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Multiple Announcements: Postdoctoral positions at GFZ Potsdam and Cornell, CORS Analyst Positions, and NASA UAS Survey

Date: 01/27/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Postdoctoral position at GFZ Potsdam
2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Seismic Imaging, Cornell University
3. New CORS Analyst Positions at NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
4. NASA UAS Workshop Interest Survey


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1. Postdoctoral position at GFZ Potsdam:

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for geosphere research. As a member of the Helmholtz Association we are part of the largest German scientific organization. With around 1,300 employees we develop a sound understanding of the systems and processes of the solid Earth as well as strategies and options for action to face global change and its regional impacts, to understand natural hazards and reduce associated risks, and to assess the influence of humans on the Earth's system.

As a partner in Geo.X, the GFZ has access to an excellent network of other geoscience institutions in Potsdam and Berlin. This largest regional concentration of geoscientific competence in Europe offers first-class cooperation and development opportunities.
For section 4.2 "Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling" (Department 4 "Geosystems"), we are looking for a:

Postdoctoral Geophysicist/Seismologist (f/m/x)
Reference Number 4705
Helmholtz Youg Investigators Group "SAIDAN: seismic and aseismic deformation in the brittle crust"
The Helmholtz Young Investigators Group SAIDAN aims at:
(1) Generating a thorough, quantitative understanding on deformation processes ranging from aseismic slip to brittle failure in earthquakes.
(2) Characterizing precursory processes preceding the occurrence of large and moderate earthquakes in relation to both plate-bounding transform faults and reservoir engineering activities.
These processes are investigated across a wide range of scales and environments from large strike-slip plate boundary faults to geological reservoirs producing resources from the subsurface.
Your responsibilities:
• application of novel signal-detection techniques to create high resolution catalogs of seismic and low-frequency signals
• integrate seismic waveforms with other complementary data to characterize the entire bandwidth of deformation processes
• willingness to perform fieldwork for deployment and maintenance of seismic stations
• publish research results in peer-review ISI journals
Your qualifications:
• Master's degree and PhD in Geophysics with a strong focus on either seismology, seismo-mechanics or seismo-geodesy
• experience in novel earthquake detection and/or location techniques (e.g. machine learning, fingerprints, deep learning)
• ability to perform complete analysis of deformation processes from seismic to aseismic
• field work experience will be valued
• excellent programming skills
• ability to publish shown by a track record of publications
• experience in proposal writing would be a plus, willingness to apply for follow-up projects
• ability to work both independently and in a team environment with collaborations to national and international colleagues
• fuency in spoken and written English is a prerequisite, basics of the German language would be helpful

Start date: as soon as possible
Fixed-term: 3 years
Salary: This position has been assessed as being salary group 13 according to “TVöD Bund (Tarifgebiet Ost)”. The salary group will be determined by the conditions of the collective wage agreement and the appropriate personal qualifications.
Working hours: full-time (currently 39 h/week); The position is, in principle, suitable for part-time employment.
Place of work: Potsdam

What we offer:
• ambitious and varied tasks in a dynamic and international research environment
• state-of-the-art equipment
• public service benefits
• extensive training opportunities
• professional career advice offered by our in-house Career-Centr
• flexible working hours and conditions
• support with finding a good work-life balance offered by benefit@work
• institute day-care centre on site
• working at the Albert Einstein science park on the Telegrafenberg in Potsdam
• in walking distance of Potsdam main station, or just a short ride on the shuttle bus
Did we pique your interest?
If so, we are looking forward to receiving your application by the 1st February 2021. Please use our online application form only.


Equal opportunities are an integral part of our personnel policy. We therefore very much welcome applications from qualified women. In the case of equal aptitude, severely disabled persons are given preferential consideration in accordance with the Code of Social Law IX.
Your personal data will be treated in line with Art. 6 (1b) and Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with § 26 BbgDSG during the selection process. After the selection process has been concluded, your application documents will be deleted, in line with data protection regulation.
In case of any further queries relating to the role’s responsibilities, please contact Dr. Martínez-Garzón on patricia.martinez.garzon@gfz-potsdam.de. If you have any general questions about the application process, please contact Ms Poralla on +49 (0) 331-288-28787

2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Seismic Imaging, Cornell University:

The Cornell Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences has an opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher with interests in imaging with broadband and high-frequency seismic arrays. Several arrays have been deployed across subduction zones in recent years, allowing high-resolution full-wavefield sampling of complex structure in the thrust zone, volcanic arc and underlying mantle of these critical regions. The postdoctoral researcher will make use of these data and modern computational methods, emphasizing recently-collected onshore and offshore arrays from Alaska and Cascadia. The specifics of the project are flexible depending on the applicant’s interest and experience.

Candidates must hold a PhD in geophysics or a related field by the time of hire. The successful applicant should have experience with the analysis of earthquake seismic waveforms for earth structure, and a strong record of peer-reviewed publication. The postdoc will be part of an active group in geophysics and will be involved in mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants from underrepresented groups in earth sciences are particularly encouraged to apply. The position is initially for one year, and renewable depending upon performance.

Applicants should submit a CV listing their qualifications along with a statement of research interests and a cover letter which includes contact information for three professional references, to https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17960. Review of applications will start on February 15, 2021. Please contact Geoff Abers (abers@cornell.edu) for more information.

Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities. We also recognize a lawful preference in employment practices for Native Americans living on or near Indian reservations. Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students, and staff impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose, and contribute creative ideas to further the university's mission of teaching, discovery, and engagement.

3. New CORS Analyst Positions at NOAA's National Geodetic Survey:

We are pleased to announce that NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is seeking two candidates to work within our Continuously Operating GNSS Reference Station (CORS) Branch to help us run the NOAA CORS Network. The descriptions, qualifications, and application processes are described at the following links on USAJobs:




Note the closing date for these positions is February 15th, 2021.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to individuals who may be interested in applying.

4. NASA UAS Workshop Interest Survey:

Dear Colleagues,

NASA ESI (Earth Surface and Interior) and ESTO (Earth Science and Technology Office) are hosting a UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Workshop.

The purpose of the NASA UAS workshop is to determine the impact that UAS have or could have in current and future Solid-Earth Science missions and projects. This includes the level of science being produced, the needs of the community, new concepts such as coordination with space and ground assets, legal limitations, and technological limitations of different platforms, sensors, and software. This workshop will be used to gather community input so that NASA ESI and ESTO can better address and support the progress of UAS science and technology as well as consider other collaborative opportunities.

This will be a virtual meeting. Tentatively dates are Tuesday, March 9th through Thursday, March 11th, 1100-1700 EST. Please save these initial dates on your calendars if you are interested in attending and we will inform the mailing list of any changes that may occur.

The virtual workshop will include key invited presentations, moderated discussions and breakout rooms.

Feel free to forward this email to any other interested parties.

Please express your interest and join our mailing list by filling out this survey before Jan 29, 2021. You are encouraged to express interest early to avoid a possible attendance cutoff.


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