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Multiple SSA Announcements

Date: 01/13/2021

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following SSA announcements:

1. SSA 2021 session: Fault Displacement Hazard: New Data and Modeling Advances
2. Updating the US National Seismic Hazard Models
3. Recent Engineering Uses of National Seismic Hazard Models


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1. SSA 2021 session: Fault Displacement Hazard: New Data and Modeling Advances:

Greetings SCEC community,

We invite you to submit an abstract to the session "Fault Displacement Hazard: New Data and Modeling Advances” of the virtual 2021 Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting (April 19-23, 2021). We hope to stimulate discussions about fault displacement hazard and presentations of recent proceedings in data and models. The deadline to submit abstracts is January 13, 2021 at 5 p.m. PST.

Fault Displacement Hazard: New Data and Modeling Advances
Coseismic fault displacements resulting from earthquakes can cause significant damage to the built world. Fault displacement hazard quantification presents an especially important challenge for distributed infrastructures that span long distances, such as railways, or that densely cover wide areas, such as gas distribution systems. For these types of infrastructure, fault crossings can not always be avoided and present a threat that is often difficult to mitigate. In spite of the risks it poses, fault displacement hazard is poorly constrained, partly due to the scarcity of detailed fault-displacement observations. In this session, we welcome presentations on topics that support the development of the next generation probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis (PFDHA) models. PFDHA requires the integration of the best available information and science from fault rupture physics and rheology while accounting for region-specific geology, seismicity and tectonic setting of the study area. Topics of interest for this session include: (i) new fault displacement datasets; (ii) recent advances in surface deformation imaging that facilitate the gathering and interpretation of detailed fault displacement data; (iii) emergent techniques for dynamic rupture modeling that support a better physical understanding of this complex natural phenomenon; and (iv) new engineering modeling approaches that integrate information from several disciplines and take into account variability and uncertainty quantification.

We hope to see you there!

Abstract submission: https://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/submission-system/

Yousef Bozorgnia (yousefbozorgnia@ucla.edu), University of California, Los Angeles
Christine A. Goulet (cgoulet@usc.edu), Southern California Earthquake Center
Yongfei Wang (yongfeiw@usc.edu), Southern California Earthquake Center

2. Updating the US National Seismic Hazard Models:

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Models (NSHMs) are a bridge between best-available earthquake science and public policy. Over the next few years, the National Seismic Hazard Model Project (NSHMP) will publish updates to three model regions: Hawaii, the conterminous U.S. (CONUS) and Alaska. This effort will bring NSHMs for all 50 states in line with current data and modeling approaches. Although the CONUS NSHM was updated in 2018, the Alaska seismic hazard model was last updated in 2007 and Hawaii in 1998. Over the next few years, the NSHMP will evaluate the new NGA-Subduction GMMs for use in the Cascadia and Aleutian arc subduction zones. It will also consider deep basin effects in other locations with high population density as it did for Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Salt Lake City in the 2018 CONUS update. New ground motion modeling approaches (e.g. simulation-based, non-ergodic) also require attention.

For this session, we invite contributions on current and future NSHM components. Example topics include: Atlantic and Gulf Coast and other alternative site amplification models, new fault data and models, fault-system modeling (e.g. UCERF3), NGA-Subduction GMMs, physics-based (3D simulation) ground motion model validation and implementation, non-ergodic aleatory uncertainty, basin models, new geodetic data and inversions, M-area scaling relations, the Alaska megathrust geometry and recurrence and novel approaches to modeling and computing hazard and associated uncertainties. Although the session is largely focused on updates to U.S. models, much of what goes into modeling earthquake hazard has global applicability. We therefore also welcome submissions on the development and details of other NSHMs worldwide.

Please consider submitting an abstract (deadline Wednesday, January 13th).

Peter M. Powers, U.S. Geological Survey (pmpowers@usgs.gov)
Allison M. Shumway, U.S. Geological Survey (ashumway@usgs.gov)
Mark D. Petersen, U.S. Geological Survey (mpetersen@usgs.gov)
Sanaz Rezaeian, U.S. Geological Survey (srezaeian@usgs.gov)

3. Recent Engineering Uses of National Seismic Hazard Models:

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and agencies of several other countries have recently updated their National Seismic Hazard Models (NSHMs) and/or are in the process of doing so—e.g., GNS Science of New Zealand. Earthquake engineers are using these NSHMs and/or providing input on their development. For example, the 2018 USGS NSHM has been used for the "2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures," developed by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) for adoption into building codes throughout the United States. Through prior dialogue between the BSSC and USGS, the BSSC “Project 17” committee requested an expanded set of spectral acceleration periods and site conditions (i.e., 30-meter shear-wave velocities) for the 2018 NSHM. This BSSC request influenced the ground motion models and sedimentary basin depths incorporated by the USGS. Furthermore, BSSC review of preliminary results from the 2018 NSHM led to improvements to the modeling of basin effects. Similarly, the sixth generation of the NRCan NSHM is being used for the 2020 National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) and includes an expanded set of site conditions tailored to their use in the NBCC. GNS Science is updating its New Zealand NSHM and is including engineering users throughout their process. Concurrently, the New Zealand government is running a process to re-evaluate how NSHM results are used to meet building code goals. This session invites presentations on other recent engineering uses of and/or input on NSHMs, not only for construction codes but also seismic risk assessments and other engineering applications. In particular, we welcome contributions from international earthquake engineers and scientists who can more readily participate in the online-only format of this year’s SSA Annual Meeting.

Please consider submitting an abstract (deadline Wednesday, January 13th).

Nicolas Luco, U.S. Geological Survey (nluco@usgs.gov)
Michal Kolaj, Natural Resources Canada (michal.kolaj@canada.ca)
Sanaz Rezaeian, U.S. Geological Survey (srezaeian@usgs.gov)
Peter Powers, U.S. Geological Survey (pmpowers@usgs.gov)
Matthew Gerstenberger, GNS Science (m.gerstenberger@gns.cri.nz)
Ken Elwood, University of Auckland (k.elwood@auckland.ac.nz)


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