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Multiple Announcements: USGS National Seismic Hazard Map Fault Model Workshops, Grad Position at University of Alabama

Date: 10/09/2020

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. National Seismic Hazard Map: Fault Model Workshops
2. Graduate Student Position focused on East Antarctic Seismology


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1. National Seismic Hazard Map: Fault Model Workshops:

In advance of the planned 2023 release of the National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM), the USGS Earthquake Geology Working Group has drafted an updated source fault model and compiled an associated database of geologic slip rate information. A key goal in this update is an improved representation of known Quaternary active faults across the western US.

This effort represents internal USGS deliberations, along with critical input from State geological surveys. The USGS invites you to join us for a virtual workshop where the draft updates will be previewed to local and regional experts. A key goal of these workshop is to solicit feedback on the updates to the fault geometries and the geologic slip rate database. A draft agenda for each workshop is attached to this email.

The dates for the workshops are as follows:

Intermountain West: Tuesday, November 10th, tentatively 10 am – 3:50 pm Mountain time
California: Thursday, November 12th, tentatively 10 am – 1:15 pm Mountain time
Pacific Northwest: Tuesday, November 17th, tentatively 10 am – 1:15 pm Mountain time

Following the virtual gatherings, experts have until December 4, 2020 to provide the USGS with written feedback on the materials presented at the workshop. Feedback should be sent directly to Alex Hatem at ahatem@usgs.gov.

To attend the workshop, please RSVP using this link, and you will receive further instructions on how to access workshop materials and virtual workshop links. The workshop will be hosted via Microsoft Teams using the email provided on the RSVP form. The workshop materials will be posted from a USGS-hosted website that will be shared directly to email address provided on the RSVP form. Feel free to RSVP for either one or multiple workshops depending on your interest and expertise.

2. Graduate Student Position focused on East Antarctic Seismology:

The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Alabama (UA) seeks a motivated student who is interested in pursuing graduate studies in earthquake seismology. Full-time student support is available starting Fall 2021 to assist with projects focused on East Antarctic tectonics and seismicity (associated with NSF award 1914698). Possible research topics include, but are not limited to, seismic tomography, methods for Earth model comparison, and seismic event detection. Ph.D. applicants are preferred, but M.S. applicants are also welcome to apply. A strong background in mathematics and physics as well as excellent communication skills are required. Prior research experience and computer programming skills are beneficial.

Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae and cover letter to Dr. Samantha Hansen (shansen@geo.ua.edu). Candidates should also follow the application procedures outlined by the UA Graduate School (https://graduate.ua.edu/prospective-students/apply-now/), and applications received by January 15, 2021 will receive priority. Applicants from underrepresented and diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.


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