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Multiple Announcements: Caltech Postdoc Opportunity and UC Davis SMORES Program (Undergraduate)

Date: 03/03/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Cecil & Sally Drinkward Postdoctoral Research Scholar Position in Civil Engineering at Caltech
2. Zuckerman PostDoctoral Fellowships Application at the University of Haifa, Israel


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1. Cecil & Sally Drinkward Postdoctoral Research Scholar Position in Civil Engineering at Caltech:

The Mechanical and Civil Engineering (MCE) Department at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a Cecil & Sally Drinkward postdoctoral research scholar position in civil engineering. The intent of the program is to support innovative early career scientists in making a significant, original research contribution. The potential research areas include (but are not limited to) mechanics of solids and fluids, granular matter, geohazards, materials science and engineering, energy, structural sensing systems, infrastructure systems, and their control, resilience, and sustainability. The postdoctoral research scholars are expected to concentrate on their research and writing; collaborate with the MCE and Caltech research community; mentor graduate and undergraduate students; and give public seminars/lectures on their research.

The duration of the appointment is one year, with a start date in September 1, 2021, an annual stipend of $60,000, and a research expense fund of $5,000. One-year reappointment is possible subject to performance and availability of funds. Only those who have received their Ph.D. after September 1, 2018 and do not hold a tenure-track position are eligible to apply. All fellows must have successfully defended their dissertations prior to the commencement of the appointment.

The application review will begin on March 25, 2021 and continue until the position is filled. To apply, candidates should submit the following materials at https://applications.caltech.edu/job/drinkward:
• Curriculum vitae;
• One-page statement of research interests that, in part, reflects on the relation of the applicant’s interests to the ongoing research in MCE and identifies potential MCE faculty hosts;
• One or two research papers or dissertation chapters related to the candidate’s major research theme;
• Three confidential letters of reference submitted by the letter writers directly to the web portal.

If there are any questions about the application process, please contact drinkward-pd@caltech.edu.

2. Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Computational Geodynamics:

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to bring to your attention the 2021 Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) Summer MOdeling Research Experiences (SMOREs) program. This program provides financially supported training and research opportunities in computational geodynamics, with research projects focused on numerical modeling of tectonic processes on Earth and other planets within our solar system.
The training and research projects involve a wide range of disciplines and skill sets, including advanced data analysis, best practices in programming, designing simulations to test hypotheses, statistical model validation, and use of high-performance computing resources. Combined, these tools will be used to address such fundamental questions as “What controls deformation at tectonic plate boundaries?”, “How does magma move and evolve within tectonic plates?”, and “How is convection within extraterrestrial planets different from Earth?”.
Participants will be matched with host mentors from a nationwide network that includes UC Davis, UC San Diego, JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) New Mexico Tech, Washington State University, and the University of Idaho.
Support will be provided through a weekly stipend plus travel costs to host sites. Additional support is available for housing costs and to present at a professional meeting such as AGU.
We are particularly interested in applications from underrepresented groups and students that have faced challenges in finding computational research opportunities. Please feel free to forward.
Please see our website for more information and eligibility requirements before applying: https://geodynamics.org/cig/events/calendar/2021-smores/?eID=1912
Applications Close: April 5, 2021
Notifications Begin: May 1, 2021

Best Regards,
John Naliboff & Lorraine Hwang


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