groups in STEM. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to the candidates from such groups. Selection for positions will start immediately, and continue until positions are filled.

2. Postdoctoral Position at Penn State Ultrasonics Lab (PennSUL) and Rock Mechanics Lab:

Penn State Ultrasonics Lab (PennSUL) and Rock Mechanics Lab is looking for a postdoctoral researcher with multi-disciplinary interests and experience in ultrasonics, mechanics-based modelling and laboratory rock deformation/permeability testing. The research involves acoustic emission, ultrasonic data acquisition and processing, working with servo-hydraulic testing machines, flow and permeability measurements, X-ray computed tomography imaging, machine learning, fracture mechanics and micro-mechanical modelling.
The project is led by Parisa Shokouhi (parisa@psu.edu), Jacques Rivière (riviere@psu.edu), Chris Marone (marone@psu.edu) and Derek Elsworth (elsworth@psu.edu). The successful candidate will work with graduate students and co-lead research activities focused on illuminating the mechanisms that relate ultrasonic, hydraulic and frictional properties of fractured rocks (see Shokouhi et al. Geophysical Research Letters 2020 https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083557). We encourage applications from researchers with backgrounds in geomechanics, mechanics-based modelling, elastic wave mechanics, acoustics and geophysics. Experience in experimental design and execution is required.
A Ph.D. in a relevant field is required by the date of hire. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The Pennsylvania State University takes an active role in building a talented, inclusive, and culturally diverse workforce. We understand that our shared future is guided by basic principles of fairness and mutual respect. Applicants should share this commitment to fostering diversity and equity with the goal of creating an inclusive and productive workplace environment.
Please include: 1) a cover letter of interest; 2) CV including a complete publication list; and 3) three references.
Inquiries about the position can be sent to Parisa Shokouhi (parisa@psu.edu). Additional information about Penn State Ultrasonics Lab (PennSUL) and Rock Mechanics Lab can be found here:


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